
Posted By: captain morgan

Ga$$ - 04/16/04 01:59 PM

When I drove home from work last night gas was $1.71. When I drove by this morning its $1.89. (west metro Mpls)
I know this is low compared to some areas of the country.I'm curious how much gas is going for in your area??
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:00 PM

In NJ, anywhere between the two figures you gave. It varies by town around here.
Posted By: DawgFan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:01 PM

Around $1.65 a gallon.
Posted By: Kansayaku

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:02 PM

$1.89, $1.99, $2.09 depending on grade preference
Posted By: IUalum

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:21 PM

It depends. If I get it close to the office using my Kroger card, I can get it for $1.60 a gallon. If I wait til I get home, it's $1.78.
Posted By: P*Q

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:24 PM

In Mass, average is $1.79.
Posted By: Countess Kiwi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:32 PM

In southern Idaho it has been around $2.00!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:50 PM

I think this thread is an advertisment for the Toyota Echo and its peers.

We're somewhere in the $1.60-$1.80 range....I'll admit that I rarely even look anymore. I just fill'er up and pay the attendant.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:54 PM

These crazy gas companies are gouging us. It is making it hard for me to pay my cable bill (w/HBO, Showtime), my cellphone bill (2) and my membership dues at the gym. I blame it all on Bush!
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:54 PM

Regular unleaded - $1.789 per gallon this morning. I'm glad I get good gas mileage.
Posted By: Kansayaku

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 02:57 PM

I'll start stressing over it when the prices are higher than my mileage reimbursement.
Posted By: La. Lady

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:05 PM

About $1.65, $1.75, $l.85 per gallon......

I keep thinking of vacation....if things keep going it will cost a fortune to drive this summer.
Posted By: captain morgan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:09 PM

I'm happy beer prices aren't increasing this fast!!
Posted By: OkieOps

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:15 PM


I'm happy beer prices aren't increasing this fast!!

I'll second that!!
Posted By: QuestionQuest

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:26 PM

Helpfull hint. If you cancel the cable subscription so that you move artound more, you might not need the gym dues. Now wouldn't that solve a couple of your problems?
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:32 PM


Helpful hint. If you cancel the cable subscription so that you move around more, you might not need the gym dues. Now wouldn't that solve a couple of your problems?

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:34 PM

For 87 octane, Southern California prices range (all within a 15 mile radius) anywhere from $2.12 to $2.27
Posted By: Retread

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:38 PM

Not that it makes paying 2.00 per gallon for gas any easier, but it is comforting to know we are not alone.
Gas Prices Increasing by 20 %
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:40 PM

Jon Stewart said last night that we pay less for gas than everywhere else in the world, but that's only because we are guarding all of the refineries. It's only right that we get an "employee discount".
Posted By: Kansayaku

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:42 PM

That is very true. I was shocked by the difference in gasoline prices between Japan and the US. (Of course, everything seems overpriced there. )
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:46 PM

I paid well over $3/gallon on my trip to Paris when we lived overseas. We got subsidized gas coupons for the Esso stations in Germany, but when we left the country, we were pretty much on our own. I remember paying something like $33 to fill up my Escort wagon in France.
Posted By: Kansayaku

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:51 PM

So true. I also stopped complaining about the small amounts asked of us to pay at toll booths during travel after paying the extreme fees there. I think having the knowledge of the prices others are required to pay for things really puts it in perspective sometimes. Thanks for that reminder!
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 03:59 PM

I hate you all!!!!! I paid $2.38 last night at the cheapest place in town!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 04:04 PM

You could always move to OK, you know.....yeah, I didn't think so.
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 04:08 PM

hhmmmm... tempting
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:08 PM

$1.89 here! I have never spent $35 to fill my gas tank until toeay!!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:10 PM

Have I mentioned before that I LOVE my motorcycle. Ahhhhh, 40 mpg is nice sometimes.
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:11 PM


Have I mentioned before that I LOVE my motorcycle. Ahhhhh, 40 mpg is nice sometimes.

