More Prayers Needed

Posted By: Cowboys Fan

More Prayers Needed - 12/30/04 10:50 PM

My good friend and coworker's grandson died last night. He was less than a year old and the pride and joy of his family (only grandchild). Needless to say, they are absolutely devastated. Please say a prayer for them tonight. Thank you.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/30/04 10:53 PM

Ohh how awful. We will add them to our prayers.

We burried our chief lender on Tuesday. I should add his family to the chain. He battled cancer for 11 years before losing the fight. He will be greatly missed.
Posted By: Viking Princess

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/30/04 11:15 PM

Dawnie and Cowboy, my prayers are with you and yours.
Posted By: Bear Collector, CRCM

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/31/04 12:15 AM

Cowboy Fan - My precious grandson is 4 months old, and I can't imagine losing him. My condolences to your friend and the family.

Dawnie, Its amazing how the death of a coworker can impact the entire organization. Last spring two of my coworkers were retuning home late at night and ran off a wet road inot a tree. One died at the scene and the other a few hours later at the hospital. Both were young and left behind small children. The company reeled for a long time - they even had a service so that all of us who were impacted but were not family could grieve together.It didn't bring them back, but it helped in some small way to be able to express our sadness and loss with others.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/31/04 01:06 AM

BC you put into words exactly how all of the bank is feeling. It's such an odd thing. His family though, what a terrible time to lose someone.

They were lucky though, 50 years, verses cowboys friend. How sad to have their little one for such a short time

I think it's wonderful we can all keep these families in our prayers!
Posted By: Beagles22

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/31/04 02:29 PM

No parent should ever have to bury their child. My prayers to them in this sad time.
Posted By: Bones

Re: More Prayers Needed - 12/31/04 03:39 PM

My heart goes out to those families. They will be in my prayers.
Posted By: Cowboys Fan

Re: More Prayers Needed - 01/02/05 07:53 PM

Dawnie, I'm sorry for your loss too and have said a prayer for your coworker and his family.
Posted By: corkygirl

Re: More Prayers Needed - 01/03/05 09:47 PM

Losing a loved one at the holidays makes it even harder. My thoughts with both families.