Innovative Products

Posted By: davidm

Innovative Products - 08/30/05 01:10 PM

My bank has formed an new products committee that is expected to think outside the box for new products. What have you seen or is your bank doing that is innovative in product offerings?
Posted By: 8675309

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 05:11 PM

ATM fee rebates
Visa Extras check card points program
Remote deposit
Payroll cards
Identity Watch
Prescription discount card
Prepaid gift cards
Check card cash back
Check cards with photos
Mini check cards
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 06:18 PM

Coupons for waivers of overdraft charges.

Risky, but could be popular.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 08:07 PM

I don't think you could offer coupons for waiving overdraft charges without violating the law...
Posted By: TXFacilitator

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 08:24 PM

BOA use to offer one on their Student Checking account. Each student received 1 free overdraft fee "coupon" when opening a new account. Most of the students lost them before using them but was a neat incentive.
Posted By: RVFlyboy

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 09:25 PM

Let me make sure I understand - you've been challenged to think outside the box, so your approach to that challenge is to ask what everyone else is doing? And anyway, if my bank is doing something that is innovative and successful, what is my incentive for sharing that with you when you may wind up competing directly with me?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Innovative Products - 08/30/05 09:53 PM sentiments exactly.
Posted By: davidm

Re: Innovative Products - 09/01/05 01:03 PM

Magic - that's a fair question, but we are a small community bank and I seriously doubt we'll ever be competing in the markets of 99.9% of the posters on BOL. Of course, we have shopped all of our local competition (and they have shopped us). It never hurts to see what is happening elsewhere and even globally. I have found BOL a great place to share and thought my question was appropriate for this venue. Posters respond at their own will. For those who do, I am appreciative.
Posted By: BankerKB

Re: Innovative Products - 09/01/05 01:13 PM

Seems reasonable to get ideas from others and then make them your own by adapting strategies.