Everything is Going to Kill Us

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:46 PM

This may be an alternative Quirk thread, I don't know...but what everyday, perfectly ordinary and generally accepted things in life do you think are actually causing serious damage to people, or at least are capable of it?

And, why do you think that - what are your reasons? Why does it seem like it is just you out of 1,000 people that is concerned about this?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:46 PM

When traveling, I refuse to get full-body screened with the millimeter-wave scanners because I think the technology is too new, and is untested, and they really have no idea what kinds of cancers/tumors they are triggering, and can’t know, for another 10 to 20 years. Plus, I see the process (and the nude pictures it produces) as a serious invasion of privacy and will never consent to it until/unless they make it mandatory. I also see the entire airport security process as a theatre meant to lull us into thinking we are safe, and I refuse to play along any more than I have to. Being patted down is a humiliating process and is another invasion of privacy, but currently you have to choose one or the other.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:50 PM

Just one in three consumers pays off his or her credit card bill every month.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:50 PM

If it was jut a pat down it would not be so bad.
Dropping your drawers in public on a regular basis is not for me. But I am not sure I will opt for the nudie scanner to avoid one humiliation for the other.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:51 PM

High-fructose corn syrup. I don't even know why I think that. But I do. I sound like Seth Rogen's character in This is the End - somebody told me glutens are bad, so I won't eat them, but I can't explain why but probably calories are glutens, fat is a gluten, etc. I'm like that for high-fructose corn syrup. I don't know why it's bad but I'm sure it's a deadly killer so I avoid it. Regulary corn syrup, no prob.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:52 PM

I don't think flu shots are going to kill me, but i do think they're going to give me the flu (at least a mild case).....and since i haven't had the flu since i was 17, i'll just pass.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
If it was jut a pat down it would not be so bad.
Dropping your drawers in public on a regular basis is not for me. But I am not sure I will opt for the nudie scanner to avoid one humiliation for the other.

Hmm, never had to drop pants before. They stick their fingers inside my pants near the belt-area, and feel up and down the legs like a police pat-down. I'm sure it's a little more uncomfortable for women.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 02:52 PM

No flu shots, no way. I do think they will give me the flu, and doctors/medical industry lie about it by saying they will give you "flu-like symptoms," which hey, I don't care if that's flu or not, I don't want it.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:00 PM

Anti-bacterial soap. It is killing off all bacteria on your skin, not just harmful ones, and contributes to the creation of antibiotic-resistant super-bacteria. I use it anyway because I can seldom find (in stock, in the store) a good alternative.

I propose a rule for this thread, which is that you don't have to be "right" about your reasons, let's just share the reason, such as it is, without concern that someone is going to tell us that our reason is preposterous.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:02 PM

Pink meat of any kind (pink = undercooked), because it will try to kill you. It will put you in a serious state of tummy distress for hours on end. It may give you a disease or illness like salmonella or the beef version of that, whatever it is. Again, I'm not 100% clear on my reasons, I just know I don't want it and that it is a deadly killer.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:03 PM

Speaking of deadly killers: Margarine.

I remember an old David Letterman bit where he said for years, scientists have been telling us not to eat butter. Do not eat butter, because it is a deadly killer. Eat the margarine, margarine is good for you. Now, the latest news from scientists: Margarine is a deadly killer!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:05 PM

preposterous? i was leaning more toward paranoid delusion crazy... shocked

we're born, at some point we'll die...everything you do, eat, touch, wear, drive, etc. contributes in some way.

i choose not to dwell on what might happen, otherwise i'll be too busy worrying about that to enjoy life...don't let it pass you by because you are worried you might have issues...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:05 PM

Internal organs as food.

Whatever diseases the animals may have suffered from, you may somehow (magically?) "catch" that my cooking and eating their internal organs. Some will figure I am wrong and that some organs are delicious, tasty treats. However, scientists of the future (500+ years from now?) will totally agree with me, and I'll be vindicated at that time.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:06 PM

Usually a flu shot is essentially a mild/small amount of the actual flu virus so that your body builds up it's immune system to fight the regular flu, so it's no surprise some people get sick from it. Most vaccines work that way.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:08 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
preposterous? i was leaning more toward paranoid delusion crazy... shocked

we're born, at some point we'll die...everything you do, eat, touch, wear, drive, etc. contributes in some way.

i choose not to dwell on what might happen, otherwise i'll be too busy worrying about that to enjoy life...don't let it pass you by because you are worried you might have issues...

I can see that point, but I'm not there yet, and there's gotta be some middle ground. Surely you're not putting margarine on your homemade undercooked calf liver sandwich then cleaning your hands with hand sanitizer just before eating it on the plane right after being full-body scanned?
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:10 PM

According to CBS, 36% of Americans have no retirement savings. That's going to do them far more harm than red meat or flu shots.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:09 PM

TV stations, radio stations all broadcast a tremendous amount of wave radiation, which fills our skies and homes and bodies and has unknown effects. There is nothing I can do about that, so I don't worry about it. First time I thought about that in 2 years or so.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:14 PM

Drinking from a garden hose is like taking poison (lead).
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:17 PM

Was the Mel Gibson character in Conspiracy Theory based on you? I'm seeing a lot of similarities here.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:18 PM

At some point in time everything is bad for us. I live in the country, I have a well for my water. So from your post above, I would assume you think my water is poison?

You can't worry yourself to death. And for what it is worth, I like my well water much better than the city water I used to drink.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:18 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Drinking from a garden hose is like taking poison (lead).

You have lead hoses?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:17 PM

If it comes out of an aerosol can and you can smell it (febreeze, bug spray, hair spray, you name it), it's killing you.

Smells are harmful. Your sense of smell works by molecules of the thing you are smelling entering your nose. If you pass by an open dumpster and it stinks (gross!), it is because some of that rotten food and trash has emitted particules/molecules which have floated through the air and entered your nose and brain, and you "sensed" what it was, you "smelled" it, only because you are physically in contact with it, in your nose. If you were not in physical contact with it, you could not smell it, because it would be impossible. If it stinks, get away from it.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:18 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Was the Mel Gibson character in Conspiracy Theory based on you? I'm seeing a lot of similarities here.

Ah, but that dude was right in the end, wasn't he? I don't remember. But 999 people can say I'm wrong about 99% of this stuff, but again, future scientists will agree with me, and will be shocked at how little we knew back in the early 2000s.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:19 PM

I think Compliance may have gotten to you.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:20 PM

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Drinking from a garden hose is like taking poison (lead).

You have lead hoses?

Yes. Garden hoses are not made from food-safe materials and are not marketed as something you should drink from. All of them have lead.

(I hereby invoke the thread rule that I can cite my reasons regardless of their veracity).
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:21 PM

Decaf coffee; that process is full of poisons. Probably no calorie drinks too.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:22 PM

Originally Posted By: JWills
...I have a well for my water. So from your post above, I would assume you think my water is poison?

Possibly. Whether your water is poison depends on a variety of factors, including:
-the types/natures of industry that are adding pollutants to it
-naturally present additives that the earth is adding to it (probably ok, but who knows)
-what kind of pipes you use to pull the water from the ground and deliver it to your house (are they food-safe? are they from before circa 1970?)
-in the city, what the city has added to it and what the city has failed to take out of the retreated sewage that they serve to residents as clean water
- oh, and what you and your neighbors are dumping on your lawns (fertilizer, bug poison, etc. - does not go away, and does not get completely filtered out by sand and rock, and ends up, years later, straight in the water source).
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Decaf coffee; that process is full of poisons. Probably no calorie drinks too.

I second that, on no-cal drinks. All artificially "sugarfree" products (gum, drinks, colas, etc.) are deadly killers, containing chemical sweeteners that your body can neither digest nor entirely eliminate, contributing to obesity and a variety of physical disorders that we are only just beginning to understand.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:26 PM

We built the house in 1997, we are in a rural area. Our city water had been tested, and arsenic was found (apparently a 'safe' amount). I will take my chances.
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:29 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Was the Mel Gibson character in Conspiracy Theory based on you? I'm seeing a lot of similarities here.

Ah, but that dude was right in the end, wasn't he? I don't remember. But 999 people can say I'm wrong about 99% of this stuff, but again, future scientists will agree with me, and will be shocked at how little we knew back in the early 2000s.
I'm not going to argue whether you're right or wrong. I do agree with others who are alluding to the fact that you appear definitely paranoid tho. We all die someday and life's too short to waste it looking over my shoulder and worrying about everything. How about you start a thread about the good stuff in your life instead of another one about all the horrors?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:29 PM

All. City. Water.

The life cycle of city water: flush, down the drain, straight to the sewar treatment plant. Treat it to remove solid particles, treat it again, treat it again, treat it again. Add chemicals. Test it occasionally. Send it back up to the showers, faucets, and sinks.

I think people would not be able to drink it at all if they really focused on the fact that it was in a toilet a few weeks ago.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:33 PM

Well, I don't go complain about all the boring golfing threads, and I do invite all non-OCD and non-paranoid types to feel free not to post or read anything further in this thread.

Originally Posted By: Truffle Royale
How about you start a thread about the good stuff in your life instead of another one about all the horrors?

The quirks and peeves thread were both good things for me. They have helped me understand myself and find several BOL'ers who are so similar to me that I feel much better about these things.
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:35 PM

Everything is poison at the right dosage. But then again, so is fear.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:38 PM

Not sure where you are, but our DRINKING water (Whater in our showeres, toilets and sinks) comes from a well (Actually 9 wells) that is feed by the Muskingum Valley water shed / Aquifer.

The water in the WASTE TREATEMETN Plant gets "cleaned" and put back into the river. Not back up the pipes to my house.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:38 PM

When I go back to Ohio, I always enjoy drinking the well water. And hanging my clothes on the line to dry.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Blade Scrapper
Everything is poison at the right dosage. But then again, so is fear.

True. However, I don't think it is fear, in my case. It's a logical/rational decision based on evidence. Or in some cases, based on lack of evidence (e.g., lack of evidence that full-body scanners do not cause harm). I'm not "afraid" of margarine. I just don't want it because I have determined that avoiding it is in the best interest of my health and that of my family.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:40 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Not sure where you are, but our DRINKING water (Whater in our showeres, toilets and sinks) comes from a well (Actually 9 wells) that is feed by the Muskingum Valley water shed / Aquifer.

The water in the WASTE TREATEMETN Plant gets "cleaned" and put back into the river. Not back up the pipes to my house.

I think it all goes back in the drinking supply eventually, even if a river or reservoir is one of the phases of the process.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:43 PM

Originally Posted By: buggz
When I go back to Ohio

i went back to Ohio
but my city was gone
there was no train station
there was no downtown
south howard had disappeared
all my favorite places
my city had been pulled down
reduced to parking space
a, o, way to go ohio
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:45 PM

Ooh, how about those childhood vaccines!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
It's a logical/rational decision based on evidence.

well, i certainly find that debatable. because to use your theory on water, as an example...

everything is made with water, all water comes at some point from the ground, that has been saturated with chemicals, so, in essence, we're all going to die if we ingest or use anything that was created by water...

i suppose since you no longer are eating or drinking, you will have the healthiest dead body ever...good luck with that. eek
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:48 PM

^^^ smile
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:51 PM

Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 03:52 PM

The air circulating in airplanes I hear is bad. The longer the trip the worse it must be. And then the guy behind me uses the knee defender!
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 04:24 PM

Comply I have a friend with similar concerns to you. He also spends all day worrying about every content in every item of food consumed. The funny thing is, he is always sick with something.

I found that very odd. But last year I came across a landmark study involving antioxidants and free radicals which I will try to find for you. The study is considered to be a benchmark because the sample size was so large. The study concluded that people who had high antioxidants and did not expose themselves to free radicals were much sicker and died earlier than those that did not. They noticed that people who avoided free radicals had a condition in which their body did not produce their own antioxidants. Thus making them much more vulnerable. While people who had constant exposure to free radicals produced their own antioxidants without the need for external antioxidants. IE the body defended itself in the way it was designed to be defended.

Just this year my friend (the one I described above) found out from his doctor that he was about to become diabetic (at the age of 37).
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 04:32 PM

So are germs "free radicals"?

Who made them free? And why are they radical?
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 04:39 PM


Here is a summary of that study but I am having a hard time finding the study now.
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
So are germs "free radicals"?

Who made them free? And why are they radical?

no they are not
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 06:38 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
If it stinks, get away from it.

Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 06:41 PM

ComplyYouMust is my favorite poster!

Sorry AG, if you're even still around.........
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 07:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
So are germs "free radicals"?

Who made them free? And why are they radical?

I remember them, like Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and the other Yippies. (That should send the youngters to google.)
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 07:59 PM

Margarine - this is evil stuff...flies won't even land on it.

Antibacterial anything - big mistake

Hand sanitizer - just plain icky stuff used only in extreme emergencies...like after gathering 'not-fully-cured-yet' wild boar skulls and stuff like that and no where to actually wash your hands. smirk

[I have two in the back of my truck right now...that are a lil stinky...so I have no fear of CYM stealing my truck!] grin

Overly cooked meat - particularly grilled overly cooked meat.

Fully cooked steak is just wrong no matter how you cook it.

I'm not scared of flu shots...they used killed virus...you CAN'T catch the flu from the vaccine. YOu just might feel a little 'off' from the anti-bodies kicking in gear...but I've not felt a darn thing in 3+ years other than a sore arm.

Well water - MUCH preferred over chlorinated city junk they call water.

Artifical sweeteners. Ick.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:02 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
gathering 'not-fully-cured-yet' wild boar skulls and stuff like that and no where to actually wash your hands. smirk

[I have two in the back of my truck right now...] grin

Ornament Exchange projects???? wink
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:17 PM

Gatorade. Kids are gulping this stuff likes it's air. Don't parents realize that it's basically cool-aid but worse. They just keep buying it for their kids, who never sweat. Artificial flavors, artificial colors, articial sugars, artifical salts (I may have made that up). It's a scourge. There is a wonderfully bad movie I think called 'Idiocracy' or something like that, based on an energy drink ruling the world. So true. If Gatorade isn't killing the next generation, it's definitely making them fatter and dumber.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:51 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker

I'm not scared of flu shots...they used killed virus...you CAN'T catch the flu from the vaccine. YOu just might feel a little 'off' from the anti-bodies kicking in gear...but I've not felt a darn thing in 3+ years other than a sore arm.

Negative; the virus is not dead, only a weaker version.


Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:54 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I'm not scared of flu shots...they used killed virus...you CAN'T catch the flu from the vaccine. YOu just might feel a little 'off' from the anti-bodies kicking in gear...but I've not felt a darn thing in 3+ years other than a sore arm.

I think my own immune system seems to have a pretty good handle on the flu (again, last time i had the flu i was 17), so i don't want to feel a little 'off' for no particular good reason. wink
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:53 PM

Originally Posted By: Sound Tactic
Comply I have a friend with similar concerns to you....Just this year my friend (the one I described above) found out from his doctor that he was about to become diabetic (at the age of 37).

Well, like Will Ferrell in Step-Brothers, "I'm pre-diabetic!" is what I plan to say if anyone ever tries to punch me.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 08:58 PM

Originally Posted By: GoBucs
Gatorade....It's a scourge. There is a wonderfully bad movie I think called 'Idiocracy' or something like that, based on an energy drink ruling the world. So true. If Gatorade isn't killing the next generation, it's definitely making them fatter and dumber.

Absolutely. "Gatorade - It's What Plants Crave!" or something like that was the slogan in Idiocracy, a fantastic movie.

Not to mention: soda pop. My jaw drops every time I see a toddler toting his or her own personal 12-oz serving of pop.

Luckily I don't have to verify my reasons in this thread, so I'll say soda pop discolors teeth and burns microscopic holes in them, burns away layers of stomach and intestine, spikes blood sugar and causes diabetes and obesity, and the caffeine and sugar changes kids' brain waves in permanent and undesirable ways (just look at me - I used to drink 3 cokes a day in high school!).
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Ooh, how about those childhood vaccines!

Deadly. Killers. But so is not taking them.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:04 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
everything is made with water,

False. We are all made of stars. laugh
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:07 PM

CYM, if you're joking around, you're hysterical! If you're seriously this concerned, I bet you are a hoot to goof with. smile
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:07 PM

Neutrinos emitted by the sun pass through space, through our atmosphere, through your roof, through your body, through the earth, through some Chinese dude's floor, through his body, through his roof, through the atmosphere again, and on into space. Earth doesn't even slow them down. I assume this is quite healthy for us. Or causing cancer.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:08 PM

Originally Posted By: buggz
CYM, if you're joking around, you're hysterical! If you're seriously this concerned, I bet you are a hoot to goof with. smile

My blood pressure spiked when I tried to read that article about antioxidants, and I had to close the page.

And goofing around with me is prohibited.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:14 PM

Chia seeds, my friend. I worry you're going to blow like a boiler.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:25 PM

Love Chia seeds. What are they good for my blood pressure or something?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:26 PM

A group of scientists smashing particles together will create a black hole that will destroy the earth. CERN/Large Hadron Collider.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:30 PM

Comply, don't forget the millions and millions of dust mites that are in your bed, crawling on you all night long, in and out of your ears and nose.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:35 PM

Not to mention all of the molecules of people who have lived and died that we breathe with each breath....
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:45 PM

mmmmmmm, souls taste delicious
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:49 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Love Chia seeds. What are they good for my blood pressure or something?

7 Good Reasons To Start Eating Chia Seeds

1.Help weight loss. Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.
2.Feel fuller faster: They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.
3.Hydration for athletes: They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.
4.Reduce your blood pressure: There's evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.
5.Omega-3: They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (the vital fats that protect against inflammation—such as arthritis—and heart disease). In fact, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon!
6.Benefits for diabetes: Because chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar. This leads scientists to believe chia seeds may have great benefits for diabetics.
7.They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 09:52 PM

would one sprinkle them on a double bacon cheeseburger?
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/28/14 10:04 PM

F'realz, yo!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 11:43 AM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Overly cooked meat - particularly grilled overly cooked meat.

Fully cooked steak is just wrong no matter how you cook it.

makes note in the spreadsheet, rescinds dinner invitation to Joker... shocked
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 11:44 AM

Originally Posted By: buggz
CYM, if you're joking around, you're hysterical! If you're seriously this concerned, I bet you are a hoot to goof with. smile

geta PM already! eek
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:37 PM

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
Comply, don't forget the millions and millions of dust mites that are in your bed, crawling on you all night long, in and out of your ears and nose.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:38 PM

Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Not to mention all of the molecules of people who have lived and died that we breathe with each breath....

I'm okay with that because somewhere in my body is a particle of Ceasar, a particle of Aristotle, a particle of Adam, etc. There's only so much to go around.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:40 PM

Microwave telecommunications. Um, beacuse it's microwaves? They are very common out west, rather than long distance phone lines with lines and poles, they just blast the calls through the air using microwaves.

Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:45 PM

We are all dying already. Every day is one less day so why stress about all this junk? Use common sense and go out and live.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:52 PM

Zombies, eventually maybe. Because cosmetics companies are trying their hardest to create advanced wrinkle erasers that work by rejuvenating DNA. Haven't they ever seen Resident Evil?
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:00 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
We are all dying already. Every day is one less day so why stress about all this junk? Use common sense and go out and live.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 01:59 PM

I guess the pie-in-the-sky daydream is that if we changed our behavior, we could prolong everyone's lives. I don't just talk about this stuff for myself. When I say X, Y, or Z, is a deadly killer, I sincerely hope that people will, for instance, never buy another pack of sugarfree gum or can of tuna fish. Maybe 7 out of 10 readers laugh and move on, 1 out of 10 gets mad at me for saying it, 1 out of 10 start to think about it, and 1 out of 10 actually changes their behavior (e.g., their consumer/purchasing behavior) in a way that might improve things.

Meanwhile, if these posts somehow disturb you or stress you out or bother you, you're under no obligation to read them.

And of course, these posts are fun for and beneficial to me.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:01 PM

CT scans. The amount of ionizing radiation in one preventive full-body CT scan is comparable to the amount some of the survivors in Japan in the 40's received.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:07 PM

With all of this worrying, you are going to stress yourself into having a heart attack.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:07 PM

Titanium Dioxide. But good luck finding a deodorant, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, or pre-packaged cookie-like or cake-like snack food that doesn't contain it.

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:21 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
I don't just talk about this stuff for myself...

I sincerely hope that people will, for instance, never buy another pack of sugarfree gum...

these posts are fun for and beneficial to me.

very confusing message you are giving here...are you sincere that this stuff is bad? or is it fun telling everyone what is bad?

I'll ponder this as i chew some Mentos Pure Fresh sugar free gum (love me some titanium dioxde, and everyone knows titanium is one of the toughest metals, so i'm making myself stronger just by chewing).

A quick poll to see if your numbers add up...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:35 PM

Flawed poll. I'd have said - ComplyYouMust's posts in this thread, and in Peeves, Quirks, and the deleted "Improve Your Aim" thread, cause me to: (Choose All that Apply):
__ Laugh
__ Become angry
__ Become sad
__ Become confused
__ Goof with him
__ Think about changing 1 or more of my own behaivors
__ Definitely will change 1 or more behavior
__ Already have changed 1 or more behavior
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:41 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
very confusing message you are giving here...are you sincere that this stuff is bad? or is it fun telling everyone what is bad?

Both, of course. I am sincere that I think this stuff is bad for us. I also find it fun to discuss, because I enjoy these topics and sometimes the replies/responses people post have me laughing out loud. And it's beneficial to me too, and might change my behavior as follows: while I'm certainly not going to be chewing any sugarfree plastic today (all gum is made from plastic components), I might think twice before bringing these issues up for discussion in a live, face-to-face social environment, given the unexpected amount of rancor and negative reactions some of my posts have elicited.

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:47 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Flawed poll. I'd have said -

actually, appears to be fairly accurate to your original prediction...

1 of 9 has said they will change
1 of 9 has said they are considering
6 of 9 have said no change
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:52 PM

Only a personal view but, I love common sense and loathe dithering.

It's the dithering that will get'cha.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:52 PM

Dithering as in...being indecisive? Or as in adding white noise?
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 02:58 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Not to mention all of the molecules of people who have lived and died that we breathe with each breath....

I'm okay with that because somewhere in my body is a particle of Ceasar, a particle of Aristotle, a particle of Adam, etc. There's only so much to go around.

This is a different kind of comment.

Does this mean their could also be a particle of Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, and Attila the Hun somewhere in there?
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 03:03 PM

"Dithering as in...being indecisive? Or as in adding white noise?"

For me, dithering means dwelling on all such items contained within this discussion topic.

It is possible that I don't have proper concern about the items brought out but I just can't "gen up" much concern over any of them.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 03:19 PM

Originally Posted By: noelekal
Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Not to mention all of the molecules of people who have lived and died that we breathe with each breath....

I'm okay with that because somewhere in my body is a particle of Ceasar, a particle of Aristotle, a particle of Adam, etc. There's only so much to go around.

This is a different kind of comment.

Does this mean their could also be a particle of Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, and Attila the Hun somewhere in there?

when i read these comments, how come Fat Bastard from the Austin Power's movies comes to mind?

"You're in my belly"
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 03:24 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Zombies, eventually maybe. Because cosmetics companies are trying their hardest to create advanced wrinkle erasers that work by rejuvenating DNA. Haven't they ever seen Resident Evil?

There was also Catwoman, where the wrinkle creme had to be used daily to avoid becoming a hag.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 03:38 PM

Don't know about zombies but actual hags do exist. They wander into the bank lobby on occasion, badly needing crème.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 04:24 PM

Okay, in re-reading some of CYM's posts, I think I understand somewhat from where the poster is coming. We've altered our food and personal products to include potentially toxic compounds. I do agree on principle that moving back to a more natural product base would potentially be healthier for humans and the planet, the conveniences of modern life might make it a difficult transition. That said:

*I use soap nuts in my laundry
*I use wool balls in the dryer
*I use naturally-derived dish soap
*I use naturally-derived shampoo and body wash
*I avoid products with added fragrances

It's a small step.
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 04:36 PM

If I avoid bad things and food with possible contaminants I will live the exact same age as I would have had I not avoided them. If I had a child I would not feed the child organic meat. Why? Because it would not make him/her live longer. But it would ensure that the new body would not have trace amounts of hormones that would cause him to grow as much as the other kids. IE, this kid would end up to likely be smaller.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:06 PM

Life - Not one of us will get out of it alive.

My 104 year old grandma loved her beer.
My 92 year old great-aunt just jumped out of a plane.
My 72 year old late grandmother walked 3 miles every single morning and still died of Alzheimer's.

And my daughter has a CT scan every 2 years to make sure that the cancer hasn't come back or that the portal vein clotted (which it has). Both of which will kill her too.

