cold front

Posted By: waldensouth

cold front - 01/12/22 03:10 PM

Hope everyone stays warm this weekend. They are predicting a 90% chance of 1-3 inches of snow here in Atlanta. If this happens it will shut the city down. So if you had plans to come in this direction, you might want to rethink that. We shall see if this happens. At any rate it will be very cold this weekend for most of the country with a lot of states getting a lot of snow. Stay Warm. Stay Safe.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: cold front - 01/12/22 03:39 PM

I'm a fellow southerner (it's not supposed to snow here though)....but i was just a bit surprised by your statement that 1-3 inches of snow would shut down Atlanta? Really? I get it that Atlanta isn't used to snow, and if they were calling for a foot, i'd get it...but 1-3 inches seems manageable (at least to me).
Posted By: Rocky P

Re: cold front - 01/12/22 05:04 PM

In many cases, no snow plows, more salt in the break rooms than with the DOT, and a bunch of drivers who would copy the Simon Garfunkel song, “Slip Sliding Away.” That plus no snow tires and signals being out from trees loaded with ice snapping on power lines.
The good part is the ground is warm and it may not stick for a while. The bad part is “black ice” when the temperatures drop.
Posted By: SmallBankBSA

Re: cold front - 01/12/22 05:15 PM

When my aunt moved to just outside of Atlanta from New York, it snowed and her neighbors were using the hose water to clear the snow from their driveway. True story!

Hopefully it will be on the weekend when school buses are not on the roads for you. Stay Safe waldensouth!
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 02:29 PM

They've now revised that to 1 inch of snow and a lot of sleet and icy rain. The ice is what does us in.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 03:46 PM

Why would you need plows at 1-3?
We just had 6 and no plows down my street.
Posted By: burkemi

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 06:10 PM

A lot of it comes down to expectations and normalcy. I imagine there are plenty of areas around the nation that wouldn't blink an eye at 3-6 inches. And I'm just as certain there are plenty of places that would panic out over the same amount. Driving in snow is dangerous in the best of circumstances, but when a majority of the immediate population has little or no experience with it the danger increases.

Depending on the forecast - we're called to have 6 inches up to 12 inches in south easy KY.
Posted By: RVFlyboy

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 06:19 PM

As walden says, it's the ice that's the problem here. Especially ice covered by snow. No removal equipment and no salting equipment. Sand is not nearly as effective, but that's primarily what they use here. Plus too many drivers with four-wheel drive vehicles thinking it will be no problem with 4-wheel drive, but failing to recognize that 4-wheel drive on ice means you just have four wheels spinning on ice instead of two.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 06:57 PM

Oh ok.....yeah, ice is a problem here too. But 1-3 inches of snow without ice isn't much of a problem here.
Posted By: InFairness, CRCM

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by RVFlyboy
As walden says, it's the ice that's the problem here. Especially ice covered by snow. No removal equipment and no salting equipment. Sand is not nearly as effective, but that's primarily what they use here. Plus too many drivers with four-wheel drive vehicles thinking it will be no problem with 4-wheel drive, but failing to recognize that 4-wheel drive on ice means you just have four wheels spinning on ice instead of two.

Then add on all the transplants that think because they could drive in snow with snow tires/chains, salting, and plowing, they can drive on ice without snow tires, salting, or plowing.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 07:32 PM

We're having stupid weather...low of 25 in the morning, high of 72 in the afternoon.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: cold front - 01/13/22 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by raitchjay
Oh ok.....yeah, ice is a problem here too. But 1-3 inches of snow without ice isn't much of a problem here.
here in the deep south, 1-3 inches of snow is an artic-level shut down the state event. schools close. public offices close. there are shortages of bread, milk, water, gas, toilet paper. you venture onto the roads at your own risk, as people have no idea how to drive in normal weather, much less when the roads may or may not be icy but have snow on them. it makes the Dennis Quaid movie The Day After Tomorrow seem like a child's fairy tale compared to the woe we suffer with 1-3 inches of snow.
Posted By: burkemi

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 02:04 PM

How did everyone's storm end up?

Our forecast steadily dropped from -as much as 12 inches-, 5-7 inches, 3-6 inches. Our actual accumulation ended up at around 2 or 3 inches. We had plenty of precipitation, but the temps stayed a couple of degrees warmer than expected. Certainly no complaints here.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 02:53 PM

our temps did not drop below freezing, only precipitation was rain, and now the biggest issue facing our area is all the people who bought 27 loaves of bread and 64 gallons of milk in preparation for the snowpocalypse must eat and drink it before it goes bad.

forecast is 65 today, 73 tomorrow...
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 04:10 PM

My neighborhood did not get as much snow as they predicted, it was patchy coverage. We did not lose power. Other neighborhoods close to us did get the predicted amount and were without power. There were a number of accidents yesterday due to black ice and a lot of trees down. Tomorrow is the high temp for the week at 59. Another cold front due Friday when are are supposed to see more snow - less than an inch.
Posted By: burkemi

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 04:26 PM

We're supposed to see more snow moving in Wednesday night, around an inch. Today is our predicted highest temperature for the week, at 47.
Posted By: InFairness, CRCM

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 07:33 PM

We got about 2-3 inches in a mix of freezing rain and snow. Messy, but mostly gone within a day.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: cold front - 01/18/22 08:10 PM

our snowpocalypse was nothing more than a few rain showers, But Thursdays forecast is ...
Posted By: RR Sarah

Re: cold front - 01/19/22 04:27 PM

This morning when I woke up it was -7 but with wind chill felt like -28. Current temp is -5 and -26 with wind chill.

It's not snowing though! grin
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: cold front - 01/19/22 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by RR Sarah
This morning when I woke up it was -7 but with wind chill felt like -28. Current temp is -5 and -26 with wind chill.

It's not snowing though! grin

a google search will find you local moving companies that will come pack all your stuff and move you somewhere warm...
Posted By: RR Sarah

Re: cold front - 01/19/22 06:19 PM

Trust me, the older I get the more I'm willing to put that Google search to use!!
Posted By: edAudit

Re: cold front - 01/19/22 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by edAudit
our snowpocalypse was nothing more than a few rain showers, But Thursdays forecast is ...

Since Thursday snowpocalypse will be a non-issue Saturdays is going to be the thing
Posted By: InFairness, CRCM

Re: cold front - 01/21/22 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by edAudit
Since Thursday snowpocalypse will be a non-issue Saturdays is going to be the thing

Looks like we'll miss that one and just get cold without snow.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: cold front - 01/25/22 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by InFairness, CRCM
Originally Posted by edAudit
Since Thursday snowpocalypse will be a non-issue Saturdays is going to be the thing

Looks like we'll miss that one and just get cold without snow.

The next one if for this weekend

Must buy an extra 6 gallons of milk and a dozen loafs if bread. <sarcasm font>
Posted By: Valley girl

Re: cold front - 01/25/22 10:40 PM

I used to work in the main office of a good sized grocery chain. When the weather forecast was for snow, they used to make extra donuts and hand them out to people waiting in line to check out. Back in the olden days before self checkout of course. Some stores would give 300 - 400 donuts out....
Posted By: Rocky P

Re: cold front - 01/26/22 05:00 PM
