Govt launches CFPB website for consumers

Posted By: Retired DQ

Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 01:04 PM
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 01:33 PM

Well that's dull.
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 02:20 PM

You expected a federal regulator's beta site to be better than "dull"? Actually, I expect the site will attract every manner of whack-job out there with a real or perceived ax to grind. The Bureau will have a challenge finding a pearl of wisdom in a heap of drek.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 02:28 PM

I signed up anyway...
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 02:38 PM

So did I. Gotta keep an eye on this incipient mega-regulator.
Posted By: Reads Regs

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 03:05 PM

I too subscribed to their e-mail updates.
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 03:48 PM

LOL @ incipient mega-regulator...
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 04:21 PM

With that big shield - I rather expected the theme song from Dragnet to begin when I open the page! Yes, I signed up too. Need to know what's going on.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 04:44 PM

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 04:53 PM

Wonder how much they paid Ron Howard to narrate their little presentation?
Posted By: VMack

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 04:55 PM

Originally Posted By: waldensouth
With that big shield - I rather expected the theme song from Dragnet to begin when I open the page!

That is histerical. laugh
Posted By: Derwood

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 04:55 PM

I signed up too, so does that mean all they are going to have is a bunch of whack-jobs and bankers following them? Or would those two groups be considered the same?
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 05:00 PM

Probably the latter. laugh
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 05:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Mack
Originally Posted By: waldensouth
With that big shield - I rather expected the theme song from Dragnet to begin when I open the page!

That is histerical. laugh

so its logo is a detective's badge....that is kind of scary....
Posted By: GenerousLife

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/04/11 10:50 PM

Did you read the three examples of what the bureau is designed to address? Not one item is something that could be corrected by additional regulation.
Posted By: #Just Jay

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/05/11 03:27 PM

And poor Karen... any bets that poor Karen didn't have the common sense to say, hmm, this doesn't feel right so I don't think I will sign and walk away?? I am guessing not...

Another perfect example of increased regulation and costs to the bank and borrower because someone wasn't doing their job watching the rouge brokers.
Posted By: califgirl

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/05/11 11:30 PM

It might just be me, but did anyone else notice that the writing on the new site appears to be at about 3rd grade level?
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 12:22 PM

Calif, read your tag line... there's your explanation... laugh
Posted By: Phoenix

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 02:54 PM

I wish there were more that could be done - see p. 14-16 of
Posted By: QCL

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 05:18 PM

The comments are great! Reading them is like a train wreck that you can't look away from.
Posted By: MyBrainHurts

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 07:19 PM

They can't be happy with all of the comments. Someone calling himself Blunt Reply is giving he!! to all the whiners.

Don't miss the CFPB facebook page too.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 07:47 PM

Where are you reading these? I can't find them.
Posted By: GenerousLife

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 07:55 PM

Walden - see the link two posts above you.

If this website is an example of what we are going to see from the CFPB, Lord help us all.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 08:03 PM

Sorry - I just didn't scroll down far enough - all I could see were blank pages where videos are apparently supposed to be.
Posted By: Cornfed Turtle

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 08:08 PM

You should have saved yourself while you could. Mama Bear's can't help trying to read it all! And to think there's some poor thing at CFPB that's tracking it.

Well at least they had a "fun, busy day." When he said something about "rounding up a few of our staffers," I had a RESPA flashback.

I don't know much about this rounding up process, but are rodeo references the hip new thing now? Anyone know any other terms I could incorporate into my audit reports?
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 09:00 PM

Originally Posted By: QCL – MamaBEAR
The comments are great! Reading them is like a train wreck that you can't look away from.

I get an IT security event when I try to pull this this facebook or twitter by any chance? Or, is it just that my IT crew is smart. grin
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 09:13 PM

No, just a regular .gov website. But maybe since it's a discussion thread, it looks like an FB or Twitter to your IT systems.
Posted By: QCL

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 09:17 PM

"Get a Job" is my favorite poster there smile If it is any of you, thank you.
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/07/11 10:40 PM

Get a Job is good. I nearly commented on the one about simplifying disclosures and loan docs though (GAJ missed that one I think). Who do they think came up with all those disclosures in the first place?! It sure wasn't the banks!!
Posted By: ccman

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/10/11 08:32 PM

Love the quote from G. Carlin. Ain't it the truth!! The Gov had to demonize somebody and it just as well be the deep pockets, while the whole time the Gov is on the take from all the big wigs on wall st. Whose really pulling the Gov chain!!
If the "bureau" and Warren have anything to do with it, the banks will become non-profits or non-existent. All Gov All The Time! The NWO is here!
Posted By: bOaty

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/11/11 12:13 AM

It cracks me up when I see how they are appealing to the most simplistic of minds on that website.

I wonder if the CFPB will be able to magically make all of the disclosures as simplistic as well, in order to serve the audience they seem to be serving.

Posted By: #Just Jay

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/11/11 02:38 AM

You melt my heart ::googlyinloveface::
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: Govt launches CFPB website for consumers - 02/11/11 03:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Boatn Shasta
I wonder if the CFPB will be able to magically make all of the disclosures as simplistic as well, in order to serve the audience they seem to be serving.


And they make it seem like the "big bad banks" want the disclosures to be so long and convoluted! Who do you think came up with all those disclosures in the first place?! Certainly wasn't the banks!