I try to eat clean, work-out more, and live every day to the fullest. Which means giving my worries to a higher power. You're darn right, everything is going to kill us. But I've cheated death once already, and I know it will find me again in due time.

Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:18 PM

You must not dither much, QCL.
Posted By: Carolina Blue

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:19 PM

I remember when we got our first microwave oven. I would want to watch it heat the food, but my mom wouldn't let me look in because it would give me cancer. Considering it took a minute to melt a piece of cheese I think I may have been safe with a peek. smile
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:39 PM

Back in the olden days, my mother told me watch TV no closer than five feet from the 1959 Philco black-and-white or I'd ruin my eyes.
Posted By: PATSGirl74

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:52 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Life - Not one of us will get out of it alive.
But I've cheated death once already, and I know it will find me again in due time.

I agree with you 100% QCL ...... this last line you wrote reminds me of The Book Thief.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 05:58 PM

Now I am curious about The Book Thief.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 07:17 PM

Be prepared to cry.... Good book though.
Posted By: Peach

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 07:38 PM

Highly recommend the Book Thief as a good read.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 09:16 PM

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me...0829-story.html http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me...0829-story.html
Posted By: BurntSienna

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 10:33 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
CT scans. The amount of ionizing radiation in one preventive full-body CT scan is comparable to the amount some of the survivors in Japan in the 40's received.

I don't believe this for a second. Source?
Posted By: BurntSienna

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 10:34 PM

There's a difference between "trying to change people's behavior" and fear mongering. Maybe ask yourself which you are doing? You're free to yell "Fire!" from your porch all you like, but in a crowded theater (or on the internet), perhaps it's a teensy bit irresponsible to go shouting about things that might kill you when you have zero evidence to back it up.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 08/29/14 11:34 PM

A hungry zombie will attack your soft spots first. Be certain to wear a suit of armor in the event of the zombie apocalypse.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 12:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Carolina Blue
I remember when we got our first microwave oven. I would want to watch it heat the food, but my mom wouldn't let me look in because it would give me cancer. Considering it took a minute to melt a piece of cheese I think I may have been safe with a peek. smile

so...not safe to look at, but safe to eat what comes out of it? Never figured that argument out...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 02:52 PM

Diet Coke, because aspartame.

Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:03 PM

I agree with you on aspartame/fake sugar. I avoid that stuff like the plague.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:07 PM

the plague can kill you too
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:08 PM

Originally Posted By: BurntSienna
Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
CT scans. The amount of ionizing radiation in one preventive full-body CT scan is comparable to the amount some of the survivors in Japan in the 40's received.

I don't believe this for a second. Source?

Two answers...
A. Ah. Please allow me to clarify the purpose and motivation of this thread. I wanted to find out what things people think are doing us harm/damage (or potentially doing so), and why they think that -- regardless of whether or not they are right or think that they are right about it. Asking for a citation of any stated reason is outside the scope of this thread and its safe harbor rules on reasons not needing to be scientific, verifiable, or citable. It's just about what a given poster, out of 1,000 other people, doesn't want or avoids, and why. They don't have to convince me, or anyone else, that their reasons are valid. smile

B. "The radiation dose from a full-body CT scan is comparable to the doses received by some of the atomic-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where there is clear evidence of increased cancer risk." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/08/040831090104.htm
That's 10-year-old news and I'm sure any competent Googler could find a dozen articles that "discredit" my reason. I don't care about that. See answer A above.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
the plague can kill you too

I better avoid that too then. laugh
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:37 PM

Originally Posted By: BurntSienna
There's a difference between "trying to change people's behavior" and fear mongering. Maybe ask yourself which you are doing? You're free to yell "Fire!" from your porch all you like, but in a crowded theater (or on the internet), perhaps it's a teensy bit irresponsible to go shouting about things that might kill you when you have zero evidence to back it up.
This...because it bears repeating. You say you're looking to see what others think. Yet your posts read as facts not as 'I think this is bad because....' And you're not willing to post citations to back up your 'facts'. This board and this thread are more akin to a theater than a porch. jmho
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 03:39 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
I agree with you on aspartame/fake sugar. I avoid that stuff like the plague.

Yes, I stopped eating fruited yogurt because of this. Blah!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:03 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
I agree with you on aspartame/fake sugar. I avoid that stuff like the plague.

along this line, saw an article this weekend that said for years we told people not to eat butter and sugar, and now that we are 20+ years down this path, realize that eating sugar and butter is much better for you than the fake alternatives...

know anyone who has been vegetarian for more than 10 years? look how their skin is a leathery condition, and they look ill. lack of protien and other vitamins that veggies and pills can't provide. i still drink whole milk, forget that 2% stuff. i eat ice cream. i love white bread (although i also love wheat bread). I eat crunchy peanut butter. i spread butter on saltine crackers. i make kool-aid with sugar, never the sugar free.

but as with all things eaten, any of it is done in moderation (except for Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, if i open a pint of that stuff, i don't stop until it is gone). and exercise. and drink plenty of water...

in the end, i'll still die...
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:03 PM

this thread is awesome!
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
i spread butter on saltine crackers.
o.m.g. Other than my immediate family, you are the first person I have ever 'met' who does this too!!! This habit is what prompted me to get a butter bell so that my butter is always spreading consistency and doesn't shatter the cracker.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:31 PM

My thing with aspartame is it doesn't occur naturally, it's created chemically. Our bodies can't process it like they can with real sugar. Overall, I feel like it's better to eat foods that are as unprocessed as possible.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:34 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
My thing with aspartame is it doesn't occur naturally, it's created chemically. Our bodies can't process it like they can with real sugar. Overall, I feel like it's better to eat foods that are as unprocessed as possible.

Unless you are out in the woods hunting and gathering all foods are processed. shocked
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:34 PM

Which is why I said as unprocessed as possible. smile
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:33 PM

Cocoa Pebbles are good for you.
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:34 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore

but as with all things eaten, any of it is done in moderation (except for Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, if i open a pint of that stuff, i don't stop until it is gone). and exercise. and drink plenty of water...

in the end, i'll still die...


I stick with as many whole foods as possible, grabbing fruit and nuts for a snack whenever I can, but I'm not giving up my steak or juicy burger!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:36 PM

i'm coo-coo for cocoa puffs
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Jen
Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore

but as with all things eaten, any of it is done in moderation (except for Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, if i open a pint of that stuff, i don't stop until it is gone). and exercise. and drink plenty of water...

in the end, i'll still die...


I stick with as many whole foods as possible, grabbing fruit and nuts for a snack whenever I can, but I'm not giving up my steak or juicy burger!

Whole foods are great except I start getting a little full after the first half of the cow. laugh
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:45 PM


If the packaging of a food tells you that it is healthy, then it probably isn’t.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 04:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Truffle Royale
Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
i spread butter on saltine crackers.
o.m.g. Other than my immediate family, you are the first person I have ever 'met' who does this too!!! This habit is what prompted me to get a butter bell so that my butter is always spreading consistency and doesn't shatter the cracker.

When I was a kid, everyone in my family put butter on saltines. We put butter on everything. If I was hungry before dinner, Mom would give me a spoonful of butter and sugar. Yes, I was a (somewhat) overweight kid.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:08 PM

Unsalted butter and sugar all the way! No margarine and no artificial sweeteners here. Yuck!

If I can't have butter and sugar then I'll do without rather than slather on any fake butter stuff or consume any chemical sweeteners.

I don't go overboard on either butter or sugar but add a little of each to life.

Another butter/saltine cracker eater here from way back.

Did anyone ever eat saltines with mayonnaise on them? Just recently, my wife introduced me to this treat she says she ate as a kid. Pretty good stuff, that mayonnaise on saltine crackers! Just will not work if one substitutes Miracle Whip for the mayonnaise either.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:17 PM

I have done Peanut Butter on Saltines...That is a snack I do alot when I am hungry. But have never done the butter thing.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:18 PM

"Know anyone who has been vegetarian for more than 10 years? Look how their skin is a leathery condition, and they look ill. lack of protein and other vitamins that veggies and pills can't provide."

Yep, you're absolutely correct on the "look." I grew up near an entire small Texas town that, for religious reasons, embraced the "healthful benefits" of a vegetarian diet. The residents stood out like sore thumbs due to their uniformly pasty-faced appearance. They died as readily as the rest of the human population does, and of the same ol' maladies too.

The humorous part of the practice was their "soy-steaks, vegi-burgers, and "bacon-like slices" along with all the other meat substitutes found in their local supermarket. Almost made light of the Biblical admonition to "avoid the very appearance of evil" the way the vegi-meat products were advertised.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:19 PM

butter on saltines prior to soup dipping
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
butter on saltines prior to soup dipping

and/or gumbo!
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:33 PM

I've only ever had canned gumbo
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:53 PM

I've never seen canned gumbo. Do they even sell it up in our neck of the woods, Peepers?

When I want gumbo, I make it from scratch according to the recipe given me by the proprietress of a Louisiana B&B we stayed in. My family requires hush-puppies be served with it, not crackers. laugh
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:57 PM

in the soup isle.....at least they refer to it as gumbo
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 05:59 PM

"Know anyone who has been vegetarian for more than 10 years? Look how their skin is a leathery condition, and they look ill. lack of protein and other vitamins that veggies and pills can't provide."

Never seen that in a vegetarian. And I work with several.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:01 PM

were they wearing a meat dress?
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:04 PM

i spread butter on saltine crackers

Happy you might be okay after all even with your burned steak! I've never even HEARD of this before, but it sounds interesting.

I like PB (As DD said) and LOVE NY extra sharp cheddar melted on saltines under the broiler until saltines are kinda dark...OMG!

These days I also like salted caramel hazlenut spread on saltines or ritz or grahams.

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:13 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
I've only ever had canned gumbo

you poor thing... frown
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:14 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
i spread butter on saltine crackers.

Never tried it on saltines, but it's really good on captain's wafers. grin
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:48 PM

I think the thing most likely to kill us all is the old tuna salad I found in the fridge today. It had an unusual smell.
Posted By: Hoosierland

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 06:58 PM

My husband also eats mayo on saltines, although he isn't picky, so he probably would eat Miracle Whip on them too!

When I was a kid, we had butter and grape jelly on saltines often as a snack. I haven't had that in ages! I like the salty/sweet you get by adding the jelly.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 07:05 PM

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
I think the thing most likely to kill us all is the old tuna salad I found in the fridge today. It had an unusual smell.

new tuna salad has a smell to it...how can you differentiate it from old...
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 07:07 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
I think the thing most likely to kill us all is the old tuna salad I found in the fridge today. It had an unusual smell.

new tuna salad has a smell to it...how can you differentiate it from old...

One has a horrible sicking smell and the other is the old tuna
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 08:57 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
If the packaging of a food tells you that it is healthy, then it probably isn’t.

True. We shall soon see the day of "Organic high-fructose corn syrup."

Possible revision though: If a food comes in packaging, it probably isn't that healthy to begin with.

Bananas to Banana chips
Apples to Apple Juice Cocktail 10% Juice
Pumpkin to Pumpkin Mocha Latte Half-Caf Blaster Whachamadoo
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:06 PM

On the other hand, if food didn't come protected by packaging, it definitely won't be healthy.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:14 PM

Flying, because solar radiation. Particularly, flying when it is not night-time, apparently.

Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:22 PM

I'm vacating this joint in less than two weeks and we're flying, day... night... whatever, solar radiation or not! I'll probably read or nap my way through it.

Solar radiation beats bank compliance. That's the stuff that'll kill ya'!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:23 PM

Unnecessary medical tests can kill, as they can lead to biopsies and further tests (and stress/worry/thoughts of mortality) and possibly surgery, and this is sometimes all done to correct something that would have been a total non-issue if the person had never done the initial test in the first place. And there are false-positives and inconclusive results that lead to removing benign tissues, without properly educating the patient on the risks of complications. A big part of medicine is guesswork. Medicine is big business and informing you of your options is not their job - it's yours.

At age 85 my grandfather flat-out refused to take a stress test (running on a treadmill) because, well, he was 85! Good for him.

I distrust a few of the recommended preventive tests because the medical industry gives them to millions and millions of people for years, THEN determines that the risk of harm outweighs the benefits, in some cases.


Obviously each person's situation is unique and everybody knows somebody who had cancer or whatever illness...Again, this post is just to share my own odd/quirky concern about a thing that thousands (millions) of other people find perfectly normal and acceptable. My reasons may be preposterous, but that's ok.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:24 PM

Originally Posted By: noelekal
On the other hand, if food didn't come protected by packaging, it definitely won't be healthy.

laugh Picturing guy behind butcher counter: "Here's your ground beef. Hold out your hands, please."
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:27 PM

I saw a movie where a guy was killed with a blender to the head.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:32 PM

I saw a movie where a guy was killed by a plant named Seymore.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 09:45 PM

I seen lots a' movies where guys have been killed.

Movies'll kill ya'!
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/02/14 10:34 PM

Some theaters have gross filthy seats and floors. You don't want to go in there with an open wound. The movie theaters will kill you!
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 04:23 AM

Originally Posted By: buggz
The movie theaters will kill you!

::offers everyone some popcorn drenched in butter-flavored goop, nachos slathered in a skinned-over cheese-like substance and Diet Coke::

Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 12:20 PM

On a sad note, did you hear about the second American journalist that was beheaded by ISIS?

I am not sure what the world is coming to.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 12:35 PM

I didn't realize that was a second one...thought it was still authenticating the first one...holy cow! So very sad. frown
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 12:55 PM

Originally Posted By: buggz
I saw a movie where a guy was killed with a blender to the head.
My glass blender jar fell on Eddie's head once. It was hysterical. laugh
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:08 PM

A man went into a Menards located about 1 hour south of me last weekend and an overhead pallet fell on him. It had over 600 pounds of tile on it. He was rushed but later died of his injuries.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:19 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Unnecessary medical tests can kill, as they can lead to biopsies and further tests (and stress/worry/thoughts of mortality) and possibly surgery, and this is sometimes all done to correct something that would have been a total non-issue if the person had never done the initial test in the first place. And there are false-positives and inconclusive results that lead to removing benign tissues, without properly educating the patient on the risks of complications. A big part of medicine is guesswork. Medicine is big business and informing you of your options is not their job - it's yours.

At age 85 my grandfather flat-out refused to take a stress test (running on a treadmill) because, well, he was 85! Good for him.

I distrust a few of the recommended preventive tests because the medical industry gives them to millions and millions of people for years, THEN determines that the risk of harm outweighs the benefits, in some cases.


Obviously each person's situation is unique and everybody knows somebody who had cancer or whatever illness...Again, this post is just to share my own odd/quirky concern about a thing that thousands (millions) of other people find perfectly normal and acceptable. My reasons may be preposterous, but that's ok.

Now this, I can certainly see. I had a procedure a couple years ago that I have to have a follow up each year to ensure there is no reoccurence, which costs me a couple/few thousand each year. Had they just dealt with the issue I came in for, they would not have ever identified that issue. It's a tough call, cause so many times they find something that does need addressed and many times it ends up saving lives, so this is not just black and white.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:27 PM

keep up the good fight ComplyYouMust
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:46 PM

Intentional attempts to contact aliens (METI and SETI projects), because contact with any alien starship-having civilization may potentially/eventually result in our extermination. I mean, haven’t they seen Starship Troopers, or Independence Day?

Even without the intentional efforts, there's a chance of unintentionally making contact due to the volume of radio and TV signals we are constantly transmitting everywhere, including off-world, and which can continue on for long distances into space. We have no way of knowing how any other world would react to our friendly videos of cartoon rabbits or smiley faces or beautiful trees or peace signs or red hearts, much less what they would make of our horror movies or war movies or alien invasion movies.

Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:50 PM

maybe an unintended consequence of the Kardashian's show and just overall news stories is that when aliens see that, they will stay away
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:52 PM

How many Hollywood types just died when they photos they uploaded to the cloud are now on the cloud. It is so shocking, (to them) I mean how could that even happen!?!?! ^_-
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 01:55 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Intentional attempts to contact aliens (METI and SETI projects), because contact with any alien starship-having civilization may potentially/eventually result in our extermination. I mean, haven’t they seen Starship Troopers, or Independence Day?

Even without the intentional efforts, there's a chance of unintentionally making contact due to the volume of radio and TV signals we are constantly transmitting everywhere, including off-world, and which can continue on for long distances into space. We have no way of knowing how any other world would react to our friendly videos of cartoon rabbits or smiley faces or beautiful trees or peace signs or red hearts, much less what they would make of our horror movies or war movies or alien invasion movies.


Tin foil hat time?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Tin foil hat time?

How absurd. A tin foil hat would have little effect on the types of lasers the aliens in Independence Day were using! wink
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:08 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
... And there are false-positives and inconclusive results ...

This reminded me of the chapter on Baynes theorem and false-positives in Nate Silvers book. And the example using mammograms for women under 40:

A woman in her 40's has about a 1.4% chance of getting breast cancer.

If a woman does NOT have cancer, a mammogram will incorrectly say she does (false-positive) about 10% of the time. If she does have cancer it will detect it about 75% of the time.

Given those numbers, if a woman under 40 has a positive mammogram, what are the odds she actually has cancer?

Well, even with the positive mammogram, the odds are only about 10 percent.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:13 PM

Independence Day

Freakin awesome movie. cool
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:18 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
Independence Day

Freakin awesome movie. cool

Hey fellas, I'm BACK!!!!!
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:22 PM

Fave scene is Capt. Hiller punching the alien and then complaining as he drags it across the desert in his parachute. laugh

And to keep this on topic.... how about that movie with Mark Wahlberg where nature rebels and starts killing humans? Yeah. That could happen, right?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
How many Hollywood types just died when they photos they uploaded to the cloud are now on the cloud. It is so shocking, (to them) I mean how could that even happen!?!?! ^_-

any publicity is good publicity
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:25 PM

today i am drinking water...from an environment killing plastic water bottle. i'm almost finished the 1st one and will throw it away and open a 2nd...i have 7 more lined up when that one gets done.

if i was at home i'd recycle, but we don't recycle at work.
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:50 PM

Whatever you do, don't re-use those bottles, the BPA in the plastic will kill you.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:53 PM

But tap water is required to be tested in most states and bottled water does not.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:53 PM

I thought they had a "shelf life" before they were bad to drink out of?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 02:57 PM


Answer: Although bottled water has an expiration date, it doesn't actually go bad. Why is there an expiration date on a product that doesn't go bad? This is because New Jersey requires all food and beverages, including water, to carry an expiration date on its packaging. It doesn't matter if you don't live in New Jersey... your water may carry an expiration date anyway to make it easier to standardize packaging. Some bottled water only carries its bottling date or a 'best by' date. These dates are helpful because the flavor of the water will change over time as it absorbs chemicals from its packaging. The flavor will not necessarily be bad, but it may be noticeable.

It is the fault of a certain person in NJ
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 03:06 PM

Evian is Naive backwards for a reason

Me thinks this is being bottled by someone with their garden hose
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 03:24 PM

i never reuse the plastic bottles...
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 03:27 PM

What about cereal killers? Nobody has mentioned cereal killers! Apparently they can kill you.
Although I dont really see how.Dump a little milk on them and they get all soggy. Gross, but hardly dangerous.....
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 03:49 PM

CRA exams will kill us.

::slowly dying right this instant::
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 03:49 PM

Happy - we don't recycle here either; however I take my recyclable (is that a word) stuff home and put it there.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 04:17 PM

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was one of the best movie titles of all time. The only thing truly deadly about it, though, was that catchy song "Puberty Love". However, I've never been able to track down a solid recording of it.

Puberty love.
There's nothing liiiiike
Puberty love.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 04:21 PM

"Killer Clowns From Outer Space"....
Seems obvious enough.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 04:43 PM

Any clown is frightening!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:37 PM

I'd like to know how opening, drinking, re-filling and drinking water/tea/whatever from a plastic bottle makes any difference. I thought heat had to be involved to activate the BPA.

FWIW, I reuse them all the time...I fill them up with water, put in fridge and wallah! Cold water at the ready in whichever fridge I am near at the moment.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:42 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I'd like to know how opening, drinking, re-filling and drinking water/tea/whatever from a plastic bottle makes any difference. I thought heat had to be involved to activate the BPA.

FWIW, I reuse them all the time...I fill them up with water, put in fridge and wallah! Cold water at the ready in whichever fridge I am near at the moment.

i read that reusing them was actually a germ hazard, and you shouldn't do it. Don't recall anything about BPA.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:42 PM

It may have something to do with the age of the container
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:51 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I'd like to know how opening, drinking, re-filling and drinking water/tea/whatever from a plastic bottle makes any difference. I thought heat had to be involved to activate the BPA.

FWIW, I reuse them all the time...I fill them up with water, put in fridge and wallah! Cold water at the ready in whichever fridge I am near at the moment.

i read that reusing them was actually a germ hazard, and you shouldn't do it. Don't recall anything about BPA.

Yep...refilling was a no no for germs.
BPA was a heat problem.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:52 PM

I reuse them for a few weeks (always inside, never left out in my car or anything like that) then recycle them.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 06:57 PM

I'm really not all that afraid of my own freaking germs!!! (that's what I do mani...not like forever!)
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 07:59 PM

that's how you fight those dang free radicals, reuse the bloody water bottle!
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 08:21 PM

I'd like to be a free radical. Sounds liberating.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 08:35 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I'm really not all that afraid of my own freaking germs!!! (that's what I do mani...not like forever!)

but you transfer those germs to others when you refill, and you also get germs from others when refilling...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 09:37 PM

:Surprises no one by having concerns about refilled water bottles:

Refilled plastic water bottles are deadly killers, because staph and strep throat that you catch from yourself (bacteria thrive and multiply in the reused water bottle...what started as a couple of bad guys in your mouth end up as a real mosh pit in that 24-hour-old water bottle).

Health experts from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) say refilling plastic water or soda bottles without thoroughly washing them could increase one's chances of contracting staph infections, strep throat, meningitis, and other illnesses. http://www.worldissues360.com/index.php/...and-bags-56534/
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 09:38 PM

Refilled plastic water bottles are deadly killers, because heat is only one thing that causes the chemicals to leach into the drink. Normal wear and tear, the washing process, the aging process, any damage to the plastic – all of this can cause the chemicals to leach, if in fact you for some reason believe that no chemicals are leaching during your first drink. The disposable ones seem pretty easy to damage, as they are now made so cheaply and thinly that they crinkle every time they are lifted) – and since all types of damage, not just heat, can trigger the release of chemicals, reusing them seems risky.

By the way, the big water bottles delivered by a truck are certainly not new and have been exposed to heat, sunlight, and lots of wear and tear.

Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 09:50 PM

Immune systems are like muscles! You've got to exercise that sucker every now and then! Be wild soemtimes! Drink some water from a reused bottle! Use the 5 second rule! Lick a stamp! You dont even have to mail anything! Just do it to live dangerously!! grin
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/03/14 09:50 PM

so you drink by scooping water with your hands?
There are germs on everything, whether it's freshly washed or manufactured or whatever.
Chemicals surround us.
Thankfully, most of us have good immune systems that fight whatever our body doesn't like.
But in the end, something's gonna get ya' and you're going to die just like the rest of us.

I know you posted your version of thread rules but reading your stuff is like driving by an accident on the highway. Gapers block trigged this response.
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 12:11 PM

Comply - I'm surprised you can leave your house. I honestly don't worry about all of this stuff - well most of it anyway. Do I reuse water bottles - sometimes. Do I wash my hands - very often. I try not to worry about every little thing that could possibly hurt me or make me sick.

I'm on BBB1's and Truff's bandwagons - and try not to live in fear of everything - like my mother does. Life's too short for that.
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 01:05 PM

I have been re-using and re-filling the same Dasani bottled water, water bottle for over a year. I have left it in my hot car, I have put it in the freezer when I want a cold drink, and I have gone weeks without washing it.

My wife threw it away last week after seeing something about the leaching on the Today show.

Surely my days are numbered.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 01:31 PM

Nice knowing you GoBucs, now if you had only been refilling it with your garden hose, then you would be ok. smirk
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 01:43 PM

I don't wash the ripe figs that I munch as I pass by the fig trees while mowing the back yard. I do give 'em a visual check to see if there are any ants or bird poop on them.

Is there any hope for me?
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 01:48 PM

I think ComplyYouMust is on to something and is just preparing.

Kind of like driving defensively.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 01:58 PM

I just picked up a donut off the floor......
and ate it!

