What's your ethnic background?

Posted By: JMXN

What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 08:46 AM

One thing I always find interesting in people's ethnic backgrounds. Just something I enjoy talking about and finding out more about everyone I know.

So, if you care to share, what is your ethnic background?

Mine is:
1/4th Western European - Scandinavian majority, with a bit of British and German sprinkled in.
1/4th Canadian - half being French Canadian decent (according to ancestry research, it was originally Eastern European - Hungarian and Romanian a few generations previous to relocation to Canada) and the other half being Northwest Coast Native Tribe (Haida/Tlingit).
1/4th Eastern Indian/Pakistani - Punjabi and Tamil, primarily, and then Pakistani (in all reality, Indian and Pakistani are both pretty much the same background).
1/4 Middle Eastern/Arab - Lebanese, Egyptian, Saudi, Iranian/Persian, mostly.

No one ever guesses I'm white, though. I've got dark olive skin, jet black hair, and eye so brown they're almost black.

So yeah, that's me. I'm proud of my highly diverse background. How about y'all? smile
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 01:34 PM

<<<---adopted - planet of origin unknown. smirk

Ask me about my horses, or dogs...well, a couple of them..and I can pretty much tell you! smile
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 01:43 PM

I kinda figure that - like the horses - once it's more than 4 or 5 generations back, it doesn't really matter. wink

Having said that, the little bit that I know about my family is primarily Scottish and Welsh, with a little bit of English and German thrown in somewhere along the way. They've all been here since before the Civil Way though...some of them trace back to the Revolution. My mother was very relieved when I showed no interest in either the DAR or the DOC. grin
Posted By: B_F

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 01:46 PM

I'm 100% American!
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 01:48 PM

Amen, BF! Just like most of my critters, I'm just a good ol' American mutt. smile
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:14 PM

English, Scottish, Welsh, Black Dutch.
Posted By: Sci_Comply

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:20 PM

I didn't check those boxes on my 1003 so you'll have to use your best judgement. laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:35 PM

I too consist of the wretched refuse.
Mom's side were geneological maniacs. They have records that stretch back from the Mayflower. Going backwards, English, Irish/Celtic, Scandinavian/Norse.
Dad's side was a little less concerned. His father died when dad was an infant. My ancestors on his side were a little less educated (dad was the first to ever go to college). Most never finished grade school. Hence many of my relatives and ancestors on his side were superstitious. Speaking of the dead was considered bad luck, even rude. We know the family name is of Scotish extraction and that my great grandmother was full blood Cherokee. But that's about it.
So, I am a Cherokee Viking.
By the way, I am still quite upset that you can never find a good Viking restaraunt!
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:38 PM

I think in some way I'm related to Mighty Joe Young
Posted By: HRH Okie Banker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:41 PM


My mom was born in Germany. Dad's parents/grandparents were german. I spent 7 of my first 15 years in Germany.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:46 PM

By the way, I am still quite upset that you can never find a good Viking restaraunt!

When you make a good stove why would you need a restaraunt?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:52 PM

Originally Posted By: EdAudit
By the way, I am still quite upset that you can never find a good Viking restaraunt!

When you make a good stove why would you need a restaraunt?

Its the principal of the thing! We are unfairly discriminated against in the restaraunt demographic! Its a conspiracy I tell you! An unfair hate of haggis!!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:52 PM

Perhaps you should open one yourself? Who knows..it may catch on!
Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:55 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Perhaps you should open one yourself? Who knows..it may catch on!

There must be a reason there are none. Do not encourage him. laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 02:55 PM

"The Rape and Pilage Cafe"?
Posted By: PStateBank

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:06 PM

Cherokee Indian among other things (as RR Becca says I'm a mutt too), however I was in Hong Kong several years ago and people kept asking me if I was Dutch....
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:07 PM

Isn't everyone a mutt these days?
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:12 PM

Arian until the ancestors were invited into White Russia, then they got mixed up with the Slavs...
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:18 PM

Posted By: basilring

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:26 PM

My maternal grandpa was full blooded hispanic, but grew up in Durango and Silverton, CO (working the narrow gauge railroad).

My maternal grandma is pretty much Irish, with a bit of Scottish, English and French in the mix.

