Hot Air Balloon Ride

Posted By: MelissaAnn

Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 06:02 PM

We are going on a road trip in June and my husband has scheduled a Hot Air Balloon Ride to see Mt. Rushmore for our 1 year anniversary. I am a little scared. Has anyone ever done this? Have any good stories that might make me feel a little better?

Posted By: deppfan

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 06:38 PM

No experience, but wow, how exciting. Just think about the pictures! Do a little online browsing and I bet you will feel better about the whole thing. Have a blast and let us know how it goes.
Posted By: LoisLane

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 06:53 PM

I took a one-hour hot air balloon ride in Aspen many years ago. It was wonderful. The ride was smooth and easy and it was really interesting to watch the balloon being inflated. You will enjoy the ride.
Posted By: Bones

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 06:58 PM

We have an annual balloon rally in my town for the 4th of July holiday and I was able to go up a few years ago. I loved it! It wasn't scary at all, and it is soooo peaceful up there.
Posted By: Bballfanofhld

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 07:04 PM

I went on a ride. It is quite. You feel like you are just floating through the air. The pilot was fantastic. I would do it again if I have the chance.
Posted By: Darkhorse

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 07:06 PM

As someone with friends who own/operate a HAB, if the folks your DH made the appointment with have any sense at all they won't take you up unless the conditions are just right. If the conditions are right - you'll have the time of your life
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 07:23 PM

I have ALWAYS wanted to do this! Please report back after and tell us how fabulous it was.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/16/05 07:35 PM

Can't be worse than a 2 seater with duct tape on the wings

Think positive thoughts:

Fact: Hot air ballooning has been around since 1783.
Positive Thought: They've probably worked out the kinks since then. Although...interesting history, the first air disaster known was in 1785 when a hot air balloon crashed into a chimney in Ireland, toppeling over, and leading a fire that distroyed over 100 houses in the tiny town. But then again, like I say...they've probably worked out the kinks by now

Fact: The worst accident in a hot air balloon occured in 1989 in Australia. 13 people in total were killed when the balloons took off within mins of each other, tearing each others fabric.
Positive Thoughts: You won't be in Australia, and they now make the balloons wait a few more mins for safety Oh and that's only 16 years ago...we're probably not due for another "big one" for a bit.

Fact: During the Civil War, Hot Air Balloons were used for Surveillance
Positive Thought: I could only find records of two crashing. Odds are...there were at least three flying during the war

Fact: A 1998 study of hot air balloon crashes determined that this type of flight is really pretty darned safe. An average of only 9.6 people per year come close to meeting their maker in hot air balloon crashes. It was determined that collision with the ground was the most significant predictor of a fatality or serious injury in 85.1% of these incidents.
Positive Thoughts: You're flying late in the season, (it begins in earnst in April). There has already been one crash, involving 11 people who were all injured or worse, so, odds are, the year's statistics have been filled. And then the other great avoid "collision with the ground" ask for a water landing, thereby reducing your chances of "issues of concern" some 85.1%.

And the last and final fact/positive thought:

You're much more likely to crash on the road while driving to the hot air balloon launch site than you are while in the balloon. It's actually the safest (statistic wise) way to travel in the air)

There now....feel better?

I have been in a helecopter, many many small planes, jets, commercial and private, and on a dog sled. My ride on a hot air balloon some ten years ago was MUCHHHHHH more fun, and felt quite a bit safer
Posted By: MelissaAnn

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/17/05 04:25 PM

Thank everyone, I am getting more and more excited!
Posted By: CRAatBOK

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/17/05 11:46 PM

I envy you, it sounds wonderful.
Posted By: Quadspapa

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/19/05 04:28 PM

Did you see the HAB accident in Louisiana yesterday. It hit electrical lines and the basket caught on fire and the pilot and passenger either jumped out or fell to their deaths. It was caught on videotape...
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/19/05 04:38 PM

You're not helping.
Posted By: MelissaAnn

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/19/05 07:05 PM

Thanks for the support!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/19/05 07:16 PM

Wear a sweater - it's colder up there than on the ground!
Posted By: slick

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/21/05 02:16 PM

I took a balloon ride a few years ago and it was great. I'd love to do it again. We went up very high and I am scared of heights, but it was very exciting.

Go, enjoy, HAVE FUN!!!
Posted By: Princess Romeo

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/23/05 04:04 AM

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

The man below says: "Yes, you're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field."

"Thank you very much indeed. You must be a Compliance Officer," says the balloonist.

"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," says the balloonist, "you've given me a smart-arsed response to a straightforward question, and although everything you have told me is technically correct, it's of no use to anyone!"

The man below hollers back, "You must be in Senior Management at a bank."

"I am," replies the balloonist, "but how can you tell?"

"Well", says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now it's my fault."
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/23/05 12:33 PM

So, how was it???
Posted By: Kathleen O. Blanchard

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/23/05 06:11 PM

Very good, Bonnie!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/25/05 04:17 PM

We took my mom for her 80th birthday 3 years ago. She had a blast! My kids both went (they were 16 & 19 at the time) & they loved it too. Have a great time, what a beautiful place to see from the air.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/27/05 06:29 PM

Sorry for late reply - just got back from Napa where I took my first ride! Awesome!!! It really is floating on air. Enjoy.
Posted By: FlBankerGal

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/27/05 06:30 PM

Forgot to log-in. Sorry!
Posted By: MelissaAnn

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 05/27/05 10:24 PM

I am glad to here it! I leave 2 weeks from today and my ride is on the 12th. I am very excited now!
Posted By: MelissaAnn

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 06/10/05 09:52 PM

Well, I am heading out in about an hour for my long, long drive to South Dakota. We are driving through the night tonight so that we can be there by tomorrow night. I have to be at the hot air balloon place at 5:30 on Sunday morning. Thanks for all the happy thoughts! I will let you know how it goes when I get back!
Posted By: Cat Woman

Re: Hot Air Balloon Ride - 06/13/05 04:07 PM

MelissaAnn, I want to hear about that balloon ride AND your wedding!!!