Teaching your baby to swim...

Posted By: Dlynn58

Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 03:09 PM

I thought this was amazing....


For those who can't get it, it shows how you can teach a baby to survive if it falls into a pool. It is really amazing how they can learn this so young.....
Posted By: B_F

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 03:28 PM

I learned to swim when I went boating with my mother and father before I could walk. Mom was skiing, Dad was driving, and I was buckled into my "boat" seat facing mommy and watching her. Somehow I figured out how to get out of the car seat, and tried to get to mommy. Luckily, I didn't get pulled into the prop, or drug under by the wake, but just doggy paddled until mom swam out to get me and dad turned the boat around. After that, I started getting lessons.
Posted By: Comp Guy No More

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 04:26 PM

That is pretty amazing. My son started lessons at age 3 and my daughter at age 1.
Posted By: cheekEE

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 04:55 PM

It is amazing, but watching the baby in the pool made me feel sick. I just wanted someone to get him OUT!
Posted By: Dlynn58

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 05:15 PM

Originally Posted By: CheekEE Monkey
It is amazing, but watching the baby in the pool made me feel sick. I just wanted someone to get him OUT!

I know what you mean. I watched it to the very end, just to see when (and if) someone was going to get him out. He was really letting them know about it though.
Posted By: Queen Bee

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 05:53 PM

what I want to know is how they got that first baby into the water like that. It really looks like someone just dumped him in head first.
Posted By: Comp Guy No More

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 07:11 PM

I think he probably just stepped in as it appeared.
Posted By: straw

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 07:50 PM

we had our kids in swimming lessons at 6 months old. Important to teach them survival skills in the water. Drownings are always at a record pace here in Phoenix.

While lessons cannot take the place of parental supervision, children should learn the swimming basics as early as possible.
Posted By: Dip

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 09:12 PM

Wow! Now this is really cool! I watched it on mute, but even still, that little baby was awesome! And how happy and cool did he look when his daddy picked him up
Posted By: Dip

Re: Teaching your baby to swim... - 02/12/08 11:01 PM

I forwarded this link to my two best friends who have babies...and one of them is registered already to take the class in April with the other people in her little "mommies" group. I guess the class is intense...she was told by the instructor that is is every day for two weeks. I guess that's what it takes to get these babies trained (hers will be 9 months when he takes the class).