Dog Neglect?

Posted By: MadisonCali

Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 01:45 PM

OK. I admit it. I spoil my dogs. I love them more than I love most people. But I have a situation involving my neighbor's new dog that I don't know how to handle.

I live in a townhome. There are four of them attached, all with fenced in privacy areas in the back leading to a detached garage. We have the distinct pleasure of living next to a townhome that is still allowed to rent (grandfathered in), and as a result, we have had 4 very interesting families living next to us in the last 6 years. The family that is currently living there is a single mother with at least four kids (there are others that come and go a lot, cousins, maybe?).
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 01:46 PM

? Did you hit the trigger to soon?
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 01:56 PM

I guess there's a character limit now...I'll wrap it up.

They are not friendly, even though we try to be 'good' neighbors. They've been there about a year and a half, it started out rocky, but worked itself out. They have never showed any interest in my dogs (even the two little boys).

They somehow got a dog. A little maybe ten pound dog with tons of hair that has been wearing the same shirt for two weeks. It's sorely in need of a bath (I got the little boy to let me play with it for a while last night with one of our dogs), and it's kept outside or in their garage 24/7, with very little interaction with people. It sits outside and cries and wails all day (and most of the night). I know there are outside dogs in the world, but a little ten pound dog is not meant to be one. My concern is that when it gets hot (and it gets VERY hot and humid here in MN in the summer) that the dog will be in trouble. It has so much hair that it can't hardly see, and is so dirty that it feels greasy. The privacy area where it is most of the time is all cement and rock (no grass). I never see any water or food out (although it's hard to see absolutely everything because the fences are really high).

I was up all last night because the dog was crying and wailing all night long, and I could hear it in my house. It breaks my heart. I try to ask a few questions about the care of the dog, but the only people I ever see are the two little boys (and the older of the two won't talk to us and doesn't like the dog). It's basically being taken care of by a 6 year old who doesn't know anything about dogs.

I can't sleep. I have been on the verge of tears for days. I don't know what to do.

It's an African American family that really and truly doesn't seem to like us, and is often outwardly rude. Especially the mother. I know that shouldn't be of any importance, but I know from working in the pet industry for several years that very often they tend to treat their pets differently than what I deem to be appropriate . I am really sorry if I'm offending anybody...I'm just trying to let off some steam and I'm very confused and nervous about any hostility that may occur (there's lots of yelling over there on a regular basis-I hear it through our walls and out on our deck). I have tried to be friendly and helpful but usually don't get any sort of response back.

I just don't know what to do, or if I should but out. I'm crying right now as I type this because I haven't slept and just hear the wailing of that poor little dog in my head on a loop...

Maybe I just needed to vent a little...
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:01 PM

Unfortunately I think you know what you need to do. It sounds like you need to contact your local Humane Society for them to check up on this poor animal. Honestly, that is probably what I would do.
Posted By: TB 12

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:04 PM

I agree with Duchess. There must be some regulations in the by laws about this. Sounds like the owners of the townhome need to address this as well.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:05 PM

Call the ASPCA, no animal deserves to be neglected. frown
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:19 PM

I looked around last night on the internet (while I couldn't sleep) and it doesn't look like the ASPCA really has any 'branches' or whatever you call them in MN. The Animal Humane Society in MN has almost a 50% euthanasia rate, so I just want to make sure I'm not overreacting.

The owner of the townhome would not care. She's an evil woman who is fighting with the association constantly about the fact that she's still renting (because she technically transferred the home to her daughter...blah blah, another long story). Let's just say I've dealt with her in the past about renters that were absolutely unbearable (can you say 20 cats in a house with no power because they don't pay the electric bill?).

The dog is just the sweetest little thing, and has the saddest wail you've ever heard.

Dammit. I'm crying again frown
Posted By: TB 12

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:22 PM

How about calling the police? It may seem like a drastic step, but it sounds like the situation calls for it.
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:24 PM

I just don't want them to know if was me, because I fear retaliation.

I also don't want to overreact, as I mentioned I kind of do spoil my pets, and don't want to assume everyone else is the same.