My fraternal grandpa is Italian, although some relatives argue that we are Swiss. I argue, that you are never really Swiss, you are either of the Italian, French or German part of Switzerland. Plus, I had a really cool Italian maiden name.

My fraternal grandma was about as German as they came.

Some may consider me a mutt as well, but I love and am proud of each part of the pie.

My daughter is pretty lucky, her father is full blooded American Indian - as you can imagine she is beautiful! The tribe is Tohono O'Odham from southern Arizona. (Papago is the common name for the tribe)
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:30 PM

I hve ridden that train so many times and have hiked the entire length of track over the years. Your grandpa was a MAN if he worked on that thing!! That is a very cool bit of family heritage!!
Posted By: basilring

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:41 PM

He moved to the midwest as a young man. But, we took a family vacation there when I was in my teens and rode the train and visited both towns. He told us they use to hike up into the mountains to fish and things. And then in the winter when they needed to get home - they would chop down a pine tree and ride it down the mountain in the snow. That was such a wonderful time... He's been gone for 19 years now, I miss that man.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:47 PM

3/4 Irish. Paternal Grandparents were born in Ireland. This summer I visited the church they attended as children. Maternal grandfather was also Irish. 1/4 German. My maternal grandmother's family came over from Germany pre-Civil War. Settled mostly southeastern Illinois as farmers.
Posted By: cheekEE

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:49 PM

I'm Scottish on my fathers side and until this year I thought I was a Irish (that is for sure)/German mix...BUT we found out that my family was actually Russian and not German.

So weird because my great-grandmother always yelled at me in German and I never heard her speak Russian. ::shoulder shrug::

(and quite possibly my mother was the product of an affair with a Native American)
Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:49 PM

Ancestors are from the old country, Brooklyn.
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 03:50 PM

Svetlana MonkEE?
Posted By: MsFaye

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:09 PM

Mother is half Chinese and Filipino.

Father is half Spanish and Filipino.

All in all - I'm still Filipino American laugh
Posted By: cheekEE

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:12 PM

Originally Posted By: DisgruntledElf
Svetlana MonkEE?

confused Hmm...I kinda like it! It does explain my love of Vodka.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:17 PM

german + irish + polish = 100% Stud!!!
Posted By: Matt_B

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:24 PM

100% German with an Irish last name. My dad's father was adopted by an Irish family, no idea what his born last name was though.

Our area has a heavy Czech influence, so my Mrs. comes from a German/Bohemie background.
Posted By: Loralie

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:25 PM

No idea about my father's family- They never really got into that kind of stuff. I'm thinking just your average Western European.

On my mom's side, my great great grandma came over from Russia when she was a toddler- In those days you maried within your culture, even in America, so while I don't know much about her husbands family, I assume he was a Russian Jew as well.

Another of my great great grandma's was full Ottowa, and my grandfather always really identified with that part of his heritage.

Posted By: Y'all Comply

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:25 PM

Father: Brazilian
Mother: 1/2 Portuguese & 1/2 Irish.

I have olive skin, brown hair and light green eyes. I have dual citizenship (here and Brazil).
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:29 PM

<---- was abandoned on the front steps of a church.

So I got no clue! eek
Posted By: Miscuit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:32 PM

Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:35 PM

he lived in the church basement which explains so much that he is in his comfort zone to this day
Posted By: RR Sarah

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:36 PM

From my mom's side, pretty much 100% Norwegian. My dad's side gives me a mix of German and Swedish but mostly German. Great-grandparents on both sides emmigrated to the US after the Civil War.
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: MissFitt

You and your christmas pageant looking boots better be being sincere with that awwwwwwwww!!! laugh
Posted By: Miscuit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:38 PM

laugh !!!!!!!!!!

i was!
Posted By: CheshireAliCat

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 04:43 PM

Paternal side - Grandfather walked out of Russia to avoid the pogroms, Grandmother's parent's escaped Austria with her siblings (she was born here.) My Dad used to joke that they met running from Stalin and Hitler, respectively.

Maternal side - Grandmother came over as a little girl, also running from Hitler (Poland.) Grandfather may be Polish, we think - they go back as far as Staten Island to Jersey.