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
I just picked up a donut off the floor......
and ate it!


you ate a donut shocked laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:05 PM

OK, no. I lied about that.
But I just picked up a "fourth of a bagel and ate it" didnt have the same comedic ring to it.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:08 PM

Non-stick cookware, because its molecular structure changes and toxic gases are released when cooking at normal temperatures (say, medium heat, for just a few minutes). Though these links don’t support it, my other (possibly preposterous) reason is that I think that when the molecular structure is so slippery and is heated up, the pan begins to exchange atoms with my eggs, and I don’t want to eat the pan’s plastic-based coating.

Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:14 PM

If they'd make flavored plastic-based coating, the problem would be solved.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:15 PM

I remember drinking well water as a kid that tasted like it contained the secret to original life. I survived that, so i figure i'm ok.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:16 PM

Originally Posted By: GoBucs
I have been re-using and re-filling the same Dasani bottled water, water bottle for over a year. I have left it in my hot car, I have put it in the freezer when I want a cold drink, and I have gone weeks without washing it.

My wife threw it away last week after seeing something about the leaching on the Today show.

Surely my days are numbered.

something tells me if a movie was made about your life the intro song would be Molly Hatchett's "Flirting With Disaster". You live a dangerous life, my friend!!! grin
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:18 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I remember drinking well water as a kid that tasted like it contained the secret to original life. I survived that, so i figure i'm ok.

I drink well water daily, often straight from the garden hose. It's amazing!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:20 PM

what's amazing is that you're still alive to tell us about it!!!!! eek
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:20 PM

LOVE well water. Still drink it when I go back to my parents' house.
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:19 PM

I think all the extra minerals in the hard water (that is a PITA to clean off glass shower doors) has given me super powers.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:24 PM

::contemplates drinking own bath water::
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:24 PM

If not super powers, it will certainly harden up your urine and who couldn't use more of that?! laugh

If you are use to well water, city water tastes very chemical laden.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:30 PM

It all depends on the well...i've had some amazing well water too.....i've also had well water with the primordial funk in it.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:48 PM

I cannot imagine living life thinking about all the things that can kill me. At some point something will kill me. Until then I'm living my life however I want to live it.

Know what will definitely kill you? Self-induced stress.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:49 PM

I won't drink city water either....nowadays, i only drink bottled Ozarka or Nestle water.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:52 PM

For years we drank well water from a well at the barn. When loading hay into the barn, could not wait to get out and get a drink. I loved it, it had the "Crank" type of pump. There was a tin ladel that hung on the side with a chain. We all shared the same ladel.

Amazing we are alive today.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 02:58 PM

Our cottage up near Alpena didn't have a well. We drank the water from two springs on the property. I have no super powers.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:12 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I won't drink city water either....nowadays, i only drink bottled Ozarka or Nestle water.

both of which are labeled as "source is municipal water supply"! so, not only are you drinking city water, you are paying 3x the cost to do so!
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:14 PM

They may be municipal water supply, but they aren't my town's water supply.....my tap water tastes bad...those don't.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:15 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I won't drink city water either....nowadays, i only drink bottled Ozarka or Nestle water.

both of which are labeled as "source is municipal water supply"! so, not only are you drinking city water, you are paying 3x the cost to do so!

laugh Genius!
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:19 PM

If you guys think all 'municipal' water is the same, you're welcome to come drink my city water.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:20 PM

If anyone saw my "ice water challenge" the Spring in this article is just up river and is a place I grew up swimming at (and rasing much cain).

In a rural North Florida town where the water tower bears the motto ”Tiny but Proud,” residents have a big secret: They give the cold, clear spring water that bubbles up from the aquifer below their soil to the nation’s largest bottled water company — for free. Every day, Nestle Waters of North America sucks up an estimated 500,000 gallons from Madison Blue Springs, a limestone basin one mile north of town. It pipes the 70-degree water to its massive bottling plant and distribution center, fills 102,000 plastic containers an hour, pastes on Deer Park or Zephyrhills labels, boxes it up and ships half of it out of state. –

The cost to the company for the water: a one-time $150 local water permit. Like 22 other bottled water companies in Florida, including giants Coca Cola and Pepsi Co., Nestle’s profit is 10 to 100 times the cost of each bottle. And the payment to Florida? Not a dime.

Outside the rural north Florida town of Lee, “every day, Nestle Waters of North America sucks up an estimated 500,000 gallons from Madison Blue Springs,” the paper says. You probably know it as Deer Park. –



I drink well water and have for 20+ years. Only recently I put a sediment filter on because I get tons of clay and iron coming through it and was tired of washing my clothes in this unpredicable water 'quality' much less it clogging my filter screens on appliances and fixtures. The water can be pure orange at times and tastes like rust from all the iron. The filter makes it taste wonderful tho! smile

I probably also am guilty of cleaning stalls in the barn and eating/drinking without thinking to wash my hands. I am rarely sick. I'm pretty sure this practice contributes largely to that fact. cool
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:20 PM

i think Ozarka actually does use a spring...but if you read the fine print on bottled water, many have switched to "municipal water supply" as the source even while touting themselves as spring water...i don't believe the FDA has gotten up to speed on changing this, but has brought it up as posisbly deceptive.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: manimal
LOVE well water. Still drink it when I go back to my parents' house.

Same here. I've toyed with the idea of sending gallons to myself so I can enoy good water in Phx.
Posted By: manimal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 04:07 PM

Whew that would be pricey! I'm lucky mine are only a half hour away.
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 04:52 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: GoBucs
I have been re-using and re-filling the same Dasani bottled water, water bottle for over a year. I have left it in my hot car, I have put it in the freezer when I want a cold drink, and I have gone weeks without washing it.

My wife threw it away last week after seeing something about the leaching on the Today show.

Surely my days are numbered.

something tells me if a movie was made about your life the intro song would be Molly Hatchett's "Flirting With Disaster". You live a dangerous life, my friend!!! grin

Enough of this living on the edge, I have a family to think about. I'm switching to a plastic cup that clearly says 'BPA Free' on the bottom. I hope it's not too late.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 04:56 PM

BPA-Free Does Not Mean Safe. Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 05:14 PM

Hiking can kill you!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 05:17 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
i think Ozarka actually does use a spring...but if you read the fine print on bottled water, many have switched to "municipal water supply" as the source even while touting themselves as spring water...i don't believe the FDA has gotten up to speed on changing this, but has brought it up as posisbly deceptive.

Probably so...alot of bottled water is simply filtered tap water.

But Nestle has a huge business down here...tapping our beautiful springs.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:34 PM

I just got this junk mail, and thought that CYM needs to see this.

(AS I do not know the safety of clicking on this link, do so at yoru own risk)

Milk worse than smoking?


Did you know that according to a study from an esteemed medical school, some types of milk are now connected to cancer… and could cause as much damage to your health as smoking four packs of cigarettes a day?

Think about that…
Smoking four packs a day is almost certain to lead to an early death….but according to the latest research, a certain type of milk could be even worse.

Yet I’d bet not one in 1,000 people knows what type of milk it is.

There’s a good chance this milk may be in your fridge right now.

It was in mine, too. Until I came across the research you’re about to see.

Click here to find out.


Doug Hill
Director, Laissez Faire Club
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:36 PM

Link says it's broken..what kind of milk?
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:38 PM

The webpage cannot be found

Now I'm freaking out because this toxic milk may be in my frige, too!!!
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:39 PM

Who knows, try google...just a thought. I t was junk mail and I wasn't going to click the link.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:41 PM

LOL..but you shared the link with all of us....thanks. smile
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:49 PM

Please read the first line of my post..."I just got this junk mail," I suppose I should further post, "Click on the link at your own risk". smile
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 08:51 PM

as suspected, a quick google comes up with a Harvard study and others.
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 09:08 PM

Well - what kind of milk is it?
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 09:12 PM

Mass "Factory Farm" milk. Where cows are kept is cages and milked 300 days a year.

More of a political stmt that factual. Most of the "results" were non conclusive..."May cause cancer"
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 09:18 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Who knows, try google...just a thought. I t was junk mail and I wasn't going to click the link.

Thx, punk! smile

But thank goodness, toxic milk isn't in my fridge.

::wipes brow::
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 09:27 PM

A Harvard study, a place that brought us Elizabeth Warren?
Posted By: Xian Ngyuen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 09:46 PM

Um, no. Unless you are confusing the University of Houston with Harvard University.
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/04/14 11:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Xian Ngyuen
Um, no. Unless you are confusing the University of Houston with Harvard University.


Warren worked at Harvard and obtained her position because Harvard needed minority employees. Thus it was very difficult to fire her, because Harvard had been criticized for its lack of diversity. The only problem is, she just claimed to be a minority but was actually 100% white. This has been pretty well proven at this point. Then she ran for office in Massachusetts again as a Native American person. There has been a dispute over whether she received preferential treatment because of this. Her colleagues claim she did not, however Harvard made a big deal about their new "minority" instructor.

Even after it has been proven she was not Native American and the person she claimed to be native in her family was not native, she went on to claim that she is native in subsequent interviews.

Yet amazingly, the people of Massachusetts saw fit to elect her to office.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 10:50 AM

in case you need a citiation


Elizabeth has been a law professor at Harvard for nearly 20 years and has written nine books, including two national best-sellers, and more than a hundred articles. National Law Journal named her one of the Most Influential Lawyers of the Decade, and she has been honored by the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with the Lelia J. Robinson Award.

And about that best selling book

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) repeats her false claims of Native American ancestry in her new book, A Fighting Chance, which is scheduled for release next Tuesday.

"As a kid, I had learned about my Native American background the same way every kid learns about who they are: from family," Senator Warren writes in an excerpt published Wednesday in the Boston Globe.

Senator Warren then repeats a line she used often in her 2012 Senate campaign, memorialized in a September 2012 television commercial, writing "I never questioned my family’s stories or asked my parents for proof or documentation. What kid would?"

"Knowing who you are is one thing, and proving who you are is another," Warren writes.

In 2012 Breitbart News exhaustively documented the facts surrounding Senator Warren's claims of Native American ancestry and demonstrated that no credible evidence exists to support those claims. But lack of genealogical evidence has never stopped Senator Warren from boldly asserting as fact something which is flatly not true.


and the other book


Mrs. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article.
Posted By: Xian Ngyuen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 12:44 PM

I interpreted the "the place that brought us" to mean she attended Harvard. You apparently meant it to mean "was employed by".
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 12:49 PM

Yes, It appears that a 2 year stay at Houston you think is more important than a 20 year gig at Harvard
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:04 PM

How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread? I mean, yes she helped get the CFPB up and running, and yes, the things that they have implemented will probably cause many of us stress related health issues, but, let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:41 PM

:shakes head sadly: it's gonna kill me.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:45 PM

Essential tremor ?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:51 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread? I mean, yes she helped get the CFPB up and running, and yes, the things that they have implemented will probably cause many of us stress related health issues, but, let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Allow me....
Meteors are gonna kill us. Near earth objects anyone? grin
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:51 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread?....let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Yes, the sky IS falling – well, sort of. Nonresponsive Russian satellite may fall. Heads up!


Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:54 PM

And someday I may actually get hit by 'that bus' that I often refer to.

Can't live in fear of everything, that is not living.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:56 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread?....let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Yes, the sky IS falling – well, sort of. Nonresponsive Russian satellite may fall. Heads up!



::Don's the tin foil hat::
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:57 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
I just got this junk mail, and thought that CYM needs to see this....Did you know that according to a study from an esteemed medical school, some types of milk are now connected to cancer…...

Thanks DD. Knowing that you wanted me to become aware of another potential deadly killer warms my stone of a heart.

Although your mail was junk mail and the link potentially virus-laden, and I think the writer's claims may be exaggerated, I did actually become aware of the toxicity of the average industrial farm's milk output some years ago, and haven't drunk a glass of animal secretion in quite some time.
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Xian Ngyuen
I interpreted the "the place that brought us" to mean she attended Harvard. You apparently meant it to mean "was employed by".


I think it can be interpreted two ways. I agree with both your way and Ed's way. When I saw "the place that brought us" I thought more about where Warren earned her claim to fame. Certainly a Harvard professor garners a lot of weight more than someone with a masters from Houston. I guess if you were going to say she "came from" anywhere it would not even be Houston. You could argue it was George Washington University. But no one could make the argument that she "was brought by" the Native Americans.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread? I mean, yes she helped get the CFPB up and running, and yes, the things that they have implemented will probably cause many of us stress related health issues, but, let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Allow me....
Meteors are gonna kill us. Near earth objects anyone? grin

The can get Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to drill a hole and blow it up. Unfortunately they will need to replace Michael Clarke Duncan.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 01:59 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
Unfortunately they will need to replace Michael Clarke Duncan.

LOL, no, wait, Too soon!
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:01 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread? I mean, yes she helped get the CFPB up and running, and yes, the things that they have implemented will probably cause many of us stress related health issues, but, let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Allow me....
Meteors are gonna kill us. Near earth objects anyone? grin

The can get Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to drill a hole and blow it up. Unfortunately they will need to replace Michael Clarke Duncan.

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:02 PM


not sure about anyone else, but i certainly won't be opening any link with the above description in it...I have enough issues already without adding IT to my list
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: edAudit
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: QCL
How did we get to Elizabeth Warren in this thread? I mean, yes she helped get the CFPB up and running, and yes, the things that they have implemented will probably cause many of us stress related health issues, but, let's get back to this thread, wherein the sky is falling.

Allow me....
Meteors are gonna kill us. Near earth objects anyone? grin

The can get Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to drill a hole and blow it up. Unfortunately they will need to replace Michael Clarke Duncan.


Could he fit in a space capsule?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:04 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore

not sure about anyone else, but i certainly won't be opening any link with the above description in it...I have enough issues already without adding IT to my list

Chicken. laugh
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore

not sure about anyone else, but i certainly won't be opening any link with the above description in it...I have enough issues already without adding IT to my list

Chicken. laugh

Man stabbed to death by chicken

Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:16 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: edAudit
Unfortunately they will need to replace Michael Clarke Duncan.

LOL, no, wait, Too soon!

cry cry cry cry
Posted By: Xian Ngyuen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:21 PM

Sound Tactic,

What does "Barbs" mean? You've called me that twice in this thread.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Xian Ngyuen
Sound Tactic,

What does "Barbs" mean? You've called me that twice in this thread.

They are sharp little pointy things that ranchers put on wire to keep cattle in.
You may infer what you wish.... laugh
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

::Don's the tin foil hat::

Pssst, we don't allow name calling here, you shouldn't call him that. whistle
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 02:51 PM

Originally Posted By: E.G.B.
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

::Don's the tin foil hat::

Pssst, we don't allow name calling here, you shouldn't call him that. whistle

My bad... eek
Don is the "most excellent" tin foil hat! grin
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 03:04 PM

i just ate a piece of chocolate. for lunch today we are doing our football tailgate kickoff lunch...i'll be eating hot dogs, chili, baked beans, chips, drinking a Barq's rootbeer, and dessert is carrot cake cupcakes...later on, i also plan on chewing some sugar free gum...i've also had 2 cups of coffee - out of a styrofoam cup...

pretty sure i've hit 9 of the 10 "must avoid" categories from Comply so far today!
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 03:11 PM

Can I come to your office for lunch??? Sounds pretty tasty!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 03:14 PM

Me tooooo!

Chocolate? Who in their right mind would fear CHOCOLATE? shocked
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 03:34 PM

Zomcom if you are a zombie
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 03:37 PM

plenty to go around, come on down
Posted By: Sound Tactic

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 07:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Xian Ngyuen
Sound Tactic,

What does "Barbs" mean? You've called me that twice in this thread.

try harder
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 07:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Sound Tactic
Originally Posted By: Hrothgar Geiger
Sound Tactic,

What does "Barbs" mean? You've called me that twice in this thread.

try harder
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/05/14 08:00 PM

Attila the Hun
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 02:46 PM

Patents on life, leading to worldwide famine. Patented seeds spreading by wind across roads into fields and farms where they aren’t wanted, disrupting the farming cycle and subjecting the ability to sustain life to copyright law. Seed sellers prohibiting the saving and planting of seeds and enforcing it with litigation. Seed sellers making sure their plants can't germinate more than once.

Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 03:02 PM

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 03:07 PM

Phx is flooded
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 03:12 PM

oh wow, sat in a conference on Friday, made the mistake of sitting near the projector...all the little dust things floating in front of the bulb are clearly visible...couldn't help but wondering if that was bits of Socrates, Attila the Hun, Joseph Goebbels, Anna Nicole Smith, Alfred Einstein, or any other famous or non-famous bits of flesh floating around...

hey, happy Monday!
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 03:16 PM

^^^^^sounds so appealing!!
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 03:16 PM

Don't go near children's hospitals!!! They are full of germs.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 05:12 PM

Something tells me that CYM would not have survived my trip to the iron yard this weekend. whistle
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 07:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Don't go near children's hospitals!!! They are full of germs.

Easier said than done, my friend.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 08:00 PM

"A meteorite crashed down in Managua, Nicaragua, late Saturday night, causing a loud explosion and leaving a crater 39 feet (12 meters) across, government officials said, according to The Associated Press. No damage or injuries were reported [This time! - CYM].

AP quoted government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo as saying they've determined it was a "relatively small" meteorite that "appears to have come off an asteroid that was passing close to Earth [too close to Earth - CYM]."

NASA [suspiciously-CYM] hasn't confirmed a link between the meteorite and the asteroid. The newly discovered asteroid [Oh, newly discovered? Thanks for the heads up, NASA! It already hit us.-CYM], called 2014 RC, was expected to pass safely [guess it depends on your definition of safely, then-CYM] above the Earth on Sunday, NASA said, at a distance of about 25,000 miles (40,000 kilometers) -- just one-tenth the distance from the center of Earth to the moon. It was estimated to be 60 feet (18 meters) long...."

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 08:03 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
leaving a crater 39 feet (12 meters) across... No damage reported

umm, wouldn't one consider a hole 39 feet across to be damage?
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 08:18 PM

Not in Nicaragua!
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/08/14 08:31 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
leaving a crater 39 feet (12 meters) across... No damage reported

umm, wouldn't one consider a hole 39 feet across to be damage?

What he ^^^^ said! 39 Ft is a pretty good hole if you ask me!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 04:22 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Alfred Einstein...

Not to mention his supposed cousin Albert.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 04:22 PM

Sharks in lakes and rivers, because they can totally be there.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Alfred Einstein...

Not to mention his supposed cousin Albert.

I *think* I might have heard of him. smile

And cool info on the bull shark.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 05:48 PM

cool unless you were the little kid bitten by one in lake Pontchartrain, I think, down in LA.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 06:07 PM


There is a lake in South Florida...I think the tides must overtake it or something, but it's popular for skiing and jet skiing, etc. They call it something like "anything" lake or something close to that because absolutely ANYTHING can be trapped in it at any given time (from the Ocean).

I don't think I'll be snorkeling around in that trap...nope!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 06:57 PM

i'd like to ask that ComplyYouMust start posting here first thing every morning...otherwise, i'm afraid the title of the thread may have come true for you...
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 07:09 PM

When we're on vacation, I like to get up and run in the morning. I saw a video the other day of a crocodile crossing the sidewalk I run on, and going across the street to the golf course. Here's the video:

That made me do other searching, and I find there are crocs all around the hotel - on the beach, by the boats in the marina, and all over the golf course. One couple was attacked a few years ago, when they wandered onto the course at night for a little romance.

Vacation is going to kill me.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 07:23 PM

Freezing temps! I know many fruits and veggies need this weather to set up for spring blossums, but not me!
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 07:26 PM

The first time i vacationed in Florida, I went golfing as usual. I hit a ball that rolled into the water, so like the Ohioan that I am, I went to retrieve my ball, after all, it was still good and I paid good money for that ball.

The local i was golfing with said, "I wouldn't do that if i was you" I asked why not.

He said, "see those bubbles, that's not a turtle." laugh

He proceeded to tell me in Florida, do retieve you ball in the water or the rough. The ball is not worht is.
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 08:43 PM

^^happened to Mr. TR in Tampa too. Big ol' 14' gator laying there with golf balls all around. Local guys hubby was golfing with said 'that's his 3pm spot. He follows the sun around the course.' cool
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/09/14 08:46 PM

Originally Posted By: waldensouth
cool unless you were the little kid bitten by one in lake Pontchartrain, I think, down in LA.

Cool because of this sharks' ability to adapt to freshwater or salt water.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/10/14 02:26 PM

Facebook and social media, because depressing. Peoples' selfies lie about their level of happiness, and some users buy it, and fail in their internal comparison.

Being glued to a portable device, for same reason.


Also because (and this reason may be preposterous but that’s ok) within a generation, people so devoted to screen time may lack the skills necessary to find a mate and help propagate the species.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/10/14 02:48 PM

How and everything kill us when everything is awesome!?!? wink
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/10/14 02:52 PM

I think CYM spends lots of time on FB looking at Doomsday pages...that way, all these things he comes up with pop up on his page and thus is easy for him to pass on to us!

Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/10/14 02:57 PM

Obviously CYM hasn't checked out Tinder. Lots of social "propagating" going on there!
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/10/14 04:35 PM

I wonder how the Illuminutty feel about this?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 01:57 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I think CYM spends lots of time on FB looking at Doomsday pages...that way, all these things he comes up with pop up on his page and thus is easy for him to pass on to us! whistle

False. Unfortunately, it's just that I remember too much of what I read and hear, at least as it concerns this subject matter. If, one time in 1995, I read that something was a deadly killer, I never forgot it. These things have accumulated to the point where I now know, realize, and accept that indeed, Everything Is Going to Kill Us.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 01:58 PM

Your average ATM, because bacteria from people’s filthy fingertips makes them about as clean as your average public restroom seat.

Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 02:34 PM

Hah! This thread's become so toxic, so infectious, so environmentally degrading, so anxiety-ridden that just contemplating it'll kill us for sure.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 02:47 PM

I prefer to think of it as strengthening my immune system!

Well, there's that and, it makes me giggle. laugh
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 03:06 PM

It is amusing to read of all the dithering that could be done, if I was of a mind to do so.
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 03:10 PM

oh! I've got one! We have key fobs to open all the doors here at work. If you don't have your fob, you have to punch a code on the key pad. I won't use the pad because of all the germs that build up from everyone who doesn't remember their fob. And when the lock clicks open, I push on the door so I don't have to touch the handle either.

:whew: and here I was worried I was phobia-less laugh
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 03:49 PM

Our bank has huge bottles of Purel hanging on the walls. But I will now need to have handiwipes or purel in the car when I go through the ATM drive through.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 03:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Our bank has huge bottles of Purel hanging on the walls.

the dispensers on these are full of germs...so, you should have a box of alcohol wipes next to the purel dispenser so you can wipe off the plunger before touching it with your hands...
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:11 PM

doesn't using the Purell after touching the plunger take care of that?
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:15 PM

But aren't all sanitizers harming our immune system and lessening our ability to fight germs naturally?
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:17 PM

I lick shopping cart handles from time to time to keep mine on its toes
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:36 PM

Back when our eldest was a toddler, my wife was making a return at a customer service counter in the local K-Mart, all involved with the exchange then looking down to find our son standing up in the cart, enthusiastically licking back and forth along the edge of the counter, just about where the arm pits of most patrons would rest while conducting business. Considering all the sleeveless halter tops, wife-beater shirts and such that even back then were seen in the place in summertime, my wife said she almost upchucked on the spot.

He survived it in fine style to grow up to be a pretty fine fellow, now 32 years old.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:43 PM

has he acquired a taste for arm pits?
Posted By: Matt_B

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:44 PM


Didn't look through the thread, but somehow doubt this was already shared. In Texas, having a poorly-controlled drive with your frisbee whilst playing frisbee golf can get you shot at.

Then again, it's Texas, and what won't get you shot at down there? On second thought, could this have been Pale?? Darn kid's getting on his lawn!
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
has he acquired a taste for arm pits?

::calibrates Employer-Approved-Post meter::

I don't know about this one
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 04:56 PM

Good manners won't get you shot down here.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Matt_B

Didn't look through the thread, but somehow doubt this was already shared. In Texas, having a poorly-controlled drive with your frisbee whilst playing frisbee golf can get you shot at.

Then again, it's Texas, and what won't get you shot at down there? On second thought, could this have been Pale?? Darn kid's getting on his lawn!

Reminds me of the young Texan, John Wesley Hardin. He is buried in El Paso and was said to have killed 30 men. Bob Dylan immortalized him in song:

John Wesley Harding was a friend to the poor
He traveled with a gun in every hand
All along the countryside, he opened many a door
But he was never known to hurt an honest man

Twas down in Chaney County, a time they talk about
With his lady by his side, he took a stand
And soon the situation there was all but straightened out
For he was always known to lend a helping hand.

All across the telegraph, his name it did resound
But no charge held against him could be proved
And there was no man around who could track or chain him down
He was never known to make a foolish move.

But a lawman shot him in the back as he was rolling dice at a downtown saloon.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
has he acquired a taste for arm pits?

