ID Red Flag Training

Posted By: Tocomply

ID Red Flag Training - 08/16/12 11:34 AM

Is there a requirement that all employees must be trained annually on ID Red flags?
Posted By: Ted Dreyer

Re: ID Red Flag Training - 08/16/12 01:42 PM

The reg says that you must "Train staff, as necessary, to effectively implement the Program". So, the word "annual" is not specified.
Posted By: Russ Horn

Re: ID Red Flag Training - 08/16/12 01:52 PM

The final rule states: "(e) Administration of the Program, (3) Train staff, as necessary, to effectively implement the Program..."

However, if you read the responses from the agencies to commentators that was released with the final rule as a supplement, it states:
"Section (e)(3) of the final rules provides that a covered entity must train staff, as necessary, to effectively implement the Program. There is no corresponding section of the guidelines.
The Agencies continue to believe proper training will enable staff to address the risk of identity theft. However, this provision requires training of only relevant staff. In addition, staff that has already been trained, for example, as a part of the anti-fraud prevention efforts of the financial institution or creditor, do not need to be re-trained except ‘as necessary.’"

Hope this helps some.
