
Posted By: donnac

Narcan - 05/24/17 07:58 PM

I'm struggling to make a donation to a local police department to purchase Narcan qualify as a community development investment. Narcan is used to treat opiate overdoses. Opiate overdoses in our community, as well as across the country, has become a community concern.

The county being served with the Narcan is located in a MSA and approximately 38% of the county is low- and moderate-income families and approximately 11% of the families live below poverty level. Since the majority in the county are not low- and moderate-income and the Narcan can be used throughout the county, I'm guessing this donation falls into the good corporate citizen realm instead of the CRA realm.

Am I overlooking anything that I should consider to help it qualify for CRA?

Posted By: Kathleen O. Blanchard

Re: Narcan - 06/14/17 01:40 PM

Yes, it would be a great donation but not likely for CRA.