With fava beans and a nice chianti? fuh-fuh-fuh! laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:15 PM

I'm afraid that Dylan may have romanticized Mr. Hardin's life a bit. I'm pretty sure that some of his exploits were a little over reported, but I dont think he was a real warm and fuzzy kinda guy. Once out of prison, he did become an attorney. Not real successful, but an attorney nonetheless. His busniness cards had bullet holes in them. And he was shot and killed.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
has he acquired a taste for arm pits?

No but it does gross him out now as one of those cringingly embarrassing stories parents can torment their kids with.

All these years later my own parents still like to tell about the time ...
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
doesn't using the Purell after touching the plunger take care of that?

i'm thinking of the time between touching the plunger with one hand, dispensing teh stuff inot the other, and then transferring to the plunger hand...mere milliseconds, but enough to cause irreperable harm, per this thread, i'm sure
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 05:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
I'm afraid that Dylan may have romanticized Mr. Hardin's life a bit. I'm pretty sure that some of his exploits were a little over reported, but I dont think he was a real warm and fuzzy kinda guy. Once out of prison, he did become an attorney. Not real successful, but an attorney nonetheless. His busniness cards had bullet holes in them. And he was shot and killed.

i'm sure there is a which is worse, a lawyer or gunfighting killer joke in here somewhere...
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 06:23 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: Peepers
doesn't using the Purell after touching the plunger take care of that?

i'm thinking of the time between touching the plunger with one hand, dispensing teh stuff inot the other, and then transferring to the plunger hand...mere milliseconds, but enough to cause irreperable harm, per this thread, i'm sure

I like to use tons of the free Purell at the supermarket so the alcohol gets absorbed into my skin and I catch a free buzz.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
i'm thinking of the time between touching the plunger with one hand, dispensing teh stuff inot the other, and then transferring to the plunger hand...mere milliseconds, but enough to cause irreperable harm, per this thread, i'm sure

Close. My logic is that public Purell dispenser plungers are about as clean as your average ATM keypad or public restroom seat. I've seen some people get a pump of Purell to clean their hands before touching something public - I think that is what is intended - but many others wait until after they've touched everything then only use the Purell afterwards, on their way out, thus somewhat protecting themselves but no one else. Everyone who first gets dirty hands and then runs to the public Purell is leaving it filthy for the rest of us.

My rule is I don't use public Purell unless someone I'm with (and who apparently knows me pretty well) gets an extra large squirt, then offers me their hand, so that I can get a dab directly from their hand. I usually pause to consider their fingers' cleanliness, running through a mental checklist of where we've been that day, and what I've seen their hands touching, and how long it has been since the last time they were known to be washed with soap and water, and then I accept a dab in appoximately 20% of cases it is offered.

Besides, washing your hands is, to a large extent, about using friction to dislodge germs and microbes while the soap lubricates them and your skin to make them slippery so the (preferably very hot) water can literally wash them off (I got that from a hospital staff hand washing notice which I read about 4 years ago). None of that process happens with hand sanitizer.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/11/14 11:32 PM

I've got one that will give you the heebee-jeebees (it kinda grosses me out too).

My friend's kids leave their toothbrushes laying on the sink and the heads are next to the faucet handles. That way, people's hands drip on them whenever they turn the faucets off. Sure, presumably the person's hands are dripping clean water, but still, eww. eek
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 01:44 PM

Anyone that leaves their toothbrush exposed in the bathroom is asking for trouble. Everytime you flush the toilet, fecal matter goes airbourne baby! Beware.
Posted By: Matt_B

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 01:48 PM

I read something about a study that indicated even in a medicine cabinet, the exposure rate was nearly the same as if sitting on the counter. So unless you put your toothbrushes in another room, you're probably just as bad off.

I should search for the source, but meh, it's more fun to watch people worry and try to figure out if they should believe me or not.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 01:50 PM

::eye roll emo::

If CYM is really as portrayed...I'm sure he would not last 5 minutes around me because:

1) He'd die at the mere thought of the dogs/horses/cats/dust bunnies/furballs/etc around me, or

2) I'd run over him with my 4 wheeler to put him out of his misery.

Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 01:51 PM

If my toothbrush hasn't killed me by now...I'm thinking it's not going to. I don't, however, leave it laying around to be dripped on or sitting in water...ICK!

ETA: I just had this vision of a killer toothbrush running rampant around trying to catch me! eek
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 01:53 PM

I live by the philosophy of.....'it's not gross if i'm not aware of it'.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:11 PM

^^^ This!
I figure since I'm a young-ish healthy adult, probably touching a doorknob isn't gonna take me down. Probably have a much higher risk of being hit by lightning than dying from a doorknob or toothbrush disease.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:15 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
::eye roll emo::

If CYM is really as portrayed...I'm sure he would not last 5 minutes around me because:

1) He'd die at the mere thought of the dogs/horses/cats/dust bunnies/furballs/etc around me, or

2) I'd run over him with my 4 wheeler to put him out of his misery.


If we are allowing gambling (Reg GG applies?) I would put my money on 2
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:18 PM

Based on the volume of death-wishers and death threats posted in this thread, I'd say:

Truth is a deadly killer (for the truth-speaker). smirk
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:19 PM

Recycling is a deadly killer. Replacing your iPhone for no valid reason is a deadly killer. Just as we’re all breathing in a speck of Aristotle with each inhalation, we’re also all breathing in 2012’s discarded smartphones.

Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:24 PM

I'd have to get an iphone before i could replace it.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:26 PM

I have the freaking Arnold Schwartnegger of immune systems! It works out all the time from all the dorknobs I touch, the 5 second rule applied on a daily basis, reused water bottles and schvetty barbells I touch on a daily basis!
Wir sind Europameister im!!!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:28 PM

Me too! Besides, I thought they just recycled (refurbished) them into Straightalk phones and the like.
<<<---Straightalk user...using refurbished LG phone.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:29 PM

Ve are goin' pump you up BBB1!
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Ve are goin' pump you up BBB1!

Thats why they told me to stay put of prison! eek

Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:30 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
Originally Posted By: RR Joker
::eye roll emo::

If CYM is really as portrayed...I'm sure he would not last 5 minutes around me because:

1) He'd die at the mere thought of the dogs/horses/cats/dust bunnies/furballs/etc around me, or

2) I'd run over him with my 4 wheeler to put him out of his misery.


If we are allowing gambling (Reg GG applies?) I would put my money on 2

pooh on gambling regs!
This simply cannot be a real person. Dealing with this much phobia doesn't leave enough time in the day to be a productive human being.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:31 PM

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 02:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
I have the freaking Arnold Schwartnegger of immune systems! It works out all the time from all the dorknobs I touch, the 5 second rule applied on a daily basis, reused water bottles...

I'm pretty sure the immune system is ineffective against toxic chemicals, lead, radiation, etc. For example...

"Benzene works by causing cells not to work correctly. For example, it can cause bone marrow not to produce enough red blood cells, which can lead to anemia. Also, it can damage the immune system by changing blood levels of antibodies and causing the loss of white blood cells." http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/benzene/basics/facts.asp
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:02 PM

from the article

Benzene evaporates into the air very quickly. Its vapor is heavier than air and may sink into low-lying areas.

So it would no longer be on the doorknob but possibly on his shoes (shoes can kill you)
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:04 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
I'm pretty sure the immune system is ineffective against toxic chemicals, lead, radiation, etc.

Lead is toxic but protects you from radiation so basically, pick your poison. smirk
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:06 PM

Know what else will kill you?

Have a drink.
It may kill you too.

We all have to die at some point.
Life - Not one of us will get out of it alive.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:07 PM

shocked laugh

ETA: I'll drink to that...fruit my beer, please!!! grin
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:35 PM

For some reason I am reminded of the TBBT episode when Penny gets the chair from the curb and Shelton sets in it. laugh
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:36 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Know what else will kill you?

Have a drink.
It may kill you too.

We all have to die at some point.
Life - Not one of us will get out of it alive.

Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:44 PM

To steal someone elses wisdom, there is no way I am going to come out of this alive and when I'm on the slab, I want them to look at me and say, "Wow! He must have had a good time!" grin
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:47 PM


Joker, to heck with scrubbing it first to remove pesticides and germs. The alcohol will drown it out. So fruit my beer too please!
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 03:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
To steal someone elses wisdom, there is no way I am going to come out of this alive and when I'm on the slab, I want them to look at me and say, "Wow! He must have had a good time!" grin

This reminds me of the saying "A good friend will bail you out of jail. A great friend will be sitting there next to you saying 'Man, that was fun!'" laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 04:12 PM

Originally Posted By: GuitarDude
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
To steal someone elses wisdom, there is no way I am going to come out of this alive and when I'm on the slab, I want them to look at me and say, "Wow! He must have had a good time!" grin

This reminds me of the saying "A good friend will bail you out of jail. A great friend will be sitting there next to you saying 'Man, that was fun!'" laugh

Yes! This too!
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 04:34 PM

I'm pretty sure the immune system is ineffective against toxic chemicals, lead, radiation, etc. [/quote]

Oh, I don't know. In the shooting sports hobby, I've probably poured a couple tons of lead down the bores of the firearms over ... say 40+ years. Since I was a kid anyway. Breathed the airborne residue from the "gun smoke." Handled lead bullets, cast my own lead bullets, hand loaded lead bullets and shot while eating and drinking at the loading bench, cleaned bores of guns after shooting lead bullets getting lead-laced cleaning solvents all over my hands plus breathing the solvents' vapors. Once accidentally swallowed a lead .177 pellet when I was 12 years old.

It ain't hurt me yet. Of course there's this prehensile tail that has formed at the base of my spine over the past few years ...
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
::eye roll emo::

If CYM is really as portrayed...I'm sure he would not last 5 minutes around me because:

1) He'd die at the mere thought of the dogs/horses/cats/dust bunnies/furballs/etc around me, or

2) I'd run over him with my 4 wheeler to put him me out of his my misery.


Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 04:49 PM

I would die a little inside if I had to drink a fruited up beer!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 05:43 PM

Originally Posted By: buggz
Chia seeds, my friend...

False. Chia seeds are deadly killers! But I don’t care, I love them and will continue to consume them in copious amounts. http://www.ehow.com/about_6770859_chia-seed-dangers.html
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 05:46 PM

By the way, one thing has become increasingly clear as we go on: Yes, everything wants us dead – even some health foods and sometimes the safer alternatives to known toxic substances. Yes, drinking water from one’s own hands would appear to be the only solution, and only from a clear stream and only upstream from all settlements…so that’s not much of an option. Yes, cooking food destroys many of its nutrients, but eating raw meat is a known deadly killer, so what can you do? Cow’s milk, another a deadly killer. It’s common replacement: soy milk, also a deadly killer.

The world is full of things that want to destroy our bodies. But I don’t think that means that our only choice is to give up, decide to ignore it all, and leave it for future generations to clean up. Tiny steps are all I can do. For instance, I don’t buy gum anymore. I love gum. But I won’t chew it now that I know what it’s really made of. From my perspective, that doesn’t demonstrate paranoia, but rather, good common sense. Hopefully my decision will affect my kids’ decisions, and on down through the successive generations. In my case, I may be a little unique - I have maybe 100 decisions like the one I made about gum. And you're going to get the privilege of hearing about ALL OF THEM. laugh
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 05:50 PM

"only from a clear stream"

A clear stream (of water) usually means that there is to much pollution to support marine life.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:04 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
"only from a clear stream"

A clear stream (of water) usually means that there is to much pollution to support marine life.

Would Giardia be considered marine life? wink
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:08 PM

Originally Posted By: GuitarDude
Originally Posted By: edAudit
"only from a clear stream"

A clear stream (of water) usually means that there is to much pollution to support marine life.

Would Giardia be considered marine life? wink

It was a menu item when I was in Mexico last year. Thought I had avoided the salads, fresh vegies, and water.

That stuff'll kill ya'!
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:08 PM

Originally Posted By: GuitarDude
Originally Posted By: edAudit
"only from a clear stream"

A clear stream (of water) usually means that there is to much pollution to support marine life.

Would Giardia be considered marine life? wink

as much as Cholera and Poliomyelitis
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:13 PM

And don't forget shigella... eek
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:25 PM

Ah yes! Shigella in cream sauce! Only the French really know how to do it right! laugh
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:27 PM

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/12/14 06:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Ah yes! Shigella in cream sauce! Only the French really know how to do it right! laugh

They can cook toast and fries as well. laugh
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/15/14 02:22 PM

Shamu (RIP), and similar captive orcas and [deadly] killer whales, because they go insane and sometimes attempt to playfully maim and drown their trainers and anyone else who ends up in the water with them. http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/problem-blackfish/
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/15/14 02:33 PM

^^ This is an easy one to avoid. Shouldn't spend 2 seconds contemplating it's ability to kill you...unless you're a compliance officer by day and SeaWorld trainer by night.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/15/14 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
^^ This is an easy one to avoid. Shouldn't spend 2 seconds contemplating it's ability to kill you...unless you're a compliance officer by day and SeaWorld trainer by night.

True, and I usually wouldn't think about it much, but I went to one of these live shows recently. Have kids who want to go to things like this. Am conflicted about taking them to such things ever again, because I don't want them to think these places are okay ways to treat these animals.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 01:31 PM

Office photocopiers, because exhaust fumes and ozone, typically in poorly ventilated spaces.

Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 01:42 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust

True, and I usually wouldn't think about it much, but I went to one of these live shows recently. Have kids who want to go to things like this. Am conflicted about taking them to such things ever again, because I don't want them to think these places are okay ways to treat these animals.

Haven't been paying much attention to this issue lately; is there evidence that Sea World is abusing animals, or is it just that they are kept in captivity and that whole deal, or something else?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 06:03 PM

Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Haven't been paying much attention to this issue lately; is there evidence that Sea World is abusing animals, or is it just that they are kept in captivity and that whole deal, or something else?

I don't really know. According to Blackfish the documentary, in the "live animal show" industry:

-The abuse starts when they capture the animals. Killer whales stay in the same social group for years, sometimes their whole lives, and they are relentlessly pursued so that they can be forcibly removed from that group, and they know it has happened and so does their mother and the rest of the group.

-Almost any captivity is abuse. They are confined to very tight quarters, particularly at night when the tourists can't see them. They go into a small steel box, too small to even turn around in, and are kept in total darkness all night. They live to perform, for applause and a mouthful of fish.

-Rebellious animals are separated from the others and they gradually go mad from loneliness and boredom. They're supposedly very intelligent and possibly more emotionally intelligent than humans. (I'd say their attempts to murder their trainers are possibly just an attempt to communicate that something is seriously wrong with their lives in captivity.)
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 06:19 PM

Does that apply to Sea World, or smaller zoos and aquariums?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 06:25 PM

"SeaWorld has been facing strong opposition for some time from animal rights activists like PETA and others, which not long ago culminated in a controversial and strongly anti-SeaWorld documentary titled Blackfish in July of 2013. In the film, the park is criticized for practices and incidents, including trainer and audience safety accidents, and the use of an Orca that killed a trainer." http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Calif...nvestor-Lawsuit
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 06:29 PM

Not sure I believe much of what PETA says...
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/16/14 06:31 PM

Dolls named Annabelle.....
Beaotches be cray cray!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 02:14 PM

Cash-register receipts, because ink made from an endocrine disruptor. I imagine the same applies to ATM receipts.

Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 02:26 PM

CYM, if I may be so bold (and sorry if I missed the answer to this question amongst the insanity of this thread), are you married?
If so, does your SO share these fears/concerns/quirks/eccentricities?
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 02:28 PM

significant others can kill you
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 02:57 PM

^^ as evidenced by the show Snapped.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 04:24 PM

Worrying can kill you
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/17/14 04:37 PM

“Ain't no sense worryin' about the things you got control over, 'cause if you got control over 'em, ain't no sense worryin'. And ain't no sense worryin' about the things you don't got control over, 'cause if you don't got control over 'em, ain't no sense worryin'.”

--Mickey Rivers
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/18/14 02:18 PM

Originally Posted By: MB Guy
CYM, if I may be so bold (and sorry if I missed the answer to this question amongst the insanity of this thread), are you married?
If so, does your SO share these fears/concerns/quirks/eccentricities?

Yes. Yes, many of them.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/18/14 02:26 PM

There's nothing to worry about, except whether you're sick or well. If you're well, you've got nothing to worry about. If you're sick, your only worry is if you're going to live or die. If you live, there's nothing to worry about. If you die, the only thing to worry about is if you're going to heaven or [censored]. If you go to heaven, there's nothing to worry about. If you go to [censored], you'll spend so much time greeting your old friends, you won't have time to worry. So don't worry.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/18/14 02:25 PM

Aerosol cooking spray, because contains propellant, a neurotoxin. Mmm, nothing else gives home-cooked food the flavor of rocket fuel quite like a little blast of cooking spray on the nonstick pan.

“Similarly, cooking spray, which is made from various types of oils combined with lecithin (an emulsifier), may use nitrous oxide as a propellant; other propellants used in cooking spray include food-grade alcohol and propane.”
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/18/14 02:50 PM

Comply - do you just look for this stuff all day?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/22/14 08:14 PM

No. Unfortunately I could have come up with this entire list (minus the links) given a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, and about 20 to 30 minutes' time.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/22/14 08:14 PM

The average kitchen sponge, because much dirtier than your average public restroom seat.

Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/22/14 08:40 PM

I actually agree with this one and try to limit my use of sponges.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/22/14 08:42 PM

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
I actually agree with this one and try to limit my use of sponges.

Be sure to visit Happy's poll on page 2 of this thread. smile
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 01:12 AM

all you have to do is nuke the sponge before you use it.
Learned it from my sil who does it every time he's going to wash dishes. Yes...he washes the pots and pans that don't fit in the dishwasher and all the delicate stuff that shouldn't go in.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 01:19 PM

Sponges creep me out. eek
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 01:20 PM

I find sponges less offensive than dishrags...no idea why. I do, however, include the sponge in the dishwasher load every time it gets run and nuke it every couple days in between DW runs.
Posted By: Soccer

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 01:59 PM

I have to say, I thought that I was germaphobic, but CYM you have me beat by a mile. I wonder how you leave your house everyday!
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 03:18 PM

The Packers game play last Sunday nearly killed me. frown
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 03:36 PM

Sponge in the microwave?

1. Hmm, maybe. Just wouldn't try it with a dry sponge, as it can smoke and catch fire. We can all agree, fire is a deadly killer.
2. Wouldn't mike a sponge that has metal fibers, as it will catch fire.
3. Miking a sponge that has chemical detergents and cleaners soaked into it, will turn those liquids into toxic gas, which will be released into the kitchen when you open the mike's door (source - Consumer Reports). Mmm, nothing's quite like the smell of aerosolized carcinogens in the morning!
4. Anyway, microwaves are deadly killers (source - common knowledge, I assume).
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 03:38 PM

Mine was a deadly killer, but i finally cleaned it.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 04:06 PM

Never heard of nuking a sponge - how long?
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 04:21 PM

Today's very cute Fall Google turned up this link with sponge nuking info.

CYM, do you own a cellphone? You know you could be giving yourself brain tumors, right?
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/23/14 04:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Truffle Royale
Today's very cute Fall Google turned up this link with sponge nuking info.

CYM, do you own a cellphone? You know you could be giving yourself brain tumors, right?

and for us guys, don't keep it in your pants pocket!!!!!
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 02:19 PM

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 02:26 PM

Ornaments can kill you

Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 02:48 PM

Space Zombies. Just watch "Plan 9 From Outer Space"!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 06:26 PM

Bugs. These bugs want to insert heart-eating parasites into the human body. http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/3/09-0648_article
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 06:55 PM

It had to be Tucson!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 07:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Truffle Royale
...a cellphone? You know you could be giving yourself brain tumors, right?

Hmm, that's like asking if I know rain causes moisture. laugh I assume it was a rhetorical question.

In this link, I got a good chuckle when I read the old standy answer from the wireless industry, If you're worried about brain tumors, just use a hands-free set! because then you just wear the phone on your hip and can expose internal organs and certain other cherished areas to the waves, rather than just your brain. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cell-phone-tumor-link-found/

Soon as people stop getting cell-phone shaped tumors on the side of their head that they most often use to talk on the phone, then I'll admit there is no evidence.

"After evaluating several studies on the possibility of a connection between cellphones and glioma and a noncancerous brain tumor known as acoustic neuroma, members of the International Agency for Research on Cancer — part of the World Health Organization — agreed that there's limited evidence that cellphone radiation is a cancer-causing agent (carcinogenic). As a result, the group classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to people."http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living...er/faq-20057798
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 07:36 PM

After yesterday's fun in NY and the UN, we are all doomed to the rising seas, melting ice, loss of the polar bears, and 'Merica turning into a desert.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 07:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
After yesterday's fun in NY and the UN, we are all doomed to the rising seas, melting ice, loss of the polar bears, and 'Merica turning into a desert.

The only solution is to have a private jet take you all over the world whining about it and relaxing on you private yacht or in one of your many large houses so as to use as much carbon as possible. sick
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/24/14 08:31 PM

So you saw that Clooney and DeCaprio came boating in on that 221 foot yacht that is carbon free, eh?
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/25/14 05:12 PM

Salt will kill you
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/25/14 05:31 PM

Implants gone wrong can kill you.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/25/14 05:36 PM

So Sir Mixalot had it wrong! Big butts can kill you! eek
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/25/14 09:15 PM

NASA's Asteroid Initiative: Find a harmless asteroid and "redirect" it into lunar orbit.

That's two kinds of potential deadly killer: I'd say it should be fairly slim chance that they accidentally sling it at the earth instead (plus, it's a pretty small rock...for now). But bringing back samples in a space rocket (samples that haven't had the benefit of being purged through high heat while entering our atmosphere) sounds like a great way to give us all Space Cooties.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 03:33 PM

It's all about the bass!
Posted By: EllenA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 04:37 PM

I carry around an article from the NY Post dated August 3, 1989 with the headline "Latest Cancer Suspect: Communion Wafers!" which I pull out when anyone starts to tell me about how what I am eating is bad for me.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 04:43 PM

The Host causes cancer?
Posted By: EllenA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 06:03 PM

Yes, the New England Journal of Medicine reported (remember the article is dated 1989) that the wafers made for Roman Catholic and Anglican use in England were tested and found to have a high amount of gluten. At the time, the British Bishops Council refused to allow for gluten-free Hosts.

I know that now, at least in NY, gluten-free Hosts are allowed. People tell the priest beforehand and he keeps a gluten free host aside for that person.

Who knew?
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 06:10 PM

Never mind the host. How about all drinking out of the same chalice in flu season?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 06:41 PM

Ceramics may be deadly killers, particularly very old ones (as in, handed down from grandma) because cadmium, barium, lead, and worse things may have been used in their manufacture. I (stupidly) trust new ceramics (white in color) bought in the U.S. even when they are made in China. The ones I don’t trust are typically sold in shops specializing in imported goods, and have strange colors (red, yellow, orange, blue) in or on the ceramic plate or bowl. I also don’t trust thick resin-like glazes on ceramics, or ceramics that have lots of lines (crazing) and dots visible in and under the glaze.

Old red plate: http://www.goshen.edu/art/DeptPgs/x-ray.html

Imported ceramics: http://californiaagriculture.ucanr.edu/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v053n05p20&fulltext=yes
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 06:49 PM

Originally Posted By: EllenA
Yes, the New England Journal of Medicine reported (remember the article is dated 1989) that the wafers made for Roman Catholic and Anglican use in England were tested and found to have a high amount of gluten. At the time, the British Bishops Council refused to allow for gluten-free Hosts.

I know that now, at least in NY, gluten-free Hosts are allowed. People tell the priest beforehand and he keeps a gluten free host aside for that person.

But gluten only increases the risk of cancer in people who have celiac disease or who are gluten intolerant, right? So for them, eating gluten-containing wafers would have the same (or less) effect as eating wheat bread, graham crackers, oatmeal or certain pastas - anything with gluten, really.

"There is no connection between gluten and risk of most cancers. The exception is intestinal cancer, and even then, gluten only increases risk if a person has celiac disease, or true gluten intolerance." https://www.oncologynutrition.org/erfc/hot-topics/does-gluten-cause-cancer/
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/26/14 08:43 PM

Well, that was an unexpected rebuttal. laugh
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/29/14 12:57 PM

I'm still blinking. shocked
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 09/29/14 08:09 PM

Suspense can kill you. whistle
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 04:54 PM

So, food containers…let’s see, we’ve covered ceramics, plastic, ooh, I know – stainless steel is (or can be) a Deadly Killer. Clearly eating out of one's hands (and cooking on...a wooden stick, I guess??) is the only option.