What kind of a bike do you have?

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:11 PM

Regular unleaded $1.699
High Test $1.899
They say that gas is less expensive here than other parts of the country and you can tell from this thread that is right. STOP THE MADNESS!
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:18 PM


High Test $1.899

My father says that!
Posted By: Citrus

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:25 PM

Right across the street: 1.97 for Regular 2.16 for Premium
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:25 PM

Last I checked I think we were 2nd highest in the country... Ain't that something to be proud about
Yippee, so we have the highest housing costs...and the highest gas prices. (insert sarcasm here)
Posted By: Borg

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:28 PM

Borg does not use gasoline. Batteries...
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 05:30 PM

I don't think I want to know why a sponge would use batteries...... But a sponge with gas would be a little silly too I guess!
Posted By: CelticsPride

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 06:24 PM

$1.62 in my neck of the woods. But on Thursdays it is a nickel cheaper. You should see the lines!
Posted By: 1 Peter 5:7

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 06:34 PM


High Test $1.899


My father says that!

Who remembers when we called it "ethyl"?
Posted By: wavewatcher

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 07:46 PM

we must be in the same state as Pippi at $2.39 last night - I'm not sure if the cheapest place in town, but close to my house.
Posted By: William

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 07:58 PM

Was traveling in SE PA and had to refuel last night... 1.699 (For all intent and purposes, it's 1.70/gal.)
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:06 PM



Have I mentioned before that I LOVE my motorcycle. Ahhhhh, 40 mpg is nice sometimes.

What kind of a bike do you have?

It's not a Harley....I'll start with that. It's a 2003 Kawasaki ZZR1200. It's a sport-touring bike. If you go to images, you can see it....mine has the touring hardbags on it full-time. Without the bags, I got 46 mpg going 85-105 on the Kansas and Oklahoma turnpikes (with traffic, min you) for about 7 hours. The bags drop it to around 35-40, depending on my mood.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:10 PM

I don't pay too much attention to gas prices, but I think they are around $1.79 to $1.99 or something...diesel runs anywhere from $1.49(not near the weekend or holiday's tho) to $1.79. I've been paying anywhere from the $1.49 to $1.54range.
Posted By: deppfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:11 PM


going 85-105 on the Kansas and Oklahoma turnpikes

Oh My, now I'm gonna have to start worrying about you Jeremy.
Posted By: Red

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:12 PM

1.699 cheap stuff, 1.899 high test in Western Mass.

41.50 to fill the Hemi.
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:12 PM

If you are barrel racing in the south you don't need any gas though, just hay right???
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:17 PM

wavewatcher: If you are in Hawaii, then I only wish I was where you were, but I'm definately closer than the rest of these guys!

Hey, pup... I use my bike to get to and from work, only mine doesn't need gas and it has a nice basket and a cool bell!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:19 PM



going 85-105 on the Kansas and Oklahoma turnpikes

Oh My, now I'm gonna have to start worrying about you Jeremy.

Elena, it was either that or be "trampled" by the semis going 85-105. Then I shouldn't tell you that I've topped it at 125? But if I were to tell you that, I would tell you that I will never top out the bike's potential....~200mph......'cuz I'm a chicken!!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:21 PM

Pip-I've got one of those, too. (no basket, but a cool bell). If I got up a little earlier, I'd ride mine to work, too. <That might trim the gut a little> . I fell in love with mountain biking in Germany....ahhhhhhhhh, the memories of the Nahe valley (and the wine, too, right Dawnie?).
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:21 PM


If you are barrel racing in the south you don't need any gas though, just hay right???

But have you seen the prices of HAY lately???
And too, when we are pulling 2 4-horse trailers with big trucks...OUCH!
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:24 PM




going 85-105 on the Kansas and Oklahoma turnpikes

Oh My, now I'm gonna have to start worrying about you Jeremy.

Elena, it was either that or be "trampled" by the semis going 85-105. Then I shouldn't tell you that I've topped it at 125? But if I were to tell you that, I would tell you that I will never top out the bike's potential....~200mph......'cuz I'm a chicken!!

