
Posted By: RebekahL CRCM

C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/21/22 09:50 PM

Good grief, it is cold. I just returned from lunch, and walking into the wind to the bank made my face hurt so bad. I checked the weather and found out why.... -44 wind chill. cry

That just ain't right.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/21/22 09:55 PM

Supposed to be 4 degrees here Friday morning ,with a wind chill in the negative teens. We had a whole month and a half from July into August over 100 degrees, and one day in July where the actual temperature (not the heat index, but the actual temperature) was 114. When your summers are 114, you're supposed to get mild winters. I feel cheated.
Posted By: RebekahL CRCM

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/21/22 10:06 PM

I feel your pain. Our summer temps exceeded 110 too.

My face is definitely feeling the 150 degree difference from last July. eek
Posted By: RockChucker, CAMS

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/21/22 11:49 PM

We must live in the same state! So cold today possibly worse tomorrow.
Posted By: RVFlyboy

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/22/22 04:22 PM

Thanks, Rebecca. That makes me feel much better about the 6 degrees wind chill forecast for here tomorrow. But it just isn't supposed to get that cold in Georgia.
Posted By: one deer

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/22/22 04:36 PM

-6 with a feels like -34 in SW Kansas, blowing snow with spots of total white out on way to work this morning, fondly thinking about the 114 degree days in late July.
Posted By: JWills, CRCM

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/22/22 05:14 PM

We are under a winter storm warning until Saturday, with the potential for it to change into a Blizzard warning, in the great lake state. Definitely going to be a white Christmas.
Posted By: CompliantOkie

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/22/22 06:06 PM

We're currently sitting at 7 degrees with a wind chill at -17. The wind is howling and it's been sleeting. It's completely miserable outside. Working remote has never felt so good!
Posted By: Purple Pride

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/22/22 07:47 PM

The actual temp here won't go above zero until Saturday afternoon (it has been below zero since Wednesday evening). Windchills tonight and tomorrow 30 to 40 or more below zero. Blizzard-like conditions after 6pm tonight until Saturday morning.

I miss my winter place in AZ (headed back Sunday afternoon).
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 12/28/22 04:06 PM

from Thursday overnight through Saturday afternoon, we did not get above freezing, the south is not built for this type of weather...today we are going to be 71.
Posted By: missmarybrewster

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/05/23 09:11 PM

15 inches of snow in the last 2 days in Minnesota. Ugh.
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/05/23 09:23 PM

Back to pretty normal winter weather here.....lows around freezing, highs around 55. I can deal with it.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/10/23 07:37 PM

our low for the next week happens overnight and is 35, with highs as much as 76 but averaging around 67. i may need to consider long sleeve t-shirts if it stays this cold...
Posted By: RockChucker, CAMS

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/10/23 10:58 PM

You're killing me Smalls!
Posted By: ACBbank

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/11/23 01:00 PM

Going to hit 79 today, with a low of 53. Today and yesterday have been simply amazing.
Posted By: RR Sarah

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/11/23 02:59 PM

It was 27 degrees when I came in to work this morning. I wore my light jacket. smirk
Posted By: one deer

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/11/23 03:11 PM

High of 53 today with an inch of snow coming tonight (we shall see) then 48 for a high on Thursday.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/11/23 03:16 PM

weather channel had a graph today showing 2/3 of country is 10+ degrees above average, and remaining 1/3 is 5+ degrees above average. very few spots are at or below average. and that won't change for near term, with more storms coming in across California that will being in warm moisture...
Posted By: raitchjay

Re: C-C-C-Cold!! - 01/11/23 03:19 PM

High of 77 today......low of 29 tomorrow night with a high of 50 on Friday. Quite the contrast.