Odd bathroom question for the ladies

Posted By: ~MunQue~

Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 06/24/11 08:49 PM

So a year ago I had my hysterectomy and reconstuctive surger and they put my bladder in a sling right.

So I don't know, maybe 2 months ago I was finally able to start peeing normal again, as in, I got the "aaahhhh" sensation back. But now sometimes when I go I can feel little air bubbles coming out and sometimes they are bigger air bubbles and it sounds like I just turned on the water hose after it hasn't been used in a while, but it's midstream.

Anyone ever experience this? Is it a side affect of the bladder surgery?

I fully intend on talking to my dr. about this but I'm going on vacation for a couple days in 2 weekks and wanted to wait until I got back.
Posted By: Dip

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 06/24/11 09:27 PM

Munque, I am so sorry, but this made me laugh so hard!!! Mental image is just too much for me on a Friday afternoon grin

Originally Posted By: ~MunQue~
and sometimes they are bigger air bubbles and it sounds like I just turned on the water hose after it hasn't been used in a while

Anyway, I got nothign for you. My aunt had this surgery done twice (didnt work the first time) btu I never heard her say anythgin about this.
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 06/24/11 10:05 PM

It's okay, we've all been making fun of me since this started, run with it, just somebody please tell me this is normal!!!!
Posted By: Snowgirl

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 06/28/11 12:11 AM

I had the same surgery and did not have the symptoms you are describing. I did not take as long to get the "aaahhh" feeling, I had it within a week, so maybe your sling is/was too tight. I had a friend who had this done and she still has trouble "letting it out".
Posted By: corkygirl

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/01/11 07:59 PM

Gees, I don't get to check in here much but I can add to this one. My sister had that done and had to have it redone cause it was too tight and the sling began to grow into the tissue around it. I say go back to the dr to see what's going on.
Posted By: Busy Bee, CRCM

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/01/11 08:24 PM

My mom had the sling surgery done about 4 years ago and her's has stopped working. She is back to where she was before with that "gotta go NOW" feeling when it hits her. I'm wondering, after reading some of these posts, if it would be beneficial for her to go have it checked by her doctor.
Posted By: Dip

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/05/11 10:09 PM

My aunt's didn't work the first timwe aroudn either, btu she also didn't give her self the recovery she was told to get, since she said she felt better and she's a "busy body." Her bladder fell after the first surgery and she got the "bulging feeling" down there. Second surgery was over a year ago now (maybe two?) and seems to be working. she made sure to rest thsi time.
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/06/11 07:28 PM

I rested up for the most part, meaning I didn't do anything strenuous. But my urgency has never gone away, and it hurts, badly, if I try to hold it. Everyone makes fun because I always say, "Oooo... just found out that I have to pee". I'm just glad that I don't leak anymore, jeez, I couldn't run, jump, nothing. Course the kids thought that was pretty funny too, when I'd tell them "I can't or I'll pee on me".

I'll make a dr. appt when I get back from vacation. Just in case they want me to have surgery again. That's gonna suck.
Posted By: Snowgirl

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/06/11 07:38 PM

Sorry you are having problems MunQue. I took it easy after my surgery too and it never relieved me of my urgency or leaking issues. I didn't go back because I am so disappointed that it didn't work. Maybe not the best reasoning!
Posted By: Snow Bunny

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/06/11 07:45 PM

Make your appointment now and get one right after vacation. I know someone who had it, the sling grew into the tissue and has been in pain for years. She is sorry she didn't go back soon enough.

Sorry for that MunQue, but you have to do it.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/07/11 09:21 PM

does this mean no Bud Light?
Posted By: califgirl

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/07/11 10:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Pale Rider
does this mean no Bud Light?


What are you doing in the Ladies' Room?

Posted By: Dip

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/07/11 10:36 PM

laugh @ Califgirl
Posted By: thomasj

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/07/11 10:44 PM

Ahhhh carp! I opened this thinking it was gonna be about shower curtains vs. doors, paint vs. wallpaper or possibly tile vs. vinyl flooring. Never expected this eek
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/08/11 01:11 PM

Posted By: MidwestCFE

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/12/11 02:52 PM

ok,now I'm worried. I had surgery last week to remove a tumor, but the surgery couldn't be completed, as my uterus was completely scarred shut from my last c section. Dr said she's never seen anything like it(words you do not want to hear from the girlie parts Doctor). Anyway, I go back Friday for her to decide if I need a hysterectomy now. Is this bladder/sling thing part of the normal surgery ? or did something else require it ?
do tell, now I'm anxious...
Posted By: COMPLIcated

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/13/11 06:40 PM

A friend of mine had this done a couple of months ago when she had a hysterectomy but I don't think it was part of it, just did at the same time.

I have been thinking about getting it done but I'm nervous.
Posted By: Dip

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 03:43 PM

Have any of you seen the viedoes on youtube of thsi surgery? I forget what the surgery is called otherwise I woudl post a link. It's done with robots and a little camera, interestign to see what exactly occurs.
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 05:27 PM

no, it doesn't have to be part of the normal surgery, most people that have a prolapsed uterus also have a prolapsed bladder, that's what happened to me, my uterus fell and took all my other insides with it!
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 05:44 PM

My doc just "tacked" my bladder in place when doing the hysterectomy. Don't know what that means, but my doc here says he did a really good job and I've never had any problems. Frightening imagery though.......
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 05:47 PM

tacking the bladder is normal, you get the sling when it's really bad, for instance, if you pee all over yourself on a regular basis.
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 05:47 PM

ok, maybe not "normal" but if there is something wrong, it's the preferred surgery.
Posted By: MidwestCFE

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/14/11 06:32 PM

Originally Posted By: ~MunQue~
tacking the bladder is normal, you get the sling when it's really bad, for instance, if you pee all over yourself on a regular basis.

ok, that could qualify as the most hilarious sentence by itself that I've read on BOL...that could be a topic by itself!
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/15/11 03:20 PM

Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/15/11 03:43 PM

whatev! it didn't stop the Bud lights from being tipped...
Posted By: ~MunQue~

Re: Odd bathroom question for the ladies - 07/15/11 03:47 PM

well, there's not much that could keep me from drinking on vacation. They sure did go down easy.