Late Charges on Residential Manufactured Homes

Posted By: lrabon

Late Charges on Residential Manufactured Homes - 11/14/02 07:13 PM

What is the rule on late charges on residential manufactured homes in South Carolina for a federally chartered institution?
Posted By: JulieB

Re: Late Charges on Residential Manufactured Homes - 11/15/02 05:32 PM

Below is from the SC Consumer Protection Code. The minimum and maximum late charges on loans is adjusted every two years. The last adjustment was effective July 1, 2002 and is $5.60 and $14.00

SECTION 37-3-203. Delinquency charges.

(1) With respect to a consumer loan including an open-end consumer loan pursuant to a lender credit card or similar arrangement, and any refinancings or consolidations of all such consumer loans, the parties may contract for a delinquency charge on any installment not paid in full within ten days after its due date, as originally scheduled or as deferred, in an amount, not exceeding five dollars which is not more than five percent of the unpaid amount of the installment.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) the lender may contract for and receive a minimum delinquency charge not to exceed forty percent of five dollars as adjusted pursuant to Section 37-1-109. The lender may contract for such a minimum charge even though the charge exceeds five percent of the unpaid amount of the installment.

(3) A statement in the agreement between the lender and the debtor to the effect that the lender may charge the maximum delinquency charge (or late charge) authorized by law entitles the creditor to impose a delinquency charge in the dollar amount specified in subsections (1) and (2) as adjusted pursuant to Section 37-1-109 at the time the delinquency charge is imposed, subject to the five percent of the unpaid amount of the installment limitation, if applicable.

(4) A delinquency charge under this section may be collected only once on an installment however long it remains in default. No delinquency charge may be collected with respect to a deferred installment unless the installment is not paid in full within ten days after its deferred due date. A delinquency charge may be collected at the time it accrues or at any time thereafter.

(5) A delinquency charge under this section may not be collected on an installment paid in full within ten days after its scheduled or deferred installment due date even though an earlier maturing installment or a delinquency or deferral charge on an earlier installment has not been paid in full. For purposes of this subsection, a payment is deemed to have been applied first to any installment due in the computational period [Section 37-3-204(1)(a)] in which it is received and then to delinquent installments and charges.

(6) If two installments or parts thereof of a precomputed consumer loan are in default for ten days or more, the lender may elect to convert the loan from a precomputed loan to one in which the loan finance charge is based on unpaid balances. In this event, he shall make a rebate pursuant to the provisions on rebate upon prepayment (Section 37-3-210) as if the date of prepayment were one day before the maturity date of a delinquent installment, and thereafter may make a loan finance charge as authorized by the provisions on loan finance charge for consumer loans by lenders not supervised lenders [Section 37-3-201(1)] or finance charge for consumer loans by supervised lenders [Section 37-3-201(2)], whichever is appropriate. The amount of the rebate must not be reduced by the amount of any permitted minimum charge (Section 37-3-210). If the creditor proceeds under this subsection, any delinquency or deferral charges made with respect to installments due on or after the maturity date of the first delinquent installment must be rebated, and no further delinquency or deferral charges may be made.