FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc...

Posted By: Wildcat Rampage

FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/26/17 05:16 PM

Apologies if this is the wrong forum, but my thought is that possibly SAR filings contributed to this since wire fraud was involved.

This article spells out the details. This is a huge story and it's only going to grow.
Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/27/17 01:04 PM

is violating any NCAA rules a violation of law? Seems like a tad bit of overreach, unless there are some significant details missing from the article.
Posted By: ACBbank

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/27/17 01:10 PM

Bribery, conspiracy, fraud, etc. are violations of law. Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/27/17 04:08 PM

Bribery? I'm sure they were just paid a finders fee, much like any recruiter in the country does for a vast number of jobs. Fraud? What fraud occurred? Were the players not as good as they were supposed to be? This is a simple misunderstanding that is all. (sorry, channeling the defense attorney, I'm sure).
Posted By: ACBbank

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/27/17 04:16 PM

We will see what a jury thinks.
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/27/17 04:49 PM

The actual indictments don't make it sound quite that shaky:

Posted By: HappyGilmore

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/28/17 06:10 PM

Ric Pitino, Louisville coach, placed on "administrative leave", reportedly has told his staff he will be fired.
Posted By: Elwood P. Dowd

Re: FBI Investigation - NCAA Hoops, Wire Fraud, Etc... - 09/30/17 02:00 PM

Bankers are supposed to look for the steak and ignore the sizzle.

Some people are accused of paying money in violation of federal law. Others are accused of receiving money in violation of federal law. Their purported methods would at least imply an attempt to launder the funds.

Any banker willing to wade through the FBI's coding system for identifying the parties involved and searching their customer lists for those names could certainly double down on an already poor investment of time and resources by doing some enhanced due diligence to see is a SAR is appropriate.

However, the names that are in the headlines are not accused of paying or receiving the money... They live in an artificial world where they will be held professionally accountable for what did or did not happen even if they had no knowledge of it.