Stainless steel cookware is made from a metal alloy consisting of mostly iron and chromium along with differing percentages of molybdenum, nickel, titanium, copper and vanadium. But even stainless steel allows other metals to leach into the foods. The principal elements in stainless that have negative effects on our health are iron, chromium and nickel….There are many grades of stainless steel. Regular stainless steel cookware is made from different alloys including scrap metal. “Green” products made from “recycled” stainless steels can be radio-active and go into common household products undetected. http://conscious-cook.com/hidden-dangers/
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 05:25 PM

Ebola is going to kill us all...but eSign will take out all Compliance Officers first. laugh
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 05:27 PM

I thought it was green apple suckers from Dollar General....
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 05:37 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
So, food containers&#133;let&#146;s see, we&#146;ve covered ceramics, plastic, ooh, I know &#150; stainless steel is (or can be) a Deadly Killer. Clearly eating out of one's hands (and cooking on...a wooden stick, I guess??) is the only option.

Stainless steel cookware is made from a metal alloy consisting of mostly iron and chromium along with differing percentages of molybdenum, nickel, titanium, copper and vanadium. But even stainless steel allows other metals to leach into the foods. The principal elements in stainless that have negative effects on our health are iron, chromium and nickel&#133;.There are many grades of stainless steel. Regular stainless steel cookware is made from different alloys including scrap metal. &#147;Green&#148; products made from &#147;recycled&#148; stainless steels can be radio-active and go into common household products undetected. http://conscious-cook.com/hidden-dangers/

Stainless Steel pans can kill people too when used to bop a poster over the head with it....just saying.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 05:40 PM

Thanks, DD...

Sorry, Freak...Not really,not really. smirk
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:25 PM

Originally Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm
Ebola is going to kill us all...but eSign will take out all Compliance Officers first. laugh

Ugh. "Five students at four different schools have come into contact with the Ebola patient, Dallas Superintendent Mike Miles added, but none has exhibited symptoms. The children are being monitored at home, and the schools remain open, Miles said..." http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/health/ebola-us/
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:33 PM

yes but as of last night there was no chance of the spread from the subject patient.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:35 PM

Man, how many times have we heard you had to trade bodily fluids to have any chance of getting the Ebola?

Z Nation, here we come.........
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:35 PM

Everything is Going to Kill Us

this thread is certainly a good start down that path
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Man, how many times have we heard you had to trade bodily fluids to have any chance of getting the Ebola?

not sure why you're saying that like it's been disproven...
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:44 PM

the news report last night said the guy in Dallas is not a medical professional and did not have any physical contact with anyone known to have ebola...
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:52 PM

Has anyone added Ebola to the pandemic part of BCP?
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:52 PM

He's from Monrovia Liberia, a poor city at the epicenter of the outbreak. Seems more likely he unknowingly came into contact with bodily fluids than the disease has found a new way to spread.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:54 PM

good news about Ebola

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 06:58 PM

Monrovia is the Capital City of Liberia I would not say that that makes it a poor city (although the country is one of the poorest)



Listed it as the poorest (one would think that some other town in Liberia would beat it.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:00 PM

So the guy from Monrovia did help a young lady dying from Ebola. But how did his family member back here possibly get it?
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
He's from Monrovia Liberia, a poor city at the epicenter of the outbreak. Seems more likely he unknowingly came into contact with bodily fluids than the disease has found a new way to spread.

i'm not sure how coming from a poor country makes one more susceptible to unknowingly coming in contact with anothers bodily fluid...

i'm pretty sure any time i've exchanged bodily fluids, it was done with my knowledge...
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:12 PM

He sneezed without covering his mouth? I wonder if he sneezed on the back of the head of the person sitting in front of him on the plane. Or handed the flight attendant a coffee cup with saliva on it?
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
So the guy from Monrovia did help a young lady dying from Ebola. But how did his family member back here possibly get it?

??? it's the same guy. He got on a plane and flew here to visit family.

Unless it came out that another member of his family got it (which i wouldn't be surprised if it happens). In that case, they probably got it from the original dude who was visiting them.

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
He sneezed without covering his mouth? I wonder if he sneezed on the back of the head of the person sitting in front of him on the plane. Or handed the flight attendant a coffee cup with saliva on it?

Ebola's only contagious once symptoms present. He (and everyone else) was checked before boarding the plane. no fever or anything. So, the other flight passengers should be safe.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:19 PM

and now Dallas County medical officials have said a second man, a family member, is showing signs of the virus...but no need to fear, they say, they have everything under control...

hmmm, if you had everything under control, how did the 2nd family member get it?
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:23 PM

because he was in close contact with the first patient? having a situation under control doens't necessarily mean no one else will get the virus. Because some have already been exposed. But the fact that this 2nd guy was being observed/isolated when the symptoms started is a good sign for having it under control. or at least much better than if it had developed unsupervised.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:27 PM

But tell you what, if any of you guys contract ebola, I owe you a coke.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:32 PM

but the 2nd guy was in contact with how many and how many were they in contact with?

If the second person has it (it is clearly unknown) would Dallas be considered a poor city because he caught it there(and not just because of the NFL team that plays there of course)?
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:35 PM

Fire Chief: Mr. Jones, I'm happy to report we have the fire under control

Mr. Jones: but chief, my house burned to the ground

FC: yes, but the fire is under control now, what is your point
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:34 PM

may be time to shelter in place....
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:38 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
but the 2nd guy was in contact with how many and how many were they in contact with?

Not contagious until symptoms show. So, if he was already isolated and being observed when the symptoms started then...zero. That's the "in control" part of it.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Originally Posted By: edAudit
but the 2nd guy was in contact with how many and how many were they in contact with?

Not contagious until symptoms show. So, if he was already isolated and being observed when the symptoms started then...zero. That's the "in control" part of it.

Why would someone isolate themselves prior to showing symptoms?
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:42 PM

Found this handy dandy flow chart:

Do you have Ebola?

1. Have you touched the vomit, blood, sweat, saliva, urine, or feces of someone who might have Ebola?
You do not have Ebola.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:44 PM

You left out at least 2 (but the censors would have censored it anyway.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:44 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit

Why would someone isolate themselves prior to showing symptoms?

The CDC would have isolated him since he was family/right there next to the first victim. So this timeline:

1st victim shows up

CDC figures out who all 1st victim had contact with. Isolates & watches them.

2nd victim is included in this group.

2nd victim starts to show symptoms.

So, it's really sad and bad news for the second victim. But since he was already quarantined when the symptoms started (when he became contagious) then there are no new people exposed.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 08:53 PM

Except the phlebotomists, and doctors, and nurses, and people that clean the rooms in the hospitals, and people that deliver the hospital food... having LOADS of experience with the ID (infections diseases) department at a hospital where Rota-virus and C-Diff spread on a transplant floor, I have my doubts of their "control."
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 09:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Originally Posted By: edAudit

Why would someone isolate themselves prior to showing symptoms?

The CDC would have isolated him since he was family/right there next to the first victim. So this timeline:

1st victim shows up

CDC figures out who all 1st victim had contact with. Isolates & watches them.

2nd victim is included in this group.

2nd victim starts to show symptoms.

So, it's really sad and bad news for the second victim. But since he was already quarantined when the symptoms started (when he became contagious) then there are no new people exposed.

There is no word on when the second person was found to have symptoms it or that they were isolated prior to just the children were isolated,
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 09:03 PM

it has also been said that the children are being monitored at their own home (presumable with other people in the household)
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 09:04 PM

Well, then everyone just freak out and call into work sick the next 3 weeks and see how this plays out.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 09:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Well, then everyone just freak out and call into work sick the next 3 weeks and see how this plays out.

Isn't that the purpose of this thread?
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 09:46 PM

The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in America was initially sent home with antibiotics after doctors failed to recognize symptoms of the deadly disease.

Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 10:01 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Found this handy dandy flow chart:

Do you have Ebola?

1. Have you touched the vomit, blood, sweat, saliva, urine, or feces of someone who might have Ebola?
You do not have Ebola.

So sweat=gym puts me at a heightened risk? Ugh!
Posted By: TMatt87

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/01/14 10:36 PM

This is one reason why I try to stay as far away from other human beings as possible.

I wish I could be the boy in the bubble.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 03:37 PM

Even after recovery, the microbes stay active for up to 7 weeks. And forget about actual contact with bodily fluids, a Canadian study provides evidence that this stuff can mutate into airborn molecules.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 04:44 PM

All this ebola talk makes me think of the song "I'm Super" from South Park.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 06:19 PM

Even after recovery, the microbes stay active for up to 7 weeks

What if you don't recover? confused
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 06:59 PM

This sucks:

HOUSTON, Texas -- A Dallas paramedic claimed he drove the ambulance that the US Ebola patient was transported in and that he was not contacted by anyone about the potential exposure. He claims he drove the ambulance sometime after the patient was transported. The Dallas Fire Department left the ambulance that transported Ebola patient Thomas Duncan to the hospital in service for at least 48 hours before putting it in quarantine on Wednesday. The ambulance was exposed to the Ebola virus when Duncan was transported on September 28th.

“Three days after the fact,” an exasperated Aklinski stated, “I had to demand exposure testing and they are reporting following up with all the people in the ambulance??? Bull [censored]!!! They haven’t even followed up with the ten firefighters that were on duty Sunday.”

Aklinski went further in explaining the frustration he and most likely, other firefighters, are feeling. “How do you not test and contact the firefighters at the station on Sunday!!! Only the two medics and the intern on the ambulance? I was freaking in that ambulance hours later driving it!!! No one bothered to contact me about it?!!!”

Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:06 PM

While you were arguing about ebola, 3,562 people died from tuberculosis.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:08 PM

it's okay, Mr. Aklinski...the president has stated there is no threat of ebola reaching the united states...you have nothing to worry about
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:08 PM

^^^ Not suprising. (Article quoted by QCL)

It's unfortunate that this thread has taken a turn to realistic.
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:08 PM

Scientists say you are especially prone to develop ebola if you are a:
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:17 PM

If you read Newsweek or CNBC this week, you may be under the impression that one of the primary drivers of the Ebola outbreak in Africa is climate change.

Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 07:22 PM

Bush's Fault tm
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/02/14 08:01 PM

Everything is the result of the climate! Reverend Farakhan says Ebola was created by you know who!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 02:53 PM

Poisonous backyard mushrooms. http://americanmushrooms.com/toxicms.htm
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 02:58 PM

CYM, you just won't let this thread die.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 03:10 PM

Forum threads that never run their course are gonna kill us.

Death is gonna kill us. If we live long enough we're all gonna die. No two ways about it. If we don't live long enough, hey, we're still gonna die.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 03:12 PM

If you're not living, you're dying.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 03:13 PM

get busy living, or get busy dying - Red, Shawshank Redemption
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 03:55 PM

I have a sticker on my 4-wheeler...it says:

Ride hard - you can rest when you die. cool
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 03:56 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
get busy living, or get busy dying - Red, Andy Dufresne, Shawshank Redemption
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/08/14 09:57 PM

"We all start dying the day we are born. Just takes some of us longer to get around to it is all."

Any idea what movie or book that is from?
Posted By: BurntSienna

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 12:56 PM

Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive. smile
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 01:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
"We all start dying the day we are born. Just takes some of us longer to get around to it is all."

Any idea what movie or book that is from?

Green Eggs & Ham?
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 02:09 PM

Dr. Seuss is great!

"Yertle the Turtle's" my favorite. I'm hoping for a collective "burp" next month that will shake up the federal monstrosity before it kills us all.

"And today that great Yertle, that marvelous he,
is king of the mud. That's all he can see.
And turtles, of course, all the turtles are free,
as turtles and maybe all creatures should be."
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 02:21 PM

We'll find something new to do now.
Here is lots of new blue goo now.
New goo. Blue goo.
Gooey. Gooey.
Blue goo. New goo.
Gluey. Gluey.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 04:53 PM

Han Solo shooting 1st
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 05:02 PM

Methane! Methane is going to kill us! Ok....maybe?


Yes its a double post, but I wasnt sure which one it fit best. smile
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 05:53 PM

Black mold.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:00 PM

Snu Snu will kill you.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:02 PM

Off on a tangent, what happened to Kim Jong Un?

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:10 PM

Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Off on a tangent, what happened to Kim Jong Un?


Joker ran him over with her four wheeler. laugh
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: MB Guy
Off on a tangent, what happened to Kim Jong Un?


Someone close to him, probably his wife, is slowly poisoning him.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:40 PM

He has cancer from radiation waves from cell phones and/or microwaves.
He ate a germy sponge.
He cooked dinner in a Teflon skillet.
He cooked dinner in a non-Teflon skillet.
A killer whale killed him as he attempted to teach it tricks.
He worried too much.

More likely:
He had some sort of facial surgery and doesn't want his adoring public to see him until he's healed.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:41 PM

running with scissors?
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 06:50 PM

I thought I saw a clip on TV that said James Franco was going to kill him. wink
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 07:02 PM

Maybe killing your family is fatal?
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 07:20 PM


Does Kim Jong Un have Ebola?
Is he a member of ISIS?
Is he selling meat on the side of the road in China?
Where’s Dennis Rodman? Is he available for an interview?

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who normally revels in the oddities of his profession, has not been seen by the world for 37 days, and the Internet is about to explode. But it’s nothing compared to what will happen Friday if he’s a no-show at the celebration of North Korea’s 69th anniversary....

Misinformation and innuendo is part of the game when it comes to covering and consuming North Korea news. Kim has been reported to have made five hole-in-ones on his first outing playing golf. North Korean scientists are said to have discovered evidence that unicorns exist. laugh laugh laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/09/14 09:26 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL

Does Kim Jong Un have Ebola?
Is he a member of ISIS?
Is he selling meat on the side of the road in China?
Where’s Dennis Rodman? Is he available for an interview?

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who normally revels in the oddities of his profession, has not been seen by the world for 37 days, and the Internet is about to explode. But it’s nothing compared to what will happen Friday if he’s a no-show at the celebration of North Korea’s 69th anniversary....

Misinformation and innuendo is part of the game when it comes to covering and consuming North Korea news. Kim has been reported to have made five hole-in-ones on his first outing playing golf. North Korean scientists are said to have discovered evidence that unicorns exist. laugh laugh laugh
Iknew it! I just knew it!! Unicorns do exist!!!
And, they are respnsible for global waming!
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 01:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: QCL
Does Kim Jong Un have Ebola?
Is he a member of ISIS?
Is he selling meat on the side of the road in China?
Where’s Dennis Rodman? Is he available for an interview?

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who normally revels in the oddities of his profession, has not been seen by the world for 37 days, and the Internet is about to explode. But it’s nothing compared to what will happen Friday if he’s a no-show at the celebration of North Korea’s 69th anniversary....

Misinformation and innuendo is part of the game when it comes to covering and consuming North Korea news. Kim has been reported to have made five hole-in-ones on his first outing playing golf. North Korean scientists are said to have discovered evidence that unicorns exist. laugh laugh laugh

I knew it! I just knew it!! Unicorns do exist!!!
And, their flatulence is responsible for global warming!

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 03:57 PM

Unicorns don't get no respect!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:21 PM

The thousands of spiders in your house.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:23 PM


"At least one third of all victims of homicide are women killed by male significant others" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...-South-gun.html
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:24 PM


Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:29 PM

trolling the UK version of the Huffinton Post for news could kill millions.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:34 PM


Posted By: BurntSienna

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 04:36 PM

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.
Should I be concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide?
Yes, you should be concerned about DHMO! Although the U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance (as it does with better known chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and benzene), DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic substances, diseases and disease-causing agents, environmental hazards and can even be lethal to humans in quantities as small as a thimbleful.

Is it true that ingesting DHMO can improve my athletic performance? YES!

One technique commonly used by endurance athletes in sports such as distance running and cycling is to take a large amount of DHMO immediately prior to a race. This is known within racing circles to dramatically improve performance.

Sports-medicine physicians warn that ingesting too much Dihydrogen Monoxide can lead to complications and unwanted side-effects, but do acknowledge the link to improved performance. DHMO is not currently considered a banned substance, so post-race urine tests do not detect elevated or abnormal levels of DHMO.

For more information about this deadly dangerous substance see:


Whatever you do, please be really really careful around this dangerous liquid. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 08:20 PM

Huh? A thimbleful can kill you, but a lot will make you a better runner?

Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 08:33 PM

Ooh that nasty DHMO. Let's see what that molecule might look like. One atom of oxygen, and two of hydrogen. Sounds kinda familiar. 1 O and 2 H. Hmm. H 2 and O 1. Let me go get a drink of water and think about it.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 08:36 PM

Your new husband may kill you:

Posted By: Carolina Blue

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/10/14 08:40 PM

Cancer from the tire pellets in artificial turf.
Washington Post article

I play on the stuff twice a week. thank goodness I have more sense than to be a keeper.
Posted By: Soccer

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 12:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Carolina Blue
Cancer from the tire pellets in artificial turf.
Washington Post article

I play on the stuff twice a week. thank goodness I have more sense than to be a keeper.

This makes me sick...My oldest daughter was a keeper and played on this during indoor games all the time. My younger daughter was a field player but still was always dragging those pellets into my car. Unbelievable!
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Soccer
Originally Posted By: Carolina Blue
Cancer from the tire pellets in artificial turf.
Washington Post article

I play on the stuff twice a week. thank goodness I have more sense than to be a keeper.

This makes me sick...My oldest daughter was a keeper and played on this during indoor games all the time. My younger daughter was a field player but still was always dragging those pellets into my car. Unbelievable!

Soccer Can Kill You
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:14 PM

The sun.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:21 PM

"Doctors at a Richmond hospital are keeping a patient in isolation as they try to determine if the person is suffering from Ebola..."


As Michael Che commented (jokingly) on SNL, "...And according to Web MD, you already have it."
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:23 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust

"The sun, like all main sequence stars, is getting brighter with time and that affects the Earth's climate," says Dr. James F. Kasting, professor of meteorology and geosciences. "Eventually temperatures will become high enough so that the oceans evaporate."

How is that possible as man is the only cause of climate change? smirk
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:38 PM

Everything's going to kill us but one thing's certain: Nothing will kill this thread.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 02:50 PM

Originally Posted By: BurntSienna
Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.
Should I be concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide?
Yes, you should be concerned about DHMO! Although the U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance (as it does with better known chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and benzene), DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic substances, diseases and disease-causing agents, environmental hazards and can even be lethal to humans in quantities as small as a thimbleful.

Is it true that ingesting DHMO can improve my athletic performance? YES!

One technique commonly used by endurance athletes in sports such as distance running and cycling is to take a large amount of DHMO immediately prior to a race. This is known within racing circles to dramatically improve performance.

Sports-medicine physicians warn that ingesting too much Dihydrogen Monoxide can lead to complications and unwanted side-effects, but do acknowledge the link to improved performance. DHMO is not currently considered a banned substance, so post-race urine tests do not detect elevated or abnormal levels of DHMO.

For more information about this deadly dangerous substance see:


Whatever you do, please be really really careful around this dangerous liquid. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Originally Posted By: noelekal
Everything's going to kill us but one thing's certain: Nothing will kill this thread.

Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 04:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Carolina Blue
Cancer from the tire pellets in artificial turf.
Washington Post article

I play on the stuff twice a week. thank goodness I have more sense than to be a keeper.

Wouldn't football players be at the same risk here? I've never heard this one before.
Posted By: Soccer

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 05:54 PM

Wouldn't football players be at the same risk here? I've never heard this one before.[/quote]

You would think so good point, but what I saw on the news was because goalies are down on the turf so much more it put them at a greater risk, and they only spoke about soccer and no other sport.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 06:00 PM

Just in time for Halloween - these clowns might scare a person to death, though the rumors of the clowns being armed are just urban myths, I think.

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 06:02 PM

with all the flopping in soccer I would think that the goalkeeper would be the one on the turf the least.
Posted By: Soccer

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 06:41 PM

Honestly my daughter wasn't one that was always rolling on the turf, but I know what you mean, men's professional is the worst smile
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 07:15 PM

"Daughter" and "rolling on the turf" in the same sentence can give a father heartburn.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 07:28 PM

CDC is on the TV right now saying the Ebola is only 70% deadly so that is good news.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 07:36 PM

as of a few months ago the CDC also said that Ebola was not a threat to the USA.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 07:43 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
with all the flopping in soccer I would think that the goalkeeper would be the one on the turf the least.

that's some funny stuff...but i'm seeing much more flopping in American football at the college and pro level than ever before...and way more than in professional soccer these days.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 07:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
CDC is on the TV right now saying the Ebola is only 70% deadly so that is good news.

unless you're in that 70%, then it sucks
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
Originally Posted By: edAudit
with all the flopping in soccer I would think that the goalkeeper would be the one on the turf the least.

that's some funny stuff...but i'm seeing much more flopping in American football at the college and pro level than ever before...and way more than in professional soccer these days.
You see flopping in any sport that has penalties for a variey of fouls. What you don't seem to see in other sports is the grimacing in extreme agony. Even Joe Theisman didn't do that with his leg bone protruding through his leg.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 08:26 PM

When do you really get the opportunity to flop in American football? I don't ever see anything i would call a flop in that sport. Basketball, yes.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 08:30 PM

Receivers don't flop for PI calls....defensive lineman don't flop to get holding calls...QBs don't flop to get roughing the passer penalties....i just never see flopping in football that i can think of.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 09:03 PM

so it's decided

soccer is the ultimate flopping sport, nothing else comes close
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 09:19 PM

"just never see flopping in football that i can think of"

Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/14/14 09:22 PM

Punters are just converted soccer players. smile
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 12:54 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
as of a few months ago the CDC also said that Ebola was not a threat to the USA.

A second person has now tested positive.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 02:20 PM

Foam insulation inside older homes, because formaldehyde.

Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 02:26 PM

Respiration is 100% fatal, according to latest scientific reports.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 02:34 PM

The training on how to properly suit up as a health care worker is weak in some areas. Time has a Liberian, someone in the health industry I think, saying that their training is just a PowerPoint presentation.

It was also reported - I think it was last week's Time - how a US reporter suited up to cover the story, and the suiting up and then changing out of it takes 10 minutes each way and she had to suit up 5 times a day. She worried every time she pulled off her goggles, thinking the sweat was going to drip into her eyes. She worried about brushing up against a wall or anything else.

There's always the chance for error, for not using enough tape between the sleeves and the gloves, for a rip in the material, etc. It should not be too suprising that regardless of training and experience, some fully-suited up people are being infected. The hospitals will say the workers didn't follow procedures, rather than addressing whether the procedures are adequate. Maybe Zuck's $25 million can buy them some real biohazard suits, with their own air supply. Maybe the patients should be in a glass box underground at the CDC, instead of in a city hospital room.
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 04:52 PM

Cow's revenge?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 04:58 PM

Maybe the patients should be in a glass box underground at the CDC, instead of in a city hospital room.

Those rooms are all ready filled with people with diseases that you do not know about yet. laugh
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 05:00 PM

Even a Frontier flight from Cleveland to Dallas can kill you!
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/15/14 07:46 PM

Don't watch the news much, does anyone know if the President taken time yet to visit those afflicted with this disease?
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 12:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Even a Frontier flight from Cleveland to Dallas can kill you!
I just heard that the nurse flew while being febrile!!! She freaking had a low grade temp after working with an ebola patient and got herself on a plane!!!
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 12:55 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Even a Frontier flight from Cleveland to Dallas can kill you!
I just heard that the nurse flew while being febrile!!! She freaking had a low grade temp after working with an ebola patient and got herself on a plane!!!

What do you expect, she is from Cleveland. She had a wedding to plan for, comeon. crazy
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:05 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
Even a Frontier flight from Cleveland to Dallas can kill you!
I just heard that the nurse flew while being febrile!!! She freaking had a low grade temp after working with an ebola patient and got herself on a plane!!!

let us not blame her she called the CDC who cleared her to fly. freaking morons.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:09 PM

(CNSNews.com) - Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.


I just checked CSN news is an actual new site not like the onion
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:09 PM

So is this the beginning of the zombie apocalypse? If so, I need to start stocking my bunker.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:15 PM

I would not consider myself a prepper, necessarily, but I have a full freezer of meat we shoot and process ourselves, I have a full canning shelf of foods I process myself. I suppose, by watching those prepping shows, I don't have nearly enough...

We have a generator if power goes out and enough fuel for a few days and we use our own well for water. And then I have enough ammo and guns, swat gear, for a small army. Bring on the apocalypse.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:17 PM

So I could not believe what was said in my citation so

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:18 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
I would not consider myself a prepper, necessarily, but I have a full freezer of meat we shoot and process ourselves, I have a full canning shelf of foods I process myself. I suppose, by watching those prepping shows, I don't have nearly enough...