When people ask what I am I usually just say Jewish.
Posted By: Loralie

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 05:00 PM

Originally Posted By: CheshireAliCat

When people ask what I am I usually just say Jewish.

lol- Me too. :P Sometimes i'll go so far to say Russian Jew. But yea, culturally i am much more Jewish then anything else.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 05:21 PM

Originally Posted By: DisgruntledElf
<---- was abandoned on the front steps of a church.

So I got no clue! eek

So you also don't know which planet you were dropped from, huh. smirk
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 05:44 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Originally Posted By: DisgruntledElf
<---- was abandoned on the front steps of a church.

So I got no clue! eek

So you also don't know which planet you were dropped from, huh. smirk

Does the Earth's yellow sun allow you special powers?
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 06:20 PM

Maternal - Scottish, German, native American (Great Grand Mother was full blooded Iracoy Indian, last name of Neptune)

Paternal - German, Irish

So call myself full blooded American mutt
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Originally Posted By: DisgruntledElf
<---- was abandoned on the front steps of a church.

So I got no clue! eek

So you also don't know which planet you were dropped from, huh. smirk

Does the Earth's yellow sun allow you special powers?

I dunno about ^^^him...but as for myself...most definitely it does! cool
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:01 PM

Not me, It just turns me into a bronzed god.... alas.
Posted By: manimal

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:04 PM

German, Irish, Italian and Polish. One for each grandparent. My sisters and I always kid that we look Polish but sound Italian. laugh
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:05 PM

are you the only boy? eek whistle

Posted By: manimal

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:05 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Posted By: Matt_B

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:24 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
My sisters and I always kid that we look Polish but sound Italian. laugh

And the Irish and German come out in your drinking I guess!
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 07:29 PM

100% pure second generation Polish...and proud of it!

MOML is mutt w/Cherokee thrown in. Kids called themselves Polish Cherokees and got called to HS office and listed as minority for that toenail % of Cherokee. crazy
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 08:40 PM

Originally Posted By: DisgruntledElf
<---- was abandoned on the front steps of a church at the tender age of 16.

So I got no clue! eek

oh, my!
Posted By: manimal

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 08:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Originally Posted By: manimal
My sisters and I always kid that we look Polish but sound Italian. laugh

And the Irish and German come out in your drinking I guess!

Posted By: Skittles

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 09:01 PM

German (Sieg), English (Pitt), and French (DeMoss & Hublar).
Posted By: califgirl

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 09:17 PM

My maternal grandmother was born in NY but her parents were Jews who came from Austria in 1890. Can't find my maternal grandfather's family.

On my dad's side, his mother's people were primarily Dutch and English Quakers. Some of them came over with William Penn. His father's people were French.

I'm a mutt. grin
Posted By: RR Sarah

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/27/12 09:44 PM

My BFF is descended from gypsies. I think that is the coolest thing ever.
Posted By: Bones

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 03:29 PM

Hispanic on my dad's side.
Hispanic & Italian on my mom's side. My mom says her family also has some German somewhere along the line.
Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 05:46 PM

German on my mom's side.
A mutt mix on my dad's side.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 05:47 PM

<------- mostly ape
Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 05:49 PM

^^^ with some Sasquatch thrown in for good measure
Posted By: chenin

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 08:18 PM

Italian on my moms side
English and some mutt on dads side.
Posted By: lucyc

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 08:48 PM

Puerto Rican
Posted By: NU Rhules

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/28/12 10:04 PM

Father's side emigrated from Hannover Germany to Minnesota in 1859 (dairy farming). I am 7th-Gen German-Minnesotan. Mom's dad emigrated from Norway in 1920 (he was 20) to build ships in Tacoma WA. Been to see relatives in both countries (way cool!).
Since I've been to Norway, I can speak with authority on the Viking Restaurant shortage. As I recall, I spent 2 weeks starving in that country, because they only eat dry bread and goat cheese! So, that's why there are no restaurants - their menues would be limited. smile
Posted By: kms

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/29/12 11:20 PM

45% norwegian, the last 1/4 is german and irish.

