RDC scanned check image from computer

Posted By: complyorelse

RDC scanned check image from computer - 05/13/22 12:53 PM

Typically with (consumer) remote capture, the imaged item is presented for deposit directly from the phone camera by placing the check on a flat surface and taking a picture as prompted. We received an item for presentment that was clearly the image of a scanned item up on a computer screen. Our RDC Agreement does not necessarily address this type of image. If all endorsements are okay, is this an acceptable item to accept for deposit or should it be rejected?
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: RDC scanned check image from computer - 05/14/22 01:01 PM

You make your own rules for the acceptance of RDC deposits. It is really up to you. I am sure your agreement says that you have the right to reject any image regardless. If you think something is wrong, reject it.
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: RDC scanned check image from computer - 05/18/22 03:27 PM

This activated my "way-back machine" memory that some of very first RDC programs involved faxed copies of both sides of a check. In fact, that may have predated the adoption of the term "remote deposit capture."