Let's keep you a chicken. 125 is bad enough but 200!! You would have to be nutz! This time of year I wish I had a bike just for the days like this. 80 and sunny in Wisconsin on April 16th. It doesn't happen often. Plus I could save money on gas (isn't that the topic on this thread?)
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:26 PM

Beagles, did you ever mention which part of Wisconsin you're in? I'm just curious. I lived in Dodgeville for a short time when I was a kid....LOVED IT!! And that would be a WONDERFUL place for a nice relaxing ride, that's for sure. I'll definitely get there one of these days. The Black Hills or Rocky Mountains top my list, though.
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:28 PM


Beagles, did you ever mention which part of Wisconsin you're in? I'm just curious. I lived in Dodgeville for a short time when I was a kid....LOVED IT!! And that would be a WONDERFUL place for a nice relaxing ride, that's for sure. I'll definitely get there one of these days. The Black Hills or Rocky Mountains top my list, though.

I am in Tomah now but born and raised in Superior. Been for a ride or 2 in my day but..sorry.. always on a Harley.
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:39 PM



Beagles, did you ever mention which part of Wisconsin you're in? I'm just curious. I lived in Dodgeville for a short time when I was a kid....LOVED IT!! And that would be a WONDERFUL place for a nice relaxing ride, that's for sure. I'll definitely get there one of these days. The Black Hills or Rocky Mountains top my list, though.

I am in Tomah now but born and raised in Superior. Been for a ride or 2 in my day but..sorry.. always on a Harley.

I like tHarleys. I especially like the way they look on the side of the highway with their riders' toolboxes nearby and the way they wake me up at 5am, idling down the street 4 blocks away.

Seriously, aside from the volume of the standard Harley, I think that they are beautiful machines. In my book, 2 wheels is 2 wheels. I think the majority of the riders out there think along those same lines. I may never own a Harley like many Harley-riders will never own a Kawasaki, but find a fellow motorcyclist stranded and that all fades. We all help each other out. I got stuck in the mud under an overpass with about 50 Harleys in Minnesota on their way to Sturgid during a severe thunderstorm. They all helped me out and were an awesome group with which to be stranded.
Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:46 PM


Let's keep you a chicken. 125 is bad enough but 200!! You would have to be nutz! This time of year I wish I had a bike just for the days like this. 80 and sunny in Wisconsin on April 16th. It doesn't happen often. Plus I could save money on gas (isn't that the topic on this thread?)

You think 200mph would be nuts, check out the Dodge Tomahawk.
Now that bike is just plain crazy!! It tops out at 300+ miles per hour and its 8.3Liter V10 engine (the same one used in Dodge Vipers) pumps out about 500 horse power! I feel sorry for the guy who has to test the top speed on that bike
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:49 PM

That would be pretty cool to have. I've heard that it won't be street legal, though....just a design to show off and a "collector" bike.
Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 08:51 PM


That would be pretty cool to have. I've heard that it won't be street legal, though....just a design to show off and a "collector" bike.

I hear they are also very very pricey... Too rich for my blood
Posted By: DawgFan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 09:03 PM

What are those two things on the front? Cannons?
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 09:06 PM

headlights, I think.
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 09:18 PM

I couldn't afford that bike or a Harley! I am not at the top of the banking food chain - I am mearly a loan underwriter that recently got suckered into the compliance position. I wonder when I will get more money...???....????
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 10:06 PM

We're around 1.69 to 1.71 here, that is when you want to pay for the stuff.

I just grab a bucket and go dig in the back yard for fuel
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 11:07 PM


We're around 1.69 to 1.71 here, that is when you want to pay for the stuff.