Cornhusker be thankful you were not offered lutefisk!
Posted By: The Minion

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 01:57 PM

Italian. That's it.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 02:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Purple Pride
<------- mostly ape

^^^ with some Sasquatch thrown in for good measure

We have creatures around these parts called Skunk Apes...I think that fits very well! laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 02:28 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Originally Posted By: Purple Pride
<------- mostly ape

^^^ with some Sasquatch thrown in for good measure

We have creatures around these parts called Skunk Apes...I think that fits very well! laugh

Those are the southern version of yetisasquatchbigfootskunkapeneanderthalerectus arent they? smile
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 02:34 PM

Yes. Precisely!
Posted By: Dip

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 04:18 PM

Maternal gma-- 100% German
Paternal gpa-- 100% Armenian
Maternal gpa-- German, Scottish, Irish, English???
Paternal gma-- Never been able to get a straight answer on this, but she saws we are part NY Jew. Um, huh? Not really a race...
Posted By: Sing A Little

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 04:20 PM

Italian, Sicilian and Cherokee Indian...yes I have a temper. smile
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 07:58 PM

A little bit country
A little bit rock and roll
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 12/31/12 08:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Peppermint Dip
Maternal gma-- 100% German
Paternal gpa-- 100% Armenian
Maternal gpa-- German, Scottish, Irish, English???
Paternal gma-- Never been able to get a straight answer on this, but she saws we are part NY Jew. Um, huh? Not really a race...

Actually, being Jewish is one of those things that can refer to one's ethnicity OR religion. One can ethnically be a Jew without being a practicing Jew and one can be a practicing Jew without ethnically being a Jew. But there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity.
Posted By: Dip

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 03:30 PM

I was referring to "NY Jew,' not just Jewish...
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 03:39 PM

Tim Whatley converted for the jokes
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 03:43 PM

the dentist?
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 03:48 PM


'nurse, we could use another schtickle of flouride'
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 03:52 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Originally Posted By: Peppermint Dip
Maternal gma-- 100% German
Paternal gpa-- 100% Armenian
Maternal gpa-- German, Scottish, Irish, English???
Paternal gma-- Never been able to get a straight answer on this, but she saws we are part NY Jew. Um, huh? Not really a race...

Actually, being Jewish is one of those things that can refer to one's ethnicity OR religion. One can ethnically be a Jew without being a practicing Jew and one can be a practicing Jew without ethnically being a Jew. But there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity.

Not according to HMDA....
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:01 PM

Italian/Irish heathen
Posted By: #Just Jay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:02 PM

<--- nearly 100% good little German footsoldier.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Originally Posted By: Peppermint Dip
Maternal gma-- 100% German
Paternal gpa-- 100% Armenian
Maternal gpa-- German, Scottish, Irish, English???
Paternal gma-- Never been able to get a straight answer on this, but she saws we are part NY Jew. Um, huh? Not really a race...

Actually, being Jewish is one of those things that can refer to one's ethnicity OR religion. One can ethnically be a Jew without being a practicing Jew and one can be a practicing Jew without ethnically being a Jew. But there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity.

Not according to HMDA....

Well, that's true, but according to HMDA the only distinction as far as ethnicity is "Hispanic" or "not Hispanic", so Italians, Germans, Polish etc. would not be an ethnicity according to HMDA either.
Posted By: Bobby Boucher

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:11 PM

^^^ things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Click to reveal..
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Bobby Boucher
^^^ things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Click to reveal..

Ba dump bump! laugh
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Bobby Boucher
^^^ things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Click to reveal..

Sorry, as an old geography teacher, this stuff is interesting to me and in my present job, it's annoying to hear stuff like "the applicant checked that he was 'white', it doesn't matter that they didn't check 'hispanic' or 'not hispanic' cuz it's obvious if they're white, they aren't hispanic". Me: "um, no, it isn't obvious. If you don't believe me, go to Spain and tell me that some of the blond-haired, blue-eyed Spaniards there aren't white."
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
an old geography teacher

what states does the Red River border?
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 04:42 PM

Ha. Oklahoma and a state south of Oklahoma.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 05:15 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Ha. Oklahoma and a state south of Oklahoma.