I tried to give it a couple of treats through the fence this morning, and it didn't seem too interested, so it must be getting food, at least, right?
Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 02:24 PM

You know what you have to do but you're afraid of any more hostility from the mother. Better you should have to deal with her than fret yourself into a heart attack with all the stress of indecision.

Cali, go pick up the phone and call Animal Control or your neighborhood shelter. You're killing yourself slowly by not doing it AND that little dog is suffering too.

You're not the only neighbor in that close little community. If you call anonymously, no one but you will ever know you're the one who did it.

If she confronts you, you can always lie about calling. Then remind her you tried to help but she won't let you.

The situation stinks but I'm happy to know someone who's willing to do something and not just turn a blind eye and watch a little dog suffer.
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 03:58 PM

Thanks everyone.

I know what I have to do, I'm just very tired and emotional, and it's never easy for me to make a decision when I'm like this...

I knew there'd be a few animal lovers in here that would remind me what's necessary...thanks for letting me vent a bit...
Posted By: Skittles

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 04:00 PM

Necessary - yes Easy - not at all. I commend you on caring about animals enough to make difficult choices.
Posted By: MichelleDawn

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 04:15 PM

There is always the possibility that the shelter won't remove the dog. They generally try to educate the person on the first trip out. They may ask the neighbor if they want to surrender the dog, but unless the dog is in immediate danger of death they will probably start with education.

You can always talk to the shelter about the outcome of the dog should they take it. You can offer to help them find a no-kill rescue (start researching that now) and generally they will be grateful for the help.
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 06:41 PM

I personally know the coordinators of two rescue groups around me, so finding someone to adopt it wouldn't be the problem...I've already been consulting with one today, as a matter of fact smile
Posted By: Dip

Re: Dog Neglect? - 05/18/09 07:05 PM

Originally Posted By: MadisonCali
I tried to give it a couple of treats through the fence this morning, and it didn't seem too interested, so it must be getting food, at least, right?

You knwo a distressed animal will not the Humane Society and the police. You can explain the situation to the police so they are aware of what is goign on and that you fear retaliation.
Posted By: Night Train

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/01/09 03:02 PM

I just came upon this post and am horrified. Any news, MadisonCali? Did you make the call? Is the poor little thing ok? I've had similar neighbors in the past and it pays to pay attention and act when necessay. Our neighbors dog was so neglected that he grew out of his collar and it had cut his throat. By the time I found it and acted it was "almost" too late. I was fortunate that this "woke" this family up and they (at least two of them) took much better care of the dog.

Just sad, sad, sad!
Posted By: Sing A Little

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/02/09 06:25 PM

There are people out there who treat their pets this way and much much me. As a former groomer I have stories that would make your blood boil with how heartless people can be.

Hopefully MC called animal control and they paid the owners a visit to scare them straight or remove the dog.
Posted By: RR Becca

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/02/09 06:33 PM

A friend's SO is an Animal Control officer. On first complaints, he typically assesses the situation, tries to educate the owner, and offers to provide a limited supply of food/whatever if necessary until they can get it themselves. The situations you see on Animal Cops where they swoop in, remove all the critters, and press charges against the people are very very rare.
Posted By: buggs

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/10/09 06:48 PM

If I couldn't find any authorities to handle the situation, I would be very tempted to "steal" the dog myself and take it to the shelter. If the current owners care this little about the dog, I doubt they would put a lot of effort into finding it.
Posted By: MadisonCali

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/12/09 02:38 PM

I talked to the mother shortly after I posted this, and told her my concerns. The dog was let in the house that night (it was extremely hot). My neighbor snagged the dog out playing the next day and bathed the dog and brushed it, and tried to clip it's nails.

My friend and I developed a standby plan to steal the dog in the middle of the night if the situation didn't continue to improve, or started to deteriorate, and then the family decided it was too much work and hassle with all of their nosy neighbors and gave the dog away.

While I'm happy the dog is no longer at the house, all of this happened before I could get the 'authorities' (aka the animal humane society who investigates neglect in our county) to come to assess the situation. They were too 'backed up' if it wasn't a dire emergency.

I hope the little puppy is getting more attention at it's new home...
Posted By: corkygirl

Re: Dog Neglect? - 06/12/09 02:49 PM

Thanks for the update, I'm glad the puppy has a new home!