We have a generator if power goes out and enough fuel for a few days and we use our own well for water. And then I have enough ammo and guns, swat gear, for a small army. Bring on the apocalypse.

That may be the definition of a prepper laugh
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:37 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
I would not consider myself a prepper, necessarily, but I have a full freezer of meat we shoot and process ourselves, I have a full canning shelf of foods I process myself. I suppose, by watching those prepping shows, I don't have nearly enough...

We have a generator if power goes out and enough fuel for a few days and we use our own well for water. And then I have enough ammo and guns, swat gear, for a small army. Bring on the apocalypse.

Us too! Currently researching ways to store enough fuel for about 2 weeks. Hubby's into prepping but not like the weirdos on TV. More like practical items that are easy to keep that could get us through a couple weeks without power or trips to the grocery store. I'm reluctant but I suppose if the apocalypse crossed the Red River I'll be grateful!
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:47 PM

I never thought too much about prepping as far as food goes but my wife is into that with her typical organizational flair. I'd always figured we'd bug out to the old family place which is large acreage on a lake. Good thing she's got the food/meds covered as we'd have been fishing from limb lines and likely eating armadillos, prickly pear and mesquite beans if it'd been left up to me.

Based on my hobby of shooting sports I can also do the whole small army thing.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 01:52 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
(CNSNews.com) - said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.

well, that certainly sounds like a contradiction...
Posted By: Bankster

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Carolina Blue
Cancer from the tire pellets in artificial turf.
Washington Post article

I play on the stuff twice a week. thank goodness I have more sense than to be a keeper.

Sorry to get stuck on this one, but wouldn't guys that change tires for a living really be in danger then? Or people that work in factories that make tires? It seems like a story designed to send soccer moms into a panic.
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:38 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
I would not consider myself a prepper, necessarily, but I have a full freezer of meat we shoot and process ourselves, I have a full canning shelf of foods I process myself. I suppose, by watching those prepping shows, I don't have nearly enough...

We have a generator if power goes out and enough fuel for a few days and we use our own well for water. And then I have enough ammo and guns, swat gear, for a small army. Bring on the apocalypse.

::makes note to keep enough fuel on hand to drive to QCL's house in event of the zombie apocalypse::

Tah dah!!! Prep work done over here!
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:43 PM

Compared to the guys in SE Oklahoma that have underground homes built under the mountains there, that also have two years of ammo, water and MRE's stored in them...No, I'm not a prepper. But compared to everyone else..... Maaaaybe. laugh
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:46 PM

Yeah!!! Jen's coming over if there is an apocalypse!!! laugh laugh
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Compared to the guys in SE Oklahoma that have underground homes built under the mountains there, that also have two years of ammo, water and MRE's stored in them...No, I'm not a prepper. But compared to everyone else..... Maaaaybe. laugh

So you've been to McCurtain county too huh? smile
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:49 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Yeah!!! Jen's coming over if there is an apocalypse!!! laugh laugh

Hope she brings monopoly, there will be plenty of time to play.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:51 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Compared to the guys in SE Oklahoma that have underground homes built under the mountains there, that also have two years of ammo, water and MRE's stored in them...No, I'm not a prepper. But compared to everyone else..... Maaaaybe. laugh

So you've been to McCurtain county too huh? smile

LMBO!! That is EXACTLY where I was talking about!!
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:53 PM

Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: raitchjay
Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Compared to the guys in SE Oklahoma that have underground homes built under the mountains there, that also have two years of ammo, water and MRE's stored in them...No, I'm not a prepper. But compared to everyone else..... Maaaaybe. laugh

So you've been to McCurtain county too huh? smile

LMBO!! That is EXACTLY where I was talking about!!

Can we really consider those people Okies? Kind of a different breed of folks livin over there.
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 02:58 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL
Yeah!!! Jen's coming over if there is an apocalypse!!! laugh laugh

Better give her a nonzombie password. Zombie's cant say tongue twisters. Better have her say "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers! If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked!?!"

I don't really know if it will do any good but it will be hilarious!! laugh
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:07 PM

Sudden adult onset allergy leading to anaphylactic shock.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:15 PM

All those who are big-time WWZ preppers, I just need your addresses, please. That way I can wait to do my shopping until after the event, and I won't need money. laugh

Really, the folks on TV who show the world how much they are prepared and exactly what they have and what their defense are - they are just the biggest morons. If you do that, you must do it secretly, or you're wasting your time. You're just hanging a "Hey, come get your free stuff here" sign on your front gate.

You also wouldn't want any friends to come over to your hideout to play monopoly, because you'd have to assume they were being followed by the ravenous horde. And mabye they'd remember the tongue twister password, but you'd also need to give them a full-body check for recent bite-marks. And let's please all agree not to be the jerk who lies and says he wasn't bitten, even though he really was and is slowly transforming into one.
Posted By: RR Jen

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:24 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust

You also wouldn't want any friends to come over to your hideout to play monopoly, because you'd have to assume they were being followed by the ravenous horde. And mabye they'd remember the tongue twister password, but you'd also need to give them a full-body check for recent bite-marks. And let's please all agree not to be the jerk who lies and says he wasn't bitten, even though he really was and is slowly transforming into one.

My car is super fast...they wouldn't be able to catch me. smile
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:25 PM

And Jen is already an avid believer in rule #1 of the Zombiepocalypse: Cardio. grin
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:30 PM

I have always wondered how will the preppers have enough time to get into these bunkers?

Prepper is visiting grandma (or at the store stocking up on more prepper supplies) and finds out about N bomb blast incoming he has a few seconds. He should have spent the money when he was alive.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:33 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
(CNSNews.com) - Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/brittany-m-hughes/cdc-you-can-give-can-t-get-ebola-bus

There is some seriously tricky double-talk there: “I think there are two different parts of that equation,” he continued. “The first is, if you’re a member of the traveling public and are healthy, should you be worried that you might have gotten it by sitting next to someone? And the answer is no." “Second, if you are sick and you may have Ebola, should you get on a bus? And the answer to that is also no. You might become ill, you might have a problem that exposes someone around you,” he said."

All that first part says to me is...
- The concepts of having Ebola and being "healthy" are mutually exclusive. So he's saying something basic and profound and trying to make it sound like advice: If you are healthy, you don't have it. Duh.
- If you are healthy, then you shouldn't be worried about whether you have it. If you had it, you wouldn't be healthy. So if you don't have it, you are hereby requested not to worry.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:40 PM

How about the cured doctor who is now healthy and traveling the country giving blood to the affected people. Should he not travel by plane since he was exposed? Now that he is carrying the Ebola antibodies is he technically Ebola an Ebola carrier?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:52 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
I have always wondered how will the preppers have enough time to get into these bunkers?

Prepper is visiting grandma (or at the store stocking up on more prepper supplies) and finds out about N bomb blast incoming he has a few seconds. He should have spent the money when he was alive.

You obviously do not have the Zombie Apocalypse Countdown timer.....amatuer.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
How about the cured doctor who is now healthy and traveling the country giving blood to the affected people. Should he not travel by plane since he was exposed? Now that he is carrying the Ebola antibodies is he technically Ebola an Ebola carrier?

Isn't he like someone who has had chickenpox? He can't get it or give it, but he has developed an amunity to it?
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:55 PM

You cannot become a zombie by sitting next to a zombie on a bus, but zombies should not ride public transportation because they could zombiefy someone else. laugh
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 03:59 PM

I can hardly wait to answer all the new questions on the blood donation form.....
Have ever had ebola?
Have you ridden on bus next to someone with ebola?
Have ever been a zombie?
Have you ever been on a bus with a zombie?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 04:04 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Originally Posted By: edAudit
How about the cured doctor who is now healthy and traveling the country giving blood to the affected people. Should he not travel by plane since he was exposed? Now that he is carrying the Ebola antibodies is he technically Ebola an Ebola carrier?

Isn't he like someone who has had chickenpox? He can't get it or give it, but he has developed an amunity to it?

I would think so but by the CDC guidelines he needs to stay off public transport as he is Ebola exposed
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 05:50 PM


we're dead already, we just haven't realized it...
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/16/14 06:45 PM


Coincidence? eek
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/17/14 02:43 PM

Roller coasters, which are always safe until the day they aren’t.

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/17/14 02:49 PM

ISIS has 3 old fighters they are learning to fly left over from the old Iraqi special guard. "Game over man."
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/17/14 02:50 PM

Riding a roller coaster is just asking to die.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/17/14 02:51 PM

and I like to ride them every chance I get. Kind of like living in tornado alley or Chicago. Makes every breath more exciting!!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 02:28 PM

The massive black hole at the center of our galaxy, though there’s supposedly plenty of time (millions of years) to evacuate the planet.

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 02:42 PM

I heard Stephen Hawkins now says there are no such things as black holes and we are all going to get swallowed up by a massive not black hole. O_o
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 02:53 PM

Gamma Ray Bursts -- Bombarded by the equivalent of all the energy the sun will produce in its lifetime in just a few moments. Without warning.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 03:05 PM

Bacon won't kill you.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 03:15 PM

soccer celebrations?

Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 03:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
there are no such things as black holes

This will not stop CYM from worrying about black holes swallowing the universe.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/20/14 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Gamma Ray Bursts -- Bombarded by the equivalent of all the energy the sun will produce in its lifetime in just a few moments. Without warning.

this doesn't kill you...see Dr. David Bruce Banner as an example
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 06:41 PM

Sugar - did we do sugar yet? If not, then: sugar.

(That's a fairly random link to an article on why sugar is a Deadly Killer. But I don't necessarily believe what it says about saturated fat being "harmless"...)
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 06:44 PM

I really want some french fries fried in lard now
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 06:50 PM

Poor health care (and weak or nonexistent quarantine/containment efforts) in any country whose residents can reach the US by foot, rail, bus, or boat.

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 07:29 PM

Drones at sports events are going to kill us all!!

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 09:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
I really want some french fries fried in lard now

Or fried in duck fat??
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 09:19 PM

yes please
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 09:24 PM

And drizzled with hot bacon grease, just to round out the flavors.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/21/14 09:33 PM

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 01:24 PM

i made bacon waffles last weekend (don't remember who recommended this but thanks, freaking awesome)...if i'm going to die, i'm going to die happy.
Posted By: Hobbes

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 01:38 PM

Don't know if anyone else has one of these, but they open bacon bar in Columbia, SC - "Sizzle". Bacon infused cheeseburgers, bacon martinis, etc...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 01:50 PM

Pumpkin festivals, potentially.

Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 04:15 PM

So ...

You're never going to allow this thread to die a natural death?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 04:20 PM

Threads could kill us! crazy
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 04:23 PM

This thread is killing me!
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 06:21 PM

I actually am getting a kick out of it. After 25 pages, I feel positively normal.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/22/14 07:14 PM

mmm...bacon infused bacon...tastes just like...well, bacon, of course
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:04 PM

Originally Posted By: noelekal
So ...

You're never going to allow this thread to die a natural death?

Ha, ironic question. And, no. Not till I run out of posts.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:07 PM

Wearing your seatbelt arguably makes you a worse driver and endangers everyone else on the road


...but not wearing their seatbelts is a Deadly Killer for drivers and their passengers.


I wear mine and insist that my passengers do too.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:12 PM

Peter Pan peanut butter.

Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:23 PM


Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:24 PM

The thread you began is duly noted ... yet again.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 02:55 PM

at least fine dining won't kill you


One “expert” remarked: "Rolls around the tongue nicely. If it were wine, I would say, it’s fine."
Posted By: QCL

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 03:08 PM

Sitting at Computers Is Killing Us

Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 03:17 PM

Q, that is so true!!!!
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/23/14 03:21 PM

Smalls is killing us.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/24/14 08:58 PM

His song is killing us softly, telling our whole life with his words.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/24/14 09:02 PM

"Low fat" / "Fat free" food products, because fat is necessary for proper brain function and other things necessary to life.

I refer to "low fat" and "fat free" products specifically altered so they can be marketed as such (e.g., Low Fat Snack Cakes), not the naturally fat free/low fat foods (e.g., bananas).

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/25/14 12:01 AM

The hippo
Posted By: Sinatra Fan

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 12:33 PM

Tried a new hot dog place on Saturday. Unbelievable! One of the best hot dogs I ever had. And their menu is insane; they have a dog with bacon marmalade, and one with bacon chili.

Check it out: http://www.eatatrayslinks.com/welcome.html

Yeah, it might kill me. But I'd die with a smile. smile
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 01:05 PM

Ohhhh! That sounds yummy, Sinatra! smile

Fat and the brain...yeppers, your brain is made up largely of cholesterol...

so, cholesterol lowering meds could be killing you or at least making you not so smart! shocked
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 01:29 PM

Bacon, Beer and Chili Dog
beef hot dog, cheddar cheese and enough bacon chili to induce mild states of meat nirvana

Dang SF, may have to make a trip just to try this!!!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 02:06 PM

As we prepare to end our harvests and roll back our clocks, and a nation's thoughts turn to plastic vampire vangs and where to cut the eye holes in white sheets, my thoughts turn to the Deadly Killers lurking in our treat bags:

Licorice (if consumed in massive quantities), because heart attacks.

That sounds totally made up, but here’s a link: http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/11/how-black-licorice-can-make-your-heart-jump/
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 02:48 PM

You're proud of this thread, aren't you?
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 03:11 PM

AI is going to kill us : https://www.yahoo.com/tech/elon-musk-warns-against-developing-artificial-101086558879.html
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 04:50 PM

The survey at the end of that article:
"Are you afraid robots might kill us?" Results so far are:
33% - More concerned about my cholesterol
18% - Not at all
50% - Very

I'm sure you can guess how I voted.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 04:52 PM

Originally Posted By: noelekal
You're proud of this thread, aren't you?

I do love it. 600 posts and 18,000 views, many by some who claim they can't stand it.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 05:47 PM

33% - More concerned about my cholesterol
18% - Not at all
50% - Very

so, 101% of those voting...
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 06:06 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: noelekal
You're proud of this thread, aren't you?

I do love it. 600 posts and 18,000 views, many by some who claim they can't stand it.

And those are the one's we have to be on the look out for!!

::looks side to side:: eek

Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 06:54 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
33% - More concerned about my cholesterol
18% - Not at all
50% - Very

so, 101% of those voting...

Math will kill you! shocked
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 08:11 PM

Just the new Common Core math!
Posted By: Sinatra Fan

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 08:13 PM

Originally Posted By: Sinatra Fan
Tried a new hot dog place on Saturday. Unbelievable! One of the best hot dogs I ever had. And their menu is insane; they have a dog with bacon marmalade, and one with bacon chili.

Check it out: http://www.eatatrayslinks.com/welcome.html

Yeah, it might kill me. But I'd die with a smile. smile

I'm surprised Bacon Boy isn't all over this. Then again, maybe he went into a baconic coma when he looked at the menu. Or is on a plane to NJ right now. laugh
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 08:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Sinatra Fan
Originally Posted By: Sinatra Fan
Tried a new hot dog place on Saturday. Unbelievable! One of the best hot dogs I ever had. And their menu is insane; they have a dog with bacon marmalade, and one with bacon chili.

Check it out: http://www.eatatrayslinks.com/welcome.html

Yeah, it might kill me. But I'd die with a smile. smile

I'm surprised Bacon Boy isn't all over this. Then again, maybe he went into a baconic coma when he looked at the menu. Or is on a plane to NJ right now. laugh

I pulled a muscle reading their menu. I do believe NJ may be in my near future!!
Posted By: Sinatra Fan

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/27/14 09:12 PM

By the way, only one person has ever finished a Ghost Chili Dog. So there's a challenge for BOLers who want to make the trip.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 12:33 PM

was it Adam Richman on Man vs Food?
Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 02:58 PM

We were at the farmers market the other day and they had ghost chilis for $10 for a half bushel.
It would take forever to use up a half bushel of Ghost Chilis!!! Most of our friends cant even eat my chili now and it only has one (1) habanero in it. Ghost chilis would kill them! laugh
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:17 PM

Amateurs BBB, rank amateurs!
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:19 PM

Toast kills. I read it on the Internet. Beware of the danger lurking in your kitchen....
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:32 PM

twitter kills...Judd Nelson. But don't worry. He's alive again.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:35 PM

Video. It killed the radio star....no telling what's next.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:45 PM

Halloween glow sticks - ooh, that's pretty, pretty glowing poison.

Posted By: califgirl

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:52 PM

Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Toast kills. I read it on the Internet. Beware of the danger lurking in your kitchen....

You're supposed to remove it from the toaster before eating it. crazy
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:53 PM

How many ravers accidentally bit down on their glow sticks. I think this one isn't too concerning.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:56 PM

Ingestion of a mouthful of the liquid from a glow stick is considered to be minimally toxic, causing only minor mouth or throat irritation

Not exactly life threatening. Try again.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:58 PM

Guzzling it by the gallon would probably do the trick.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 03:59 PM

Also NOT killing you this halloween: Poisoned candy

Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 04:19 PM

I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it......is it intended otherwise CYM?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 04:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Also NOT killing you this halloween: Poisoned candy

So we need only check for pins, needles, and razor blades? http://www.snopes.com/horrors/mayhem/needles.asp

That link claims that such things are usually hoaxes, and even in the exceeding rarely cases when it was done with intent to harm, people either needed stitches or required no medical treatment. Besides, who in the world gives apples for Halloween anyway? What is this, 1950?
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 04:31 PM

Growing up, the McDonald's in our county would have metal detectors that you could run your candy under. This was in rural NWOhio.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: califgirl
Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Toast kills. I read it on the Internet. Beware of the danger lurking in your kitchen....

You're supposed to remove it from the toaster before eating it. crazy

It's also a good idea to remove it from the toaster before buttering it (at least the butter will only kill you slowly). wink
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it......is it intended otherwise CYM?

I recognize that the posts are amusing to some. To me, these are actual hazards. We are constantly being warned from all sides, on product labels and in magazines and on TV, about the deadly dangers lurking in our pantries and on our streets and in our air and water...and yet, we're still here. The warnings are so common that the concept of "watching out" for bad things has become absurd. We are supposed to use caution with and/or be concerned about nearly everything we ever do, taste, touch, feel, or see.

I recognize the impossibility of avoiding all bad stuff, and yet, because of when, where, and who I am, for me this has all become a part of my personality. My generation has been made to feel a need to have a layer of antibacterial soaps and plastic barriers between us and the rest of the world.

The onslaught of nonstop warnings have had the seemingly permanent effect of making me avoid touching doorknobs, avoid eating non-stick spray, avoid handling glowsticks, avoid chewing gum, etc. There are over 100 ordinary, everyday things that I can fit into this category of Harmful Things. Readers have suggested that this warrants psychotropic medication and/or the Ostrich Reaction (ignore the warnings, after all, I'm still here). But I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to wilfully ingest Titanium Dioxide in processed foods on a regular basis, after knowing (that is, thinking that I know) its direct connection to Alzheimer's.

What I've learned here is that very few people agree with me on these things - but whether that is from not knowing about them, or not caring about them, or simply disagreeing with them, is sometimes unclear. So, I've learned not to make small talk out of this type of subject with friends or family. People will think you're weird. And maybe one day I'll touch a bathroom doorknob, maybe somehow I'll relax and not have this list of 100 Harmful Things playing in my head throughout the day, but still, I doubt I'll be licking any grocery shelves any time soon.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it......is it intended otherwise CYM?

Do you know what kind of people take this thread as tongue-in-cheek?

those who don't mind dying a horrible death!!
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 05:10 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
People will think you're weird.

people don't think that about you...............so far as you know

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
I doubt I'll be licking any grocery shelves any time soon.

you don't know what you're missing
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 05:42 PM

Originally Posted By: raitchjay
I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it......is it intended otherwise CYM?

unfortunatley for CYM, no. For everyone else, yes.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/28/14 06:37 PM

home grown jihadis will kill as many of us as they can....
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 08:10 PM


I know quite a few ladies will not take kindly to this news....
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 08:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Article
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has classified propylene glycol as an additive that is “generally recognized as safe” for use in consumer products...

"Generally safe" is all the reassurance I need. crazy
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 08:23 PM

Not pulled in the US...we're SAFE! laugh
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 09:33 PM

Propylene glycol is a Deadly Killer, for any who are still wondering. Toxic substance registry info:
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 09:34 PM

Halloween costumes in the color black, because cars can't see you. And all the best ones are in black!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 09:34 PM

McDonald's "Our food, your questions" ads, because they are so disingenous, e.g., Does your food contain hazardous substance X? Answer given, "We take pride in providing nutritious foods for our valued customers..." Gimme break. Also got a good chuckle from "Are your fruit and parfait yogurts healthy?" which McD's declined to answer, with the evasive, "Well, let's talk about what's in them. They have berries, granola, and yogurt. You decide if they are healthy for you." What a bunch of garbage.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/29/14 10:11 PM

and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses

mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 01:54 PM

Lead and mercury in some Halloween masks, face paints, candy buckets, etc.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 02:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses

mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven

Speaking of BBQ sauce, isn't it about time for the McRib to make it's annual comeback tour? mmmmmmmmmm
Posted By: Hoosierland

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 02:38 PM

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
Originally Posted By: Peepers
and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses

mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven

Speaking of BBQ sauce, isn't it about time for the McRib to make it's annual comeback tour? mmmmmmmmmm

Just saw a commercial here in Indiana this week for McRib. . .so it is back right now, at least in some parts of the country.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 03:08 PM

Saw a commercial for the McRib here in So Cal as well. Mmmm... mystery meat shaped like ribs! smile
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 03:16 PM

The McRib is better than the cheap imitation Burger King is trying to pull off with its strangely shaped burger fitted to the original chicken sandwich bun, with a tasteless BBQ sauce splashed on for garnish!
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 03:35 PM

Paint chips stopped being tasty when they started removing the lead.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 03:58 PM

Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Paint chips stopped being tasty when they started removing the lead.

Same with gasoline.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 04:15 PM

Same with coffee.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 04:49 PM

nothing beats the smell of gasoline and paint chip based unleaded coffee in the morning. MMMmmmm good! ^_^
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 05:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider

I know quite a few ladies will not take kindly to this news....
They like to dip their flannel shirts in it from time-to-time...?
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/30/14 08:48 PM

Microorganisms are going to kill us!!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 05:40 PM

Grown men wearing animal masks are terrifying. But so is Sharni Venson! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You're_Next)

Also, when a Halloween costume bursts into flames. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/man-burned-to-death-halloween_n_4214046.html

Also, I now believe the poison candy thing is mostly a myth or urban legend after reading up on it due to the post that was on this thread the other day. Still, would you ACTUALLY let your kids eat an apple given to them by a stranger, or some weird cat lady’s homemade cupcakes? This is when it feels irrational…I know it’s a myth, I know 99.999% people aren’t bad enough to do something like that, and yet, I still feel it’s mostly off-limits and that we should only trick or treat in a neighborhood where we know everybody.

Also it's an oldie but goodie, but go google "spider dog prank," which is only something deadly if he scares you so bad that you run out into traffic.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 05:44 PM

I won't eat a cupcake at a potluck unless i know who made it and think they are good cooks, so no way i'm eating some random person's cupcake they put in a trick-or-treat bag. (Not cuz i'm afraid it would kill me; just afraid it would taste really bad.)
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 06:24 PM

you still trick or treat?
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 06:25 PM

Hey...there's no age limit on trick or treating!

(but no, i was speaking theoretically)
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 06:26 PM

Posted By: raitchjay

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 06:35 PM

I only trick-or-treat at the "Brach's" houses.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 10/31/14 08:18 PM

"You're Next" was one of my favorite new movie finds on Nexflix
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/03/14 07:31 PM

A massive botnet, millions of infected PCs controlled from afar, simultaneously hitting the internet’s root servers. Serious problems with electricity, transportation, food supply. The threat of zombie computers is probably more realistic than the threat of actual zombies.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/03/14 07:34 PM

Golly, this thread really makes my day!
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/03/14 08:41 PM

::makes note to go trick or treating with raitch next year...brach's is the BESTEST!::
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/03/14 10:44 PM

waiting for the next Avengers movie is going to kill us. O_O
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/03/14 11:44 PM

There was an ebola scare downtown, about 23 blocks from where I work. Worrying about ebola will kill us. Unnecessary media coverage of ebola will kill us.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/04/14 03:45 PM

Appendix rupture as a result of a hard punch in the stomach (like Houdini). Houdini was proud of his strong stomach muscles and asked a college student to punch him there as hard as he could. Houdini died soon thereafter, with a ruptured appendix. It’s unclear whether this was a direct effect of the stomach punching, but, I still think about it every time my kid decides to sucker-punch me in the belly.