And Arkansas...fer a bit. smile
Posted By: basilring

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 05:39 PM

Reminds me of the Blake Shelton song... a very good one!
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 05:47 PM

let me guess....Badonk Badonk...
Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 06:07 PM

If texas suceeds from the union will texan be an ethnicity?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 06:31 PM

Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 06:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Why do they have better rates than enterprise?
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 06:40 PM

remember the pie a la mode!
Posted By: TINKerBell

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 06:48 PM

Maternal - Scottish (MacPhearson), Irish (Barnett) and American Indian (Sioux)
Paternal - French Canadian (Mercier) and German/Austrian (vonVergosen)

so....basically...a mutt!
Posted By: swiggles

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 07:06 PM

I really have no idea, but a short google search indicates that my father's surname, Cobb, it is from Medieval England. My mother's maiden name is "Lamb" which, from what I can tell from a crude search, comes from New Zealand.
Posted By: Dani York, CRCM

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 08:14 PM

Maternal - Scottish, Irish, English, and German
Paternal - German, French, and Blackfoot Native American
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 08:44 PM

Originally Posted By: TINKERBell
Maternal - Scottish (MacPhearson), Irish (Barnett) and American Indian (Sioux)
Paternal - French Canadian (Mercier) and German/Austrian (vonVergosen)

so....basically...a mutt!

^^^^ That is what I am talking about! Pure Michigan!
Posted By: Hobbes

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 08:47 PM

Maternal grandmother - Austrian and Hungarian.
Maternal grandfather - 100% Polish

Paternal grandmother - Scottish, Irish, English
Paternal grandfather – American. We can trace this side of the family back to my 7th great grandfather who fought in the French & Indian War.

I grew up in a Greek and Italian neighborhood. One thing’s for sure - between my family and my neighbors I always ate a good variety of food when I was a kid.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 09:05 PM

Originally Posted By: swiggles
I really have no idea, but a short google search indicates that my father's surname, Cobb, it is from Medieval England. My mother's maiden name is "Lamb" which, from what I can tell from a crude search, comes from New Zealand.

If your ancestors named Lamb ended up in New Zealand, they were almost certainly convicts exiled from England.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/02/13 09:17 PM

or hobbits
Posted By: TINKerBell

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 01:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Originally Posted By: TINKERBell
Maternal - Scottish (MacPhearson), Irish (Barnett) and American Indian (Sioux)
Paternal - French Canadian (Mercier) and German/Austrian (vonVergosen)

so....basically...a mutt!

^^^^ That is what I am talking about! Pure Michigan!

Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 03:16 PM

Originally Posted By: EdAudit
If texas suceeds from the union will texan be an ethnicity?
What makes you think they aren't successful?
Posted By: Snow Bunny

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 03:49 PM

Polish - 100% plain and simple.
Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 03:53 PM

^^^^ Explains a lot smirk
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 04:29 PM

:watches Clarice kick PP's butt with her hooves: laugh
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 04:53 PM

Deeq....do you say "huhves" "whooves" or "hoofs"? :random:
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 04:57 PM

<<<---not DeeQ (obviously)

BUT, I simply say FEETS! grin
Posted By: Bobby Boucher

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 05:05 PM

Not DQ either, but I have it on good authority that she typically says "whoo::hiccup::ooves" smile
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 05:40 PM

German, Dutch, Irish, possibly some French, Creek Tribe - native american.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 05:48 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Deeq....do you say "huhves" "whooves" or "hoofs"? :random:

hooves... smirk
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 05:49 PM

Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 06:27 PM

Me: It's time to get their feet done.

Farrier: Yeah...any lost shoes?

Me: No, not until 5 minutes before you get here...as usual. smirk

Farrier: Ok.


Me: Oooohhh...those new Nikes look real good! Thanks! grin

Feet look good too!

(note: no mention of Hoofs or Hooves! grin)
Posted By: Peepers

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 06:31 PM

are you mental?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 06:33 PM

Nope. I'm physical. grin
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 06:34 PM

No. Alien. Happy Birthday. whistle
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 06:34 PM

Yes, she is. laugh
Posted By: edAudit

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 07:00 PM

Originally Posted By: DeeQ
<<< 100% Juniper Berries laugh

Fixed laugh
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 07:19 PM

Nothing wrong with a little gin in your blood, if its quality stuff.
Posted By: A_G

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 08:28 PM

Originally Posted By: EdAudit
Originally Posted By: DeeQ
<<< 100% Juniper Berries laugh

Fixed laugh

But what about the nicotine and Aquanet? D
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: What's your ethnic background? - 01/03/13 08:43 PM
