risk assessment

Posted By: seas78

risk assessment - 11/27/07 06:45 PM

Does anyone have a generic format for a Risk Assement they would be willing to share? We just had FDIC come & it went well, however they reccomended completing a bank wide risk assessment to base my audit program off of. Makes sense, however I need a starting point...
Posted By: Michelle B.

Re: risk assessment - 11/27/07 08:22 PM

I have a risk assessment and audit plan combined into one Exel workbook that I'd be happy to share. I've been using/tweaking it for about four years now. FDIC examiners have reviewed and "blessed" it. If you private message me your email address I'll send it to you.
Posted By: QCL

Re: risk assessment - 11/30/07 08:50 PM

And to take this a step further, I complete a seperate risk assessment for each area that I do audit. And compile this list on my audit schedule, to make sure that my schedule is in line with the assigned risk.

This process took a year to complete, doing a risk assessment each time I completed an audit, and I review with each new audit that I complete. It is a living document, and used in both planning and scheduling.
Posted By: Josephine L Blas

Re: risk assessment - 06/12/08 12:02 PM

I also interested in getting your risk assessment.
Posted By: nivek916

Re: risk assessment - 06/13/08 06:23 PM

I would also be interested in seeing different approaches to assessing risk and using that to develop the audit schedule. I've done some things myself in the past, but have been out of the game the last 15 months or so and would like to see what other plans and newer ideas people have come up with.
Posted By: Josephine L Blas

Re: risk assessment - 06/14/08 11:04 PM

Could you please email it to me at jlblas@bankofguam.com?