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/04/14 03:51 PM

Some lady pop singer in England found a spider had been living in her ear for a week or so I read the other day. Spiders living in your head will kill you!! O_O
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/04/14 04:05 PM

Will sleep tonight with cotton in my ears and nose. And sleep with a mask. Can't stand spiders
Posted By: califgirl

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/04/14 04:57 PM

A tape measure can kill you.

A 58-year-old man making a delivery to a construction site died Monday morning after a tape measure fell 50 stories and hit him on the head.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/04/14 09:46 PM

Corporation-aided addiction:



but the issue and references are not "jokes"--it's not an onion-type fake news site. More like John Oliver. And if you dont like THAT kind of humor site as a resource for the subject matter in this thread, then your uptightness is going to kill you.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 03:27 PM

Tooth whitening, because if it will do that to your teeth, what is it doing to your insides?


But good luck finding a toothpaste that doesn't have tooth whitening ingredients - there may still be 1 or 2 choices left at the store. I can't believe people would use a tooth whitening toothpaste as their regular, everyday toothpaste on an ongoing basis for years on end, but they must be, otherwise there would only be a few such products on the shelves, instead of nearly all toothpastes having that.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 04:45 PM

It is amazing we last as long as we do! The world is a dangerous place.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
It is amazing we last as long as we do! The world is a dangerous place.

The fact we survive it all is a miracle, because everyday we face 1,000 ways to die. smirk
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 04:48 PM

Yeah, and most of us are not near LA like you are GD!
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 04:52 PM

maybe we DONT last that long. I mean, the universe is 14 billion years old. maybe there are alien civilizations where individuals live millions of years and look at us like fruit flies.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 05:04 PM

Maybe the moon is made of green cheese. Maybe alien civilizations where individuals live millions of years will kill us.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 05:08 PM

That'd be dope. I mean, not right now, but when i'm old and about to die anyways--i hope i can at least go out Independence Day style. Or maybe Armageddon. Either way, a huge humanity-saving explosion.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 05:11 PM

Deep frying a turkey may kill you
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 05:12 PM

So could quitting cold turkey
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 05:14 PM

Or even eating raw potatoes
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 06:33 PM

But not eating a McRib?
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 06:39 PM

::consults with Peepers::
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 06:46 PM

Peepers - still alive

Peepers - eats lots of [censored]

[censored] hasn't killed Peepers

conclusion: [censored] is good for you
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/05/14 07:24 PM

Ya baby, love me some [censored]
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/06/14 04:01 PM

Speaking of McRibs...

Being fat, because increased risk of cancer, diabetes, internal organ problems, all kinds of things.

Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/06/14 04:21 PM

do big bones kill?
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/06/14 04:25 PM

Thanks for reminding me that I haven't had my annual McRib yet.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/06/14 05:20 PM

All this talk of McRibs makes me want to have one.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 03:38 PM

Living alone is another Deadly Killer.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 03:51 PM

I don't know about that one, as I live alone and am quite content. Conversely, if I lived with someone, that person's health may very easily be at risk.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 04:20 PM

What Babo said!
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 04:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
Corporation-aided addiction:



but the issue and references are not "jokes"--it's not an onion-type fake news site. More like John Oliver. And if you dont like THAT kind of humor site as a resource for the subject matter in this thread, then your uptightness is going to kill you.

South Park addressed this on this weeks episode. Whoever controls our dopamine controls us.
Posted By: justsayjulie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 10:49 PM

Bowling can kill you...

Ohio man killed in pin-setting machine at bowling alley

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 10:58 PM

Yes but that is Ohio. Everything can kill you in Ohio. wink
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/07/14 11:02 PM

The state spices of Ohio are salt and pepper, if I remember correctly from my schooling there.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/10/14 05:52 PM

If you are a coach or player for the Chicago Bears your fans may kill you. What was that!?!?
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/13/14 02:24 PM

the arctic cold front sweeping the nation - we will al freeze to death in a matter of days...it is so bad i saw Dennis Quaid trekking across the street earlier
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/13/14 02:41 PM

Good thing I'm close the to border. I'll figure out a way to be smuggled into Mexico to pick melons.
Posted By: burkemi

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/13/14 05:26 PM

Technology....an over abundance of technology will kill you.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/13/14 06:29 PM

Prematurely unlocking the descent braking system on a sub-orbital space craft can be deadly.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/14/14 02:28 PM

Measles is going to kill us all!!


I recall getting my measles and mumps shot as a kid and coming down with the mumps for a couple weeks. Fun stuff.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/14/14 03:19 PM

Driving under the influence of masculinity.

"More men than women die each year in motor vehicle crashes. Men typically drive more miles than women and more often engage in risky driving practices including not using safety belts, driving while impaired by alcohol, and speeding."
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/14/14 04:09 PM

^^^^^ All this risky behavior is because of you know who!
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/14/14 07:42 PM

Is best to practice safe driving then Pale? smile
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/17/14 10:38 PM

Phillae approaching, landing on, riding on, and drilling the Rosetta comet. My first concern was that we would wobble it out of its normal trajectory and somehow increase the likelihood it would impact Earth. But now I’m thinking, for all we now, that comet could be a lifeform, or contain lifeforms inside of it. Or, was it built or launched by sentient beings with unknown intentions? We’ve found organic molecules on it (http://online.wsj.com/articles/rosetta-p...omet-1416256078).

What attention are we attracting to our planet, by putting our space junk on it? It's like a billboard saying "Come to Earth!" for anyone that might exist to detect and read it.

There is at least one website promoting the bogus-sounding rumor that the real reason for the mission is that radio signals emitted from a transmittor located on the comet were detected by scientists decades ago. I'm at least 9% less nutty than those dudes.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/17/14 10:42 PM

Kang and Kodos will be arriving soon
Posted By: Carolina Blue

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 01:22 PM

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 04:25 PM

Dark matter could be a Deadly Killer.

Dark matter causes a wrinkle in the fabric of space-time, and the theory goes that as it passes through places, clocks will go out of sink because of its effects on where the clocks were located in time. So I’m thinking (perhaps my reasoning is quite preposterous) that dark matter could be the cause of some inexplicable accidents. Cars zip straight into other cars, nobody sees it coming because there is a very temporary bend in time localized to that intersection, and someone’s moving car disappeared from 9:42:17 a.m. and reappeared at 9:42:22 a.m., and at that point there was another car passing through the intersection and whammo. The accidentally time-traveling driver wouldn’t know it had happened, as the jump would be sub-instantaneous to him. The other driver would say he had looked and no one was coming, he had a clear path to turn through. Survivors and witnesses could only say “That car came out of nowhere” and would all assume that this was due to its high rate of speed.

I assume someone will make the following joke so I'll go ahead and do so myself: it all depends on whether the driver ever reaches 88 m.p.h., heh.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
the theory goes that as it passes through places, clocks will go out of sink because of its effects on where the clocks were located in time.

oh man, this has already happened...my clock is on the wall, not in the sink...
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 09:41 PM


Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 10:00 PM

Vlad the Impaler will kill us all

Russia's Vladimir Putin Confirms Military Movement in Response to NATO, US in 'Provoking' New Cold War
Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the West may be provoking" Russia on the road to a new Cold War.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/18/14 10:03 PM

Okay that Enterovirus 68 is actually a serious (though not common) threat. Thus it has no business in this thread. I don't come to this thread to read about legitimate threats to the health of myself or my family.

crazy grin
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/20/14 09:52 PM

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Okay that Enterovirus 68 is actually a serious (though not common) threat. Thus it has no business in this thread. I don't come to this thread to read about legitimate threats to the health of myself or my family.

crazy grin

Sorry not able to respond more quickly, was hiding from that. grin shocked
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/20/14 09:56 PM

Ordinary food.

“It's well known, of course, that certain foods have anti-carcinogenic properties: organosulphur compounds, flavonoids, tannins and carotenoids have been shown to inhibit some forms of cancer. Unfortunately, these anti-carcinogens tend to be found in foods that also contain carcinogens - well-known killers such as broccoli, onions, strawberries and cabbage. Even while these vegetables are preventing you from getting cancer, they are giving you cancer.”
– from Tim Dowling’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek article “Everything gives you cancer” which should be required reading for readers of Everything is Going to Kill Us. http://www.theguardian.com/education/2001/sep/06/medicalscience.healthandwellbeing
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/21/14 01:52 PM

Is Tim your brother, CYM? confused
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/21/14 03:26 PM

Home invasion.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/21/14 03:29 PM

grassy knoll
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/21/14 03:36 PM


Notwithstanding the above [obvious health benefits of running-CYM], your risk of a heart attack increases by about 7x during the actual minutes and hours of a running workout. When the heart beats harder, it's more likely to suffer an electrical or artery (cholesterol) event than when it rests. Source: Journal of the American Medical Association http://www.runnersworld.com/health/heart-health
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/21/14 04:33 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust

Notwithstanding the above [obvious health benefits of running-CYM], your risk of a heart attack increases by about 7x during the actual minutes and hours of a running workout. When the heart beats harder, it's more likely to suffer an electrical or artery (cholesterol) event than when it rests. Source: Journal of the American Medical Association http://www.runnersworld.com/health/heart-health

::orders new recliner with built in cooler and lifting assist feature::
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 07:11 PM

Fracking, because earthquakes

Texas http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/11/frack...-ft-worth-area/

Ohio http://www.livescience.com/48294-fracking-caused-ohio-earthquakes.html

Colorado http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/09...acking-process/
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 07:37 PM

botulism...in cranberry sauce, no less...but a happy death

too much turkey

bad wine

anything else associated with Thanksgiving meals...
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 07:39 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
botulism...in cranberry sauce, no less...but a happy death

too much turkey

bad wine

anything else associated with Thanksgiving meals...

et tu brute?
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 07:48 PM

Shrimp, maybe, if you're my daughter. She has severe food allergies to a bunch of stuff, mostly tree nuts, but also some seafood. We're just not sure exactly which. We're pretty sure crab can kill her, but we're not sure about shrimp. She ate four shrimp over a 2 hour period in the doctors office without any reaction. So, he wants her to eat five, or maybe six, over a short period to see what happens. So we're going to give her shrimp as an appetizer on Thanksgiving, and then see if we have to set the table for five, or just four.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 07:50 PM

That's kind of mean. js. At least let her eat dessert first!!
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 08:12 PM

Originally Posted By: HappyGilmore
botulism...in cranberry sauce, no less...but a happy death

too much turkey

bad wine

anything else associated with Thanksgiving meals...

Still a bit early in the holiday season but this reminds me of The Chieftians "St. Stephen's Day Murders."

I knew of two sisters whose name it was Christmas
And one was named Dawn of course, the other one was named Eve
I wonder if they grew up hating the season
The good will that lasts till the Feast of Saint Stephen

For that is the time to eat, drink, and be merry
Till the beer is all spilled and the whiskey has flowed
And the whole family tree you neglected to bury
Are feeding their faces until they explode

There'll be laughter and tears over Tia Marias
Mixed up with that drink made from girders
'Cause it's all we've got left as they draw their last breath
Ah, it's nice for the kids, as you finally get rid of them
In the Saint Stephen's Day Murders

Uncle is garglin' a heart-breaking air
While the babe in his arms pulls out all that remains of his hair
And we're not drunk enough yet to dare criticize
The great big kipper tie he's about to baptize

With his gin-flavoured whiskers and kisses of sherry
His best Crimble shirt slung out over the shop
While the lights from the Christmas tree blow up the telly
His face closes in like an old cold pork chop

And the carcass of the beast left over from the feast
May still be found haunting the kitchen
And there's life in it yet, we may live to regret
When the ones that we poisoned stop twitchin'

There'll be laughter and tears over Tia Marias
Mixed up with that drink made from girders
'Cause it's all we've got left as they draw their last breath
Ah, it's nice for the kids, as you finally get rid of them (rid of them)
In the Saint Stephen's Day Murders

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 08:32 PM

Jimmy Fallon singing got my tight pants on will kill us all!!
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/24/14 08:34 PM

Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
...So, he wants her to eat five, or maybe six, over a short period to see what happens. So we're going to give her shrimp as an appetizer on Thanksgiving, and then see if we have to set the table for five, or just four.

Hopefully you're joking. You could do that Friday, Saturday, anytime but during a holiday, right? I'm sure nobody wants to spend Thanksgiving in the ER. And how much did the doctor's office charge you or your insurance carrier for these shrimp? And where did they get them?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 11/25/14 09:58 PM

The Bermuda Triangle.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/01/14 09:53 PM

Ticks, because they have the blood of deer in them. Fever, rickets, lyme disease. Ticks s^ck.

Heartland Virus: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/06/01/d...is-on-the-rise/

Powassan Virus: http://www.news10.com/story/22966845/one-saratoga-resident-died-this-year-from-tick-borne-virus

Full menu: http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/diseases/
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 03:30 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Originally Posted By: MyBrainHurts
...So, he wants her to eat five, or maybe six, over a short period to see what happens. So we're going to give her shrimp as an appetizer on Thanksgiving, and then see if we have to set the table for five, or just four.

Hopefully you're joking. You could do that Friday, Saturday, anytime but during a holiday, right? I'm sure nobody wants to spend Thanksgiving in the ER. And how much did the doctor's office charge you or your insurance carrier for these shrimp? And where did they get them?

No, not joking at all. We got the shrimp at Shop n Save. She had her Benedryl and her Epipen handy. And, no, if she didn't do it when with us for the holiday, she'd be 400 miles away alone in her apartment. She survived. Apparently, she can still eat shrimp, just not crab. Lobster is yet to be tested.
Posted By: Stupendous Man

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 05:41 PM

BTW, now that it's been a while, can we admit the CDC DID have the ebola thing under control?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 05:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Stupendous Man
BTW, now that it's been a while, can we admit the CDC DID have the ebola thing under control?

Control as in (for now) in spite of the over and under reactions only 2 people who contracted it outside the US died and a few nurses who were trained as best as protocol was provided to them were "cured" of it after they contracted it in the US while the masses were told that there is no chance of Ebola coming to the United States?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 09:56 PM

Using cracked drinking glasses, because (my perhaps preposterous reasoning is that) tiny particles of glass can break off and be swallowed with the drink, then slice their way through the innards.
Posted By: jaenelle

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 10:06 PM

Was holding a pair of scissors and my eye itched, so I scratched it. Thankfully missed anything important, but have a nice scrape on my temple now.

So apparently you /can/ itch to death?
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/02/14 10:30 PM

Humans beware — artificially intelligent beings could one day rise up and wipe us all out, Professor Stephen Hawking said Tuesday.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 03:11 PM

Yup. Elon Musk (Tesla cars, PayPal, SpaceX program) said the same thing in October. Way to jump on the bandwagon there, Stephen!


Which just goes to show, it's smart people who watch sci-fi and then say, "Whoa, that could totally happen."
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 05:07 PM


Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 05:09 PM

I had one that brought me a diet Coke instead of a regular Coke once
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 06:12 PM

That wasn't a dumb waiter...that was simply an over achiever over thinking and overtly assuming.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 07:44 PM

Not sure how there is no foul play unless while she was trying to use the thing to deliver food she tripped, contorted into a small 3x3 ball and fell into it. O_o

I used one of those things as a kid to go floor to floor so maybe she tried that?!?!
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 07:49 PM

Jason Mork — the only cop in the tiny city of 859 — said he does not suspect foul play.

Police are investigating the death, but said it is unlikely Baures was trying to move herself in the 3-foot-by-3-foot dumbwaiter.

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/03/14 07:55 PM

Originally Posted By: BaconBoy
Jason Mork — the only cop in the tiny city of 859 — said he does not suspect foul play.

Police are investigating the death, but said it is unlikely Baures was trying to move herself in the 3-foot-by-3-foot dumbwaiter.


Sounds like a good reason for the town to loot and riot. smirk
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/04/14 03:15 PM

free Xbox's for us all!!!
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/04/14 03:41 PM

Originally Posted By: BaconBoy
Jason Mork — the only cop in the tiny city of 859 —

Has he talked to Mindy?
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/04/14 09:40 PM

Smog, because ozone is a Deadly Killer. But also protects us from the sun. (My favorite Deadly Killers are the ones that are also beneficial in some way: water, sunlight, most food.)

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/04/14 10:30 PM

You really are totes adorbs!
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/05/14 03:14 PM

Fast food lines in Oakland will kill us all of starvation
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/09/14 08:48 PM

E-cigarettes, because people think they're relatively harmless compared to paper cigarettes, but the heat in the e-process breaks down the chemicals inside into bad, bad stuff. Also "mice getting vapor-exposed germs had three times as many bacteria growing in their lungs as did mice that got unexposed germs."

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/09/14 08:51 PM

Also "mice getting vapor-exposed germs had three times as many bacteria growing in their lungs as did mice that got unexposed germs."

The germ infested mice can kill us?
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 07:43 PM

Russian scientist finds mountain sized space rock on course for the planet. NASA after not finding it says don't worry we say no chance it will hit the planet, just like there was no chance that space rock that did hit Russia last time would hit the planet.
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 07:48 PM

If a mountain is going to slam into me at 25,000 mph I don't think I give a rip about my daily intake of antioxidants. wink
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 08:13 PM

Sticking your head in the dumbwaiter and pushing the button will result in a smashed brain. Even if you are a gymnast.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 08:15 PM

food from gas stations...especially pizza...certain death awaits
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 08:46 PM

^^ Doesn't know haute cuisine
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 08:47 PM

Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/10/14 09:14 PM

Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears

Some funny reviews on that one, eh?
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/11/14 09:10 PM

Apparently, Elves on Shelves could kill us:

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/11/14 09:17 PM

Since he/she is an agent of Santa. when the house burns down do you have to sue Santa?
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/11/14 09:27 PM

Santa has already gone through the court system, back when Natalie Wood was just a babe! He won!
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 02:34 PM

Space weather can kill you.

Millions of Americans face catastrophic loss of electrical power during a future magnetic space storm that will disrupt the electric grid and cause cascading infrastructure failures,

The long-term loss of electrical power likely would produce catastrophic loss of life.

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 02:44 PM

What in the world (pun intended) does the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) know about keeping a magnetic space storm out of the country when they can not secure the boarder from people. laugh
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 02:59 PM

At first, I thought MBH's link was for free bacon. Mis-reading, that'll kill ya!
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 03:01 PM

falling gas prices will kill us...since gas costs less, more people will drive, more people driving equals more wrecks, more wrecks equals more serious injuries - including death...all because gas prices are lower
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 03:18 PM

The only guarantees in this life are Death and Taxes. They even tax you after you're dead. Which is worse? Discuss.....
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/12/14 08:01 PM

Guy Fieri

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/15/14 08:30 PM

As califgirl pointed out on another thread: Being male.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/15/14 08:32 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
E-cigarettes, because people think they're relatively harmless compared to paper cigarettes, but the heat in the e-process breaks down the chemicals inside into bad, bad stuff. Also "mice getting vapor-exposed germs had three times as many bacteria growing in their lungs as did mice that got unexposed germs."


Sigh. http://www.wallstreetotc.com/first-us-child-to-die-from-liquid-nicotine-poisoning/213368/
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/15/14 08:34 PM

Inadequate circulation of the blood.

Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/16/14 02:48 PM

Abestos (how sure are you that it wasn’t in your school when you were growing up?), because mesothelioma. And my possibly preposterous (but that’s okay) addition to that train of thought: being exposed to fiberglass insulation. This includes installing it yourself, and to a lesser extent, going into your attic or other rooms where it is exposed and not covered up by wall material. You are breathing it. It goes in. It does not come out.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/16/14 03:08 PM

Christmas treats/parties/events that basically happen everyday of the month of Dec will give us all diabetes!!

Back to my cookies now. smile
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/16/14 04:40 PM

being exposed to fiberglass insulation

I got it in my eye once...I thought it was going to kill me!
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/16/14 05:23 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Abestos (how sure are you that it wasn&#146;t in your school when you were growing up?), because mesothelioma. And my possibly preposterous (but that&#146;s okay) addition to that train of thought: being exposed to fiberglass insulation. This includes installing it yourself, and to a lesser extent, going into your attic or other rooms where it is exposed and not covered up by wall material. You are breathing it. It goes in. It does not come out.
But won't it keep my lungs from freezing if I flip my car in a snowstorm and go off the road?
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/16/14 10:21 PM

Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 01:27 PM

At the gym last night, I noticed an on-going burpee contest poster (along with a ton other competition posters against members).

I ran away...quickly. eek
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 05:13 PM

Extreme exercise programs (insert any flavor-of-the-year, trademarked product/program name here – you know, the ones with Vomity the Clown or whatever mascot), due to the obvious health risks (heart damage, rhabdo, etc.) of pushing exercise to the point of failure.

Cardiac death, immune system impact, etc.: http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2013/08/23/extreme-endurance-exercise.aspx

Rhabdomyolysis/death of muscles at the cellular level – they implode from overexertion…

I once read that the franchise owners of some of these “gyms” sometimes have as little training as a 1-weekend program. They certainly aren’t experts qualified to tell someone that they should push past pain, dehydration, vomiting, muscle failure, etc.
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 05:19 PM

another reason to invest in a high quality recliner and spend most of your waking hours in it
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 05:21 PM

Insanity--it's all about increasing the endorphins and elevating my mood. As long as I avoid Coca-Cola pee I'm golden.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 05:22 PM

Going to Wal-mart (thanks, BaconBoy). From Random Thoughts:

Originally Posted By: BaconBoy
There's and entire blog dedicated to shootings at Walmart.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 08:55 PM

Ugh. I just ate half of the plastic sticker that was on my apple. That bit of plastic in my body has negated the beneficial effects of the last 25 apples!
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:00 PM

Don't worry, CYM. All things must pass.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:08 PM

Not only that, but just think how many germs were stuck to that plastic and how much insecticides were absorbed into the apple anyway.

S'all good! whistle
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:09 PM

Ooooh maaaaannnnn...if the apple had been washed, that sticker wouldn't have been on there. I'm toast! laugh
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:25 PM

Apples. Because they collect pesticide residue around the stems.

Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:28 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Ooooh maaaaannnnn...if the apple had been washed, that sticker wouldn't have been on there. I'm toast! laugh

But it it had been washed you would have been subject to all the chemicals that are allowed in water.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:29 PM

And if you used antibacterial soap, you upped the risk of leaving behind resistant strains! shocked
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/17/14 09:34 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Ooooh maaaaannnnn...if the apple had been washed, that sticker wouldn't have been on there. I'm toast! laugh

Gross--unwashed fruits should not go into one's mouth.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 02:25 PM

Even if you pluck it off your very own tree? crazy smile
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 03:13 PM

That's probably best. That way they wouldn't have that toxic plastic sticker either.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 03:29 PM

Well going to a James Franco movie will no longer kill us as we have turned yellow in the wake of the terrorist demands.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 03:36 PM

It wasn't a movie I was planning to see anyway...... It's stupid all the way around....
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 05:15 PM

Cuban cigars
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 05:31 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Even if you pluck it off your very own tree? crazy smile

Two words:
bird poo

And what about flys that land on said fruit and do their maniacal frenzy happy dance on the peel spreading germs, pestilence, and flesh-eating bacteria?
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 05:36 PM

Anybody else feel like we "caught" CYM? There's no way a conspiracy nut, health nut, germphobe would eat an apple without washing it.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 07:38 PM

Yep, Okie, my thoughts, too! LOL!

Freakie Poo...bird poo washes off in the rain...flys are just flies. Unless it's a fruit fly, I don't think they even bother landing on fruit.

But at any rate, I usually pluck them coming straight from mucking stalls without washing my hands...so that probably negates any other 'bugs' that could possibly be already on them. laugh
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 09:26 PM

Stopping for ducks on the road can and has killed.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 10:32 PM

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Anybody else feel like we "caught" CYM? There's no way a conspiracy nut, health nut, germphobe would eat an apple without washing it.

You see, I'm not a "nut." I'm interested in conspiracies and subscribe to several of them, and enjoy healthy things, but am more of a "fan" than a "nut," I'd say. And, I rely on my spouse to wash the apples. Usual procedure is remove sticker and wash entire apple, with special attention to washing away the adhesive glue that held the sticker in place. This one slipped through with its sticker still intact. We haven't discussed this "incident" at home, ha ha, and I don't plan to. But you can be sure I'll be checking my apples from now on. laugh
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 10:33 PM

French fries and potato chips, because frying or baking potatoes produces acrylamide, a carcinogen. Also because they’re greasy-disgusting-terrible for you, particularly the fries that are served out of drive-up windows.

Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/18/14 11:53 PM

Anyone else craving Five Guys Cajun fries?
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 12:39 AM

...as long as they aren't handed to me through a drive up window smirk
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 12:01 PM


Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 01:02 PM

Originally Posted By: BaconBoy
Anyone else craving Five Guys Cajun fries?

Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 02:09 PM

I rely on my spouse to wash the apples

Are you Peeper's brother or Dad? crazy
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 02:26 PM

there should be a next step, baking apple pie
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 02:41 PM

My thoughts exactly! WHILE she vacuums the entire house. whistle
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 03:05 PM

well she does have two hands afterall
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 03:25 PM

Grabbing an infinity stone can kill you if you are a cute pink lady. Guardians of the Galaxy is awesome!!
Posted By: califgirl

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 05:36 PM

Pre-packaged caramel apples
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:04 PM

Originally Posted By: califgirl

Probably using unwashed apples. Just sayin'....
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:29 PM

Don't ever say anything bad about meatloaf - meatloaf is delicious! (That's an adaptation of a quote about donuts from the flick White Castle, I think).


Anyway for those who didn't click the link, the claim is that a chain restaurant's food made two people so violently ill that they died. So I definitely wouldn't recommend eating that joint's meatloaf and chasing it with Haribo sugarfree gummy bears.

And yes, absolutely: Chain Restaurant Food is a Deadly Killer. Near as I can tell, it's all basically a bunch of TV dinners. Prepared elsewhere, factory-style, shipped frozen, and simply warmed up by the "chefs" in the restaurant's "kitchen." That's Cracker Barrel, Applebee's, Chili's, you name it. Not to mention their 3,000-calorie dinner plates.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:33 PM

Originally Posted By: califgirl

That link unfairly and deceptively shows a picture of a candied apple, not a caramel apple. ABC News should never say anything bad about candied apples - candied apples are delicious!

I mean, sure, they have bugs in the red dye, but still, that's some tasty, tasty bugs.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:33 PM

Late-comer here and don't have time to read all 34 pages....

Food buffets can kills you......especially when parent let their kids run wild around the place, getting their own food with no supervision whatsoever.

Avoiding the out-of-doors can kill you...

Being sedentary can kill you....these days when people don't exercise and hire someone else to do every single household job there is (house cleaning, lawn mowing, car washing, etc).
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:43 PM

A few comments:

Fracking is bad but it's a money maker....it's not going away.

Flu shots...I take one because it's free, and I've NEVER had influenza, but have been told that if I ever DO contract it, I will take the flu shot from then on. Most people say, "I have the flu" when they don't have influenza.

Margerine....never!! Plenty of good old fashioned BUTTER. I have borderline high cholesterol...definitely not caused by diet...I won't take a statin....makes me feel like c@rp...and your body needs cholesterol for joint repair and other stuff.

The body is an amazing thing. It CAN process tons of bad stuff and survive. We can't avoid everything that might be bad.

Diet sodas...yes....but I don't tote a bucket of the stuff around all day long and I DO drink plenty of water too. Most people who carry the bucket of soda drink that exclusively, avoiding water altogether.

City water?...not here....tastes bad. But I don't buy cases of bottled water. I have gallon glass bottles that I refill with RO water....then fill smaller GLASS bottles to take with me to the gym and other places.

Organ meat....I eat it occasionally. Pink meat....beef, yes....ahi tuna, yes. Raw sushi...no.

Processed foods will kill you...just concentrate on whole foods....you will be fine.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:47 PM

Castoreum, made from the pheromone glands located near the base of the tail of North American beavers, and used as a food additive but often labeled merely as “natural flavor,” “strawberry flavor,” or used to make imitation vanilla extract.

I read that the combined US consumption of it is less than 1,000 pounds per year, and many companies say they don't use it. Still, whenever I see the cheaper, fake vanilla extract on the shelf at the grocery store, my lip curls away from my teeth. (That's one - of many - problems with really digging conspiracy theories: even when they are debunked, I think the attempts to debunk are just evidence of the truthfulness of the original claim. laugh )

My (possibly preposterous) reason for listing "beaver scent as food" in this thread, despite the fact that FDA assures us of its safety: I don’t think we know enough about glandular function in animals to know whether it is safe to eat their secretions. We don’t know what we don’t know, sure, but it just defies common sense to milk these glands and eat their juices as a cheaper alternative to a readily available plant food.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 06:52 PM

Glad you (Swiggs) joined the discussion
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/19/14 08:13 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Glad you (Swiggs) joined the discussion
...have to be careful....supposed to be working, not discussing non-bank-related issues. LOL
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/22/14 04:52 PM

Food coloring (like in all those red and green Christmas cookies, and pretty much everything else in a pretty color that comes from the grocery store, and lots of foods that don't seem like or look like they need food dyes but which have them anyway), because some of the most common chemical food dyes are carcinogenic.

"The three most widely used culprits—Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40—contain compounds, including benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl, that research has linked with cancer." http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/food_news/the_hidden_health_risks_of_food_dyes

"Colors To Die For: The Dangerous Impact of Food Coloring" http://www.special-education-degree.net/food-dyes/
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/22/14 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: ComplyYouMust
Food coloring (like in all those red and green Christmas cookies, and pretty much everything else in a pretty color that comes from the grocery store, and lots of foods that don't seem like or look like they need food dyes but which have them anyway), because some of the most common chemical food dyes are carcinogenic.

"The three most widely used culprits—Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40—contain compounds, including benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl, that research has linked with cancer." http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/food_news/the_hidden_health_risks_of_food_dyes

"Colors To Die For: The Dangerous Impact of Food Coloring" http://www.special-education-degree.net/food-dyes/
oh well....... wink
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/22/14 07:34 PM

Seth Rogen.
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/22/14 07:58 PM

A few counter comments:

A few comments:

Fracking is bad but it's a money maker....it's not going away. Better than financing people who REALLY DO want to kill you...
Flu shots...I take one because it's free, and I've NEVER had influenza, but have been told that if I ever DO contract it, I will take the flu shot from then on. Most people say, "I have the flu" when they don't have influenza. Never taken flu shot when I have not subsequently gotten the flu...
Margerine....never!! Plenty of good old fashioned BUTTER. I have borderline high cholesterol...definitely not caused by diet...I won't take a statin....makes me feel like c@rp...and your body needs cholesterol for joint repair and other stuff. Don't forget the bacon!
The body is an amazing thing. It CAN process tons of bad stuff and survive. We can't avoid everything that might be bad.

Diet sodas...yes....but I don't tote a bucket of the stuff around all day long and I DO drink plenty of water too. Most people who carry the bucket of soda drink that exclusively, avoiding water altogether. Agreed.
City water?...not here....tastes bad. But I don't buy cases of bottled water. I have gallon glass bottles that I refill with RO water....then fill smaller GLASS bottles to take with me to the gym and other places.

Organ meat....I eat it occasionally. Pink meat....beef, yes....ahi tuna, yes. Raw sushi...no. Organ meat? Never eat it, the keys get stuck between my teeth!
Processed foods will kill you...just concentrate on whole foods....you will be fine.
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.......
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/22/14 09:21 PM

Originally Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Organ meat....I eat it occasionally. Pink meat....beef, yes....ahi tuna, yes. Raw sushi...no. Organ meat? Never eat it, the keys get stuck between my teeth!
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 02:09 PM

Dog ran away for the 2nd day in a row making me late for work. Never found him this time. The stress is going to kill me.
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 03:57 PM

^^^^^Should be posted in the stress thread...
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 03:58 PM

Riding your bicycle to work in Lubbock, Texas can kill you.
Posted By: MyKidsMom

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 05:03 PM

the wind in west Texas today will make you want to kill something.
Posted By: TINKerBell

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 06:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
Dog ran away for the 2nd day in a row making me late for work. Never found him this time. The stress is going to kill me.

Awww...sure hope you find him or he is waiting for you when you get home!
Posted By: Hobbes

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker
I had to replace my big spatula this year. Bits fell off into whatever I was making the other day.

That might kill someone.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 07:21 PM

I agree!
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 07:27 PM

The spatula bits or the cooking?
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 07:30 PM

HEY!!! mad laugh
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 08:17 PM

Hay yawl wazzup wit callin' Joker out on her cookin'?

:Fingers crossed:
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 08:18 PM

Originally Posted By: MyKidsMom
the wind in west Texas today will make you want to kill something.
Aye!! smile
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 08:27 PM

My dad went to the house and found him and brought him in. Crazy dog ran right to him after he called for him once. Now I see where I rate on the dog love scale. (Dad does bring him a treat on every visit so that is good programming)
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/23/14 08:33 PM

That's great news Wolfy!!
Posted By: TINKerBell

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 01:09 PM

YAY! Glad he's home!
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 02:10 PM

Its Christmas Eve and I am not done shopping is going to kill me.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 03:02 PM

Went to the grocery store last night around 9PM and THERE WERE NO CROWDS!!...loved it!

Crowds kill me.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 03:42 PM

I also hate crowds, and people in general. That is why I plan to retire to Japan and become a shut-in for the final years of life. Japanese TV shows will not kill you, expect from laughter.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 04:20 PM

Originally Posted By: swiggles
Went to the grocery store last night around 9PM and THERE WERE NO CROWDS!!...loved it!

Crowds kill me.

That's beause they closed at 9, but noooooo, they had to wait till that last minute shopper finished.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Originally Posted By: swiggles
Went to the grocery store last night around 9PM and THERE WERE NO CROWDS!!...loved it!

Crowds kill me.

That's beause they closed at 9, but noooooo, they had to wait till that last minute shopper finished.
Very funny, but nope....they're open 24 hours.
Posted By: DD Regs

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: swiggles
Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Originally Posted By: swiggles
Went to the grocery store last night around 9PM and THERE WERE NO CROWDS!!...loved it!

Crowds kill me.

That's beause they closed at 9, but noooooo, they had to wait till that last minute shopper finished.
Very funny, but nope....they're open 24 hours.

Yeah, but not in a row.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/24/14 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Originally Posted By: swiggles
Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Originally Posted By: swiggles
Went to the grocery store last night around 9PM and THERE WERE NO CROWDS!!...loved it!

Crowds kill me.

That's beause they closed at 9, but noooooo, they had to wait till that last minute shopper finished.
Very funny, but nope....they're open 24 hours.

Yeah, but not in a row.
Ha!....well, actually, this grocery store chain DOES close on Christmas and Easter, but that's the ONLY time they close.
Posted By: ComplianceDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 08:39 PM

So is this thread going to survive into 2015? Some contagious random thoughts in the Random Thoughts thread causes one to wonder...

Originally Posted By: Skittles
...I wish someone would kill the 'Everything is Going to Kill Us' thread.

Originally Posted By: RR Becca
I wonder if those of us who usually battle the trolls could figure out a way to troll it into the trash.

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Wonder what will kill that thread? Germs from a dishrag, poisonous apples, a meteor, radiation from cell phones? If you kill a killer thread will that cause some sort of time warp? crazy

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Shall we debate the politics within organized religion with a few personal attacks sprinkled in?

Originally Posted By: DD Regs
Go into it make a religiously political statement, and flame the original poster while you are at it, that might make it go poof. whistle

Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
...and add a number of sexual innuendos for good measure!

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
We kinda called CYM a fake and he/she didn't bite and defend him/herself. I thought maybe that would have finished it off.

^^That bit was in this thread. Actually, my response is shown about 3 posts after Okie's Dec. 28 remarks.-CYM

Originally Posted By: RR Joker

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Oh that's right. He confirmed his wife shares some of his same paranoid delusions, err I mean quirks.

I don't think I'm a troll. I mean, sure, I could be, without knowing it. I'm actuallly engaged in some self-examination/reflection to see if my deep, inner motivations might somehow mean I am a troll. But I think based on the uber-trustworthy wiki definition of "troll"...

"In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, [1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

...the term could more readily be applied to posters who wish to kill a discussion by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages with the deliberate intent of disrupting discussion, yes?
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 09:13 PM

Trolls can kill you. Not internet trolls, the kind that live under bridges.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 09:29 PM

Yes...like in Three Billy Goats Gruff...those Trolls could kill you! laugh
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 09:31 PM

Isn't there a big concrete troll in Seattle? I bet that's pretty cool.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 09:36 PM

Oh gosh the trolls in Sequim, WA at Bandy's Troll Haven are so cool. If you're ever in the Pacific NW a trip up Hwy 101 is so neat and the trolls are awesome.

Can we just say that nearly everything in a German fairy tale can kill you? I mean child-eating wolves, witches and trolls. Geez those are some dangerous stories.
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 09:50 PM

The original (non-Disney-fied) fairy tales are horrifying. I think they must have been meant as "frighten the kids into behaving" stories moreso than bedtime stories.
Posted By: jaenelle

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 10:20 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Becca
The original (non-Disney-fied) fairy tales are horrifying. I think they must have been meant as "frighten the kids into behaving" stories moreso than bedtime stories.

Most cultures have some kind of 'fairy stories' with various monsters, ghosts, goblins, etc... and they're all pretty scary!
Posted By: 'Lil Freak!

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 10:24 PM

Originally Posted By: RR Becca
Isn't there a big concrete troll in Seattle? I bet that's pretty cool.

Fremont Troll on Troll Avenue North

Originally Posted By: CompliantOkie
Oh gosh the trolls in Sequim, WA at Bandy's Troll Haven are so cool. If you're ever in the Pacific NW a trip up Hwy 101 is so neat and the trolls are awesome.

Very cool place and cool houses. It's like a fairy tale.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/30/14 10:37 PM

This thread still makes me happy. smile
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/31/14 02:09 PM

I would like to see this fairy tale place called Sequim! smile

I have gargoyles strategically placed around my house and gardens. They make me happy.

The closest place I've been to walking straight into a fairy tale was Marie Antoinette's country "home" in France (I think). It was unreal! Thatched roofs, fish in the pond you could almost hear talking...just a really cool place. cool
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/31/14 04:56 PM

Did the talking fish have fregging laser beams on their heads that could kill people?

I like laser beams ^_^
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/31/14 04:59 PM

No...they were nice fish. grin
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 12/31/14 05:17 PM

I think the kids at daycare are trying to kill us. They are currently waging germ warfare.
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 09:27 PM

Deflated footballs.

Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 09:45 PM

One eyed, one horned flying purple people eaters will kill us.
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 09:49 PM

Only if you're a purple person, according to the song.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 09:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Blade Scrapper
Only if you're a purple person, according to the song.
I always thought the people eater was purple and didn't eat the singer of the song because the singer was too tough. But one verse DOES state:
'I said, "Mister Purple People Eater, what's your line?" He said "Eatin' purple people, and it sure is fine."'

I think Sheb Wooley was on drugs when he wrote that jingle.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 10:01 PM

The Bruce Jenner reality series documenting his "change" will kill all mankind as the aliens that seeded us here realize they made a huge mistake.
Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 10:05 PM

Originally Posted By: swiggles
Originally Posted By: Blade Scrapper
Only if you're a purple person, according to the song.
I always thought the people eater was purple and didn't eat the singer of the song because the singer was too tough. But one verse DOES state:
'I said, "Mister Purple People Eater, what's your line?" He said "Eatin' purple people, and it sure is fine."'

I think Sheb Wooley was on drugs when he wrote that jingle.

::Looks around anxiously for the Purple People Eater:: eek
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/28/15 10:11 PM

You'll find him on a TV show blowing rock and roll music through the horn in his head. He didn't come to earth to eat people. He came to earth to find a job in a rock and roll band.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/29/15 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: swiggles
Originally Posted By: Blade Scrapper
Only if you're a purple person, according to the song.
I always thought the people eater was purple and didn't eat the singer of the song because the singer was too tough. But one verse DOES state:
'I said, "Mister Purple People Eater, what's your line?" He said "Eatin' purple people, and it sure is fine."'

I think Sheb Wooley was on drugs when he wrote that jingle.

Aren't most song writers on drugs? confused
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/29/15 02:45 PM

I'm sure the Beatles were.........
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/29/15 02:47 PM

Drugs will kill you.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 01/29/15 02:46 PM

Originally Posted By: BaconBoy
Drugs will kill you.
shocked Really?! Gotta quit now!!
Posted By: Blade Scrapper

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/10/15 09:47 PM

RPG's, Ritz Carlton gangs, and dysentery will kill us.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/10/15 10:09 PM

Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 03:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider

Did I just her right on the TV in the front of the bank, the president just asked to be OK'd to go to war with ISIS? I have not seen it on Yahoo news just yet.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 04:07 PM

if it's not on Fox it isn't news
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 04:13 PM


President Barack Obama will soon give Congress his proposal for a new authorization for the use of military force against Islamic State fighters, and it will place strict limits on the types of U.S. ground forces that can be deployed, according to congressional sources.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 04:40 PM


Declaration of war, the short form. (Buckaroo Bonzi)

So people getting killed all over the planet by these guys, 4 US citizens dead already and the day after a Twitter threat on the him he is now ready to go to war.

ISIS is going to regret those Twitter posts. They could have gone on doing their thing for who knows how long.

Hopefully this will be enough to keep US citizens safe as some feeling unsafe have already taken matters into their own hands. I just saw that horrible news report on that guy from North Carolina, or some place, killing those 3 collage kids.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 04:50 PM

Hopefully this will be enough to keep US citizens safe as some feeling unsafe have already taken matters into their own hands. I just saw that horrible news report on that guy from North Carolina, or some place, killing those 3 collage kids.

latest news is it was over a parking space and not anything else
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 05:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Wolfy
killing those 3 collage kids.

i'm not much on collage's, don't care much for mobiles either, but killing over them is a tad much...now, if it was fingerpainting or paint by numbers, that would be a different story
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 05:09 PM

paper mache really ticks me off sometimes
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: edAudit
Hopefully this will be enough to keep US citizens safe as some feeling unsafe have already taken matters into their own hands. I just saw that horrible news report on that guy from North Carolina, or some place, killing those 3 collage kids.

latest news is it was over a parking space and not anything else

Wow that is just crazy. Makes me worry about parking in the compliance officers spot today now. O_O
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 06:25 PM

Good thing it wasn't MY space, Wolfy...just sayin. smirk
Posted By: GuitarDude

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/11/15 10:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Peepers
paper mache really ticks me off sometimes

You're not supposed to eat it.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/19/15 09:49 PM

So while it will kill you it seems Coke will kill you the slowest so that will be my new drink. ^_-
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 02:40 PM


Cheeseburgers, fries, icecream, salad...and then you die. Death row can kill you. I found the choice of salad along with all the unhealthly choices a bit...well...odd. crazy
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 02:43 PM

she did ask for buttermilk dressing
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 02:43 PM

Did she ask for a diet Coke?
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 02:44 PM

According to the findings of a recent study, coffee will NOT kill you....in fact, it's healthy (in moderation). And eggs (in moderation....say 1 per day) has nothing to do with your cholesteral level.....in fact, your diet has very little to do with your cholesterol, period. So these things will also NOT kill you. NOW....they're saying red meat and sugar (in excess) will kill you.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 02:47 PM

Not eating red meat would kill me. Stopping at the mexican grocery store on the way home to pick up some marinated skirt steaks for a fajita feast tonight! I can hardly wait.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 02/20/15 03:00 PM

Yeah, I almost commented on the buttermilk dressing, but then decided not to. laugh I mean we are talking Georgia!

I think she should have requested buttermilk biscuits and gravy tho...what was she THINKING? crazy

And a pitcher of sweet tea.

And bacon. Lots of bacon!

As to cholesterol...cholesterol lowering drugs could kill you or bring on brain damage considering your brain is largely made up of...YEP...cholesterol. smile
Posted By: burkemi

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 06/10/15 06:39 PM

Mornings......Mornings will kill you. Evenings and Nights are peaceful creatures; Mornings are evil.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 01:48 PM

ask and you shall receive.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 01:50 PM

^^ well played! laugh
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 02:30 PM

old threads can kill you ^_^
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 03:04 PM

Too much sleep will kill you.

Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 03:37 PM

Standing at work will kill you.
Posted By: Bacon Boy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 04:39 PM

Atomic wedgies
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 04:54 PM

Sadly, escalators...
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 06:19 PM

Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 06:20 PM

Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 06:41 PM


If the comments to this article are to be believed, lion hunting can get you killed.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 06:54 PM

Just wondering if "they" knew it took 40 hours to track and kill him someone had 40 hours to alert him to the fact that they was not the lion he should have killed and he could have killed another lion instead.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 07:05 PM

Let us see hmmm

2 Saudi Policemen killed in an Islamic style attack little news

1 lion killed major news.

I will refrain from the vast amount of killing in the USA as one would expect more about local news.
Posted By: YosemiteSamIAm

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/29/15 07:42 PM

Welcome to Rome, 2015...

Lions killing Christians...not news.

Christians killing lions...major news!
Posted By: Jafo

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 06:25 PM

Sports headline in the Roman Times

lions 10, christians 0

oh wait..... reverse that
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 06:32 PM

So I see Hollywood types calling to kill the guy with is dentist drill.
So now those little drills are going to kill us.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 06:46 PM

Being a lion cub in Cecil's pride and having him taken out will get them killed by the next leader of the pack.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 07:11 PM

would we then find a need to protest the offending new leader and give out his home address?
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 07:15 PM

yet the same day this lion was killed, 4 endangered elephants were killed by poachers (I believe they said Zimbabwe but don't quote me on that) but this has not reached the level of mass hysteria that the lion achieved...

meanwhile, back in the real world, we still have millions in the US that are homeless, have no insurance, have undiagnosed mental illnesses, our infrastructure is crumbling, 60% of our federal highway bridges are sub-par, our school kids continue to slip down the line in rankings, obesity now affects more than 50% of the population, 10s of millions have dropped out of the work force because they can't find a job, inner city youth killings seem to have no end...and people are worried about a lion.

we have some seriously messed up priorities...
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 07:44 PM

It was 5 in Kenya
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 07:54 PM

on July 1 2015 a great white lion died


and anther one called Cecil
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 07:55 PM

Originally Posted By HappyGilmore
yet the same day this lion was killed, 4 endangered elephants were killed by poachers (I believe they said Zimbabwe but don't quote me on that) but this has not reached the level of mass hysteria that the lion achieved...

meanwhile, back in the real world, we still have millions in the US that are homeless (but this is their own fault), have no insurance (because they are deadbeats sponging off the government), have undiagnosed mental illnesses (because of a bad life style, drugs they chose to take...or whatever....it's their own fault), our infrastructure is crumbling , 60% of our federal highway bridges are sub-par, our school kids continue to slip down the line in rankings (poor parenting), obesity now affects more than 50% of the population (because we have become a stay-indoors, sedentary society), 10s of millions have dropped out of the work force because they can't find a job (no...they are just lazy deadbeats), inner city youth killings seem to have no end (poor parenting)...and people are worried about a lion (it's not lion's fault that he's a lion).

we have some seriously messed up priorities...

Well said! I may have to quote you on that! But I inserted usual responses many people have to these plights....no compassion....just let everything go to Hades.
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/30/15 08:58 PM

Yeah, Happy frequently makes me happy with his astute observations.

I'll add another "well said!"
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:17 PM


No more worries Cecil's brother has stepped up.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:25 PM

Wow. Too bad more people don't step up like that! smile
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:25 PM

Cecil was an old dude, I am surprised he held his position of power as long as he did. By the picture he had lost a lot of his hair.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:27 PM

It's cool the Uncle has the black hair going on too.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:27 PM

Originally Posted By RR Joker
Wow. Too bad more people don't step up like that! smile

FWI and clarity (as I believe most have missed this point (and not a shout out at anyone )_) Cecil and his brother are wild animals and not people (even though people have been know to be called wild animals)
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:30 PM

Originally Posted By Pale Rider
Cecil was an old dude, I am surprised he held his position of power as long as he did. By the picture he had lost a lot of his hair.

Queen Elizabeth is nearly 90 and still rules the throne. Yikes now you all (not ya'll y'all or yal'l)got me doing it. laugh
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By Pale Rider
Cecil was an old dude, I am surprised he held his position of power as long as he did. By the picture he had lost a lot of his hair.

spoken very eloquently by what the Guinness Book of World Records recognizes as the oldest poster on BOL...
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 06:57 PM

Originally Posted By edAudit
Originally Posted By Pale Rider
Cecil was an old dude, I am surprised he held his position of power as long as he did. By the picture he had lost a lot of his hair.

Queen Elizabeth is nearly 90 and still rules the throne. Yikes now you all (not ya'll y'all or yal'l)got me doing it. laugh

well, if you had Prince Charles waiting in the wings to take over from you, you'd do your best to outlive him as well! shocked
Posted By: noelekal

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 07:36 PM

As opposed to his mother, Prince Charles is yet another embarrassment to the history of the British monarchy. Hope she hangs in there.
Posted By: Wolfy

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 07:46 PM

so.. Prince Charles is going to kill us all!?!? ^_-
Posted By: Peepers

Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us - 07/31/15 07:51 PM

his donkey wife could kick you