Elimination of Deposit Slips

Posted By: jrterrier121

Elimination of Deposit Slips - 06/12/13 02:21 PM

Have any of you gone through the process of going virtual with your deposit slips where a physical deposit slips is no longer required? We are in the process to converting to Teller Item Capture and some of our executives would like to see us eliminate the counter deposit ticket all together. For those of you that have gone this route...what considerations do we need to make sure to cover? I am thinking it will take some time to coach customers to make it happen, I just want to make sure that whatever happens, we have covered all bases. Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts!
Posted By: NotDoneYet

Re: Elimination of Deposit Slips - 06/13/13 02:35 PM

We have gone that route, but we receive subpoenas requesting a copy of the deposit slip which shows the break-down of currency and checks. We report it is not available. I personally find it much harder to do research on accounts without them.
Alos I wonder if a customer disputes a deposit saying they gave the teller $X, but it doesn't show on their statement.
At my previous bank, we did use altered deposit tickets in finding employees stealing from customers.
But, the bank decision was the risk was low and this was a time saver for our front line. But if a customer provides one, it is imaged with the work.
Posted By: jrterrier121

Re: Elimination of Deposit Slips - 06/14/13 03:26 PM

Thanks for the input. I was thinking along those lines as well.
Posted By: CheshireAliCat

Re: Elimination of Deposit Slips - 06/14/13 03:42 PM

NDY, how did you document a cash-back deposit?