Yet another music industry suicide pact...

Posted By: buggs

Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:15 PM

Another thing the music industry is trying to use to kill itself is to make radio stations start paying songwriters and artists for the songs played on the air. The intent may be laudable (getting some money for the artists from the '50s and '60s who were ripped off my their labels), however, the consquence may likely be the opposite.

HR 848, introduced by Rep. Conyers of the great state of Texas, would make this happen. Unfortunately, probably what would truly happen would be many, if not most radio stations would move to talk formats.

As a result, artists, songwriters, labels, and concert promoters would lose one of their principle marketing channels.
Posted By: Buccs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:20 PM

Radio is dead anyways.
Posted By: Bagweaver

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:20 PM

I thought this was how artists got their music out to the public so they could then by the records/tapes/CDs/whatever.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:28 PM

Originally Posted By: buccs_117
Radio is dead anyways.

How can you say that in the land of the big one WLW :0
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:30 PM

Originally Posted By: buccs_117
Radio is dead anyways.

Huh? I can't remember the last time I bought a CD or mp3. Where would you hear new music if not for the radio?
Posted By: Buccs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:30 PM

Ok, I'll correct that. MUSIC on the radio is dead.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:33 PM

I heard about this last week (perhaps ironically) on the local classic rock station I listen to and thought the same thing as Bagweaver. Without radio stations playing the music, many people would not know of the bands or at least when a band releases a new album. And isn't it cheaper for the industry to send promo copies of an album or a song to a radio station for free playtime to millions of people than to pay standard advertising rates?

Do clubs and/or club DJs have to pay royalties for the (monotonous) "records" they "spin"?

The music industry is beginning to look like the California legislature: Keep digging the well deeper so it dries up even faster.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:34 PM

I miss Gary Burbank Show.

Earl Pitts "American" Pitts Off
The Censlus Surveys.

laugh Good Times, Good Times...:Sigh:
Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:40 PM

I haven't listened to local radio stations for years.. At home we listen to and in the car it's cd's or mp3's. I usually see what new stuff is out by going to itunes or myspace music..
Posted By: Buccs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/22/09 07:43 PM

Burbank was always great. Gnarley was funny no matter what.
Posted By: B_F

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 03:28 AM

Originally Posted By: Cosmo
Originally Posted By: buccs_117
Radio is dead anyways.

Huh? I can't remember the last time I bought a CD or mp3. Where would you hear new music if not for the radio?

iTunes Genious! smile
Posted By: B_F

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 03:29 AM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
I miss Gary Burbank Show.

Earl Pitts "American" Pitts Off
The Censlus Surveys.

laugh Good Times, Good Times...:Sigh:

Sigh, same here. More than anything, I miss his crazy Gilbert Gnarley calling toy stores at Christmas.

I still remember when he called the White House about aluminum siding WAY back in the day, using Gilbert's voice but another guy from the station's name, and ended up with the secret service coming to the station to reprimand them both.
Posted By: Buccs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 01:17 PM

Pandora has done it for me. Or my friend, who is really hooked into the local music scene- he always has a new album for me.
Posted By: buggs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 01:45 PM

Internet streaming music stations like Pandora and are caught up in this too, because the music industry wants them to pay, just like they want the broadcast stations to pay. They also want to get paid for the music used in streaming video games.
Posted By: Buccs

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 01:47 PM

I'm not a huge Nine Inch Nails fan, but Trent Reznor is really remaking the music industry. I am glad there are people like him showing another way. I bought his last album just because I respected what he is doing.
Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 01:48 PM

Hmmm I hope they don't invent some device that can hear the songs I play in my head. I'd hate to have to pay for those too..
Posted By: A_G

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 01:51 PM

<---- fan of Trent and NIN
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Yet another music industry suicide pact... - 06/23/09 04:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon
Hmmm I hope they don't invent some device that can hear the songs I play in my head. I'd hate to have to pay for those too..

I'd be more worried about the men in white coats showing up with the straitjacket. wink