I just grab a bucket and go dig in the back yard for fuel

Well heck little lady, I just saddle up the horse and ride to the edge of the ranch and get it straight from a gusher! Or I pay: Austin Gas Prices
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Ga$$ - 04/16/04 11:50 PM

Oh - how we complain. Try buying a gallon of gas in the rest of the world - $4-$5 in europe. Check it out:

Gas Prices
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/17/04 05:12 PM

Of course, look at their autobahn least they put it to good use......with no turnpikes!
Posted By: RBanker

Re: Ga$$ - 04/17/04 06:48 PM

$1.59 Past Wednesday nite in Austin, Texas
Posted By: Cowboys Fan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/17/04 07:05 PM

1.80 this morning in Charleston, SC
Posted By: deppfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/18/04 12:37 AM

$1.69 in the sticks of Oklahoma. (Everything in Tortuga runs on Rum. )
Posted By: Retread

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 11:51 AM

Get your fill-up in Tipton,Indiana
Two for One
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 12:28 PM


$1.69 in the sticks of Oklahoma. (Everything in Tortuga runs on Rum. )

You know elena, tortugas are turtles/tortoises... I'll bet they are good on gas, not very spirited though...
Posted By: deppfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 01:28 PM

LOLOL Yeah, but they get mighty spirited (pun intended) after a shot or two of Rum!
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 01:29 PM

Makes for a long commute, I'd guess.

Happy Monday, everyone.
Posted By: redsfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 01:46 PM

ReTread, I pass that place on my commute twice every day. You know, there is seldom anyone there eating. I never thought about that sign before! LOL!
Posted By: Retread

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 03:27 PM

New gas prices just posted.

Gas Price Sign
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 03:38 PM

I bought my first car in 1982 and was paying around a dollar a gallon for gas at the time. I have bought several cars since then. In 1998, I bought a car and was paying about $1.00 per gallon. Last year, I bought another car and am now paying from $1.58 to $1.69 per gallon.

Is this a ripoff, well although I did not like my gasoline bill almost doubling, I recognized that if gasoline had increased at a 4% inflation rate since 1982, I would be paying $2.37 per gallon. I guess it hurt because we all got used to a dollar a gallon and the change was almost overnight. I guess I could look at all the money I saved over the past 22 years rather than the extra money I am having to pay now.

I just wish Bush would hurry up and kick all those trespassers off of our oil fields in Iraq so that we could start shipping our own cheap gasoline over her post haste!! (That's a joke for those of you who may not recognize it.)
Posted By: Retread

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 03:46 PM

My first car was a 57 Chevy. "High Test" was $.23 a gallon. My last tank was at $2.05 a gallon. That hurts, but you are right. We have been spoiled, and relatively speaking, gas is still cheap.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 03:47 PM

WEll, fuel just seems to keep getting higher, but at the corner store this weekend, they tell me now that there is a milk shortage and that it will soon be upwards of $5/gallon...MAN!
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 03:52 PM


WEll, fuel just seems to keep getting higher, but at the corner store this weekend, they tell me now that there is a milk shortage and that it will soon be upwards of $5/gallon...MAN!

I think I'll buy a milk cow to go along with my oil well.
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 04:00 PM

$5 a gallon... it's a good thing our cars don't run on milk!
Well, then I guess I'll just have to put Kahlua in my coffee instead, it's cheaper
Posted By: Fork Ate Spoon

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 04:43 PM


$5 a gallon... it's a good thing our cars don't run on milk!
Well, then I guess I'll just have to put Kahlua in my coffee instead, it's cheaper

LOL, now that's a great idea
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 05:25 PM

Two years ago, we made a trip to Denver for my cousin's wedding. We paid $0.899 on the way out. That will go down as the last time it was below a buck here! It's double that now.
Posted By: deppfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 05:27 PM

I think this may have been posted before, but it seemed relevant today.


