Initial Escrow Account Disclosure

Posted By: Adam F

Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/20/16 09:39 PM

Does anyone have a link to the Public Guidance Document referred to in 1024.17(h). All the other links I have are not working.

Posted By: David Dickinson

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/20/16 11:00 PM

They (HUD) appear to have killed them. I used to be able to find them with a Google search, but it appears they have now been removed.
Posted By: Adam F

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/21/16 01:27 PM

Thanks. That's the conclusion I have come to as well.
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/21/16 02:16 PM
Posted By: Adam F

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/21/16 05:03 PM

Awesome Randy. Thanks
Posted By: ComplyCycle

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/29/16 04:35 PM

I'd like to echo the above user's thanks for the Initial Escrow Account Statement links and please request the model Annual Escrow Account Statements referenced in 1024.17(I). Does anyone have a link to these documents? Glad I'm not the only one unable to locate these documents via Google.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/29/16 07:08 PM


You mean (i)?

They are the same documents.
Posted By: ComplyCycle

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/29/16 08:11 PM

Oops, I'm sorry about that. I meant to request the Annual Escrow Account Statements referenced in 1024.17(j), please.
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/29/16 09:08 PM

The same two documents linked above are referenced in (h), (i), and (j). If there is another document being referenced, I guess I am not seeing it.
Posted By: ComplyCycle

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/29/16 10:39 PM

Interesting. In reading (j) - annual escrow account statements - I thought there would be two different documents referenced from (i) - initial escrow account statements. The text of (j) states as follows:

j.Formats for annual escrow account statement.

The formats and completed examples for annual escrow account statements using single-item analysis (pre-rule accounts) and aggregate analysis are set out in Public Guidance Documents entitled “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Format” and “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Example”.

Is (j) simply referencing the documents mentioned in (i)?

Thanks for your patience.
Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/30/16 12:56 PM

The references appear to be the same to me.


(h) "Public Guidance Documents entitled “Initial Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Format” and “Initial Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Example”, available in accordance with §1024.3."

(i) "Public Guidance Documents entitled “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Format” and “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Example” set forth an acceptable format and methodology for conveying this information."

(j) " Public Guidance Documents entitled “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Format” and “Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement—Example”.
Posted By: ComplyCycle

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 12/30/16 07:09 PM

Got it - thanks for helping me finally understand, I appreciate it.
Posted By: Grinchie

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 01/05/17 05:29 PM

just to tag on to this. Attached is the link to the Escrow forms published in the Federal Register.
Posted By: Compliance NABW

Re: Initial Escrow Account Disclosure - 01/19/18 04:06 PM

The HUD links seem to be totally down. A couple of other useful sites I came across for this are the following.