Diet Snapple 16oz for $1.29 = $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16oz for $1.19 = $9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20oz for $1.59 = $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16oz for $1.25 = $10.00 per gallon
Pint of milk 16oz for $1.59 = $12.72 per gallon
STP Brake Fluid 12oz for $3.15 = $33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6oz for $8.35 = $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4oz for $3.85 = $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout .7oz for $1.39 = $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5oz for $0.99 = $84.48 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER......
Evian water 9oz for $1.49 = $21.19 per gallon
.....$21.19 FOR WATER!!
Posted By: Quadspapa

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 05:36 PM

Its about $1.62 - $1.79 in Central Texas. Guess we're all lucky, not!
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 05:40 PM

I kept thinking about that when I was reading this thread, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it...

I'm just happy I drive a toyota now, that's the only thing that makes me not miss my mustang. I think I only fill up twice a month now.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 05:43 PM

I just can't believe that Tanqueray costs less than Nyquil!
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 06:07 PM


I think this may have been posted before, but it seemed relevant today.


Diet Snapple 16oz for $1.29 = $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16oz for $1.19 = $9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20oz for $1.59 = $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16oz for $1.25 = $10.00 per gallon
Pint of milk 16oz for $1.59 = $12.72 per gallon
STP Brake Fluid 12oz for $3.15 = $33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6oz for $8.35 = $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4oz for $3.85 = $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout .7oz for $1.39 = $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5oz for $0.99 = $84.48 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER......
Evian water 9oz for $1.49 = $21.19 per gallon
.....$21.19 FOR WATER!!

I had to have my live oak trees treated because others around it were getting oak wilt. This nonguaranteed treatment consisted of infusing the tree with something the manufacturer calls "Alamo." Alamo costs $1,000 a gallon. Thankfully, all I needed was a quart. They don't have to worry, I will always "Remember the Alamo."
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 06:19 PM

ouch...glad my car doesn't run on that!
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 07:03 PM

This will make ya'll feel better:

Food and Household expenses in Bethel AK
Stove Oil: $3.14 per gallon
Automobile Gasoline: $3.98 per gallon
#10 of Potatoes: $19.99
Gallon of Milk: $6.48
Head of Cabbage: $7.40
Beef Chuck Roast Steak: $2.19 LB
California Fresh Oranges: $ 5.99 for 4 lb bag
5 lb Carrots: $4.99
White Bread: $2.49
Posted By: deppfan

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 07:34 PM


#10 of Potatoes: $19.99

That would make Atkins a pretty easy choice for my budget! (Although life w/out fries isn't much of a life )
Posted By: Kansayaku

Re: Ga$$ - 04/19/04 07:55 PM



#10 of Potatoes: $19.99

That would make Atkins a pretty easy choice for my budget! (Although life w/out fries isn't much of a life )

And I thought the $40 watermelon in Japan was bad.
Posted By: hmdagal

Re: Ga$$ - 04/20/04 08:27 PM



Beagles, did you ever mention which part of Wisconsin you're in? I'm just curious. I lived in Dodgeville for a short time when I was a kid....LOVED IT!! And that would be a WONDERFUL place for a nice relaxing ride, that's for sure. I'll definitely get there one of these days. The Black Hills or Rocky Mountains top my list, though.

I am in Tomah now but born and raised in Superior. Been for a ride or 2 in my day but..sorry.. always on a Harley.

I'll jump in a little late here (it was nice having a few days off) - I'm in SE Wisconsin, lived in Dodgeville for a while after college, and loved it! That's a beautiful part of the state. My dad lived in Coon Valley for quite awhile, so I've spent time in the Tomah area, which is also a very nice.
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/20/04 08:51 PM

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to visit Dodgeville someday soon. My step-father is buried there as it was his home. There was an old cheese factory directly East of town on Section Line drive (I think that was the road)...we lived very near there and my brothers and I used to go bother the "retired" owners and get free slices of cheese and hang out with them all day. Ahhhhhh, childhood.
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/20/04 09:51 PM

mmmm... cheese
Posted By: Pup

Re: Ga$$ - 04/21/04 02:23 AM

Correction, Pip, my dear......Mmmmmmmmmmmm, WISCONSIN cheese!
Posted By: Pippi

Re: Ga$$ - 04/21/04 03:56 PM

Well, you, "it's the cheese"