Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs

Posted By: Sewanee, CRCM

Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/02/13 04:39 PM

Don't know if others have seen this:


Are you as irked as I am?
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/02/13 05:48 PM

a little bit of self-serving, get rich at our expense going on here.... oversees writing of regs to scare banks out of non-QM loans and then leaves and opens a mtg co dedicated to the same. What honorable folks we have in DC.
Posted By: RR Joker

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/02/13 06:39 PM

Holy cow.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/02/13 06:43 PM

no appearance of a conflict here....
Posted By: Retired DQ

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/03/13 04:07 PM

Well, isn't that just fine and dandy. mad
Posted By: Sinatra Fan

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/03/13 04:26 PM

I can't say I'm surprised. For years, inside the beltway people, elected or staff positions, have been taking jobs in private industry after leaving DC to work on the same issues that they worked on while in DC. At least for elected officials, I believe there is a waiting period before they are permitted to lobby former colleagues.
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/03/13 04:52 PM

Isn't he the one who said that serving with the CFPB was every bit as important to our nation as serving in the military? ABA compliance conference in Orlando.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/03/13 06:35 PM

Yes walden, but he must provide for his family!
Posted By: PStateBank

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/10/13 07:22 PM

This is wrong on so many levels. I wonder if they will be examined by the CFPB....
Posted By: CrookedVulture

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/11/13 06:08 PM

I don't understand the controversy.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/11/13 07:16 PM

As a Policy maker at CFPB there were regs made to hinder banks from making non QM loans. He is now setting up a co that will benefit from the regs that were put in place during his stay at the CFPB which cut down on competition from banks in the nonQM market.
Posted By: Kathleen O. Blanchard

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/11/13 07:52 PM

I don't really have a problem with it. Congress created QM loans.

I find it less problematic than high level regulators starting consulting firms that are then pushed at large banks when they have problems.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/16/13 02:21 PM

It doesn't pass my smell test. He helps create the rules and then goes out in the vale of an expert lobbyist, feeding off the mess he helped create.

Washington is a cesspool of human greed.
Posted By: CrookedVulture

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/16/13 04:01 PM

He's not subject to the same legal risks as anyone else who decides to originate non-QM loans?
Posted By: Still Smiling

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/16/13 05:07 PM

"Washington is a cesspool of human greed".

I could not agree with you more!
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/16/13 05:56 PM

He didn't create the mess -- Congress did. What Dat did is recognize that the QM definition would make a lot of lenders nervous and it would likely result in pull-backs from some lending. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that his firm will attempt to address the shortfall in lending that the pull-back causes, at least until traditional lenders become more comfortable with the idea that making non-QM loans doesn't have to be the scary thing they think it is.
Posted By: Kathleen O. Blanchard

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/16/13 06:45 PM

Originally Posted By: John Burnett
He didn't create the mess -- Congress did. What Dat did is recognize that the QM definition would make a lot of lenders nervous and it would likely result in pull-backs from some lending. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that his firm will attempt to address the shortfall in lending that the pull-back causes, at least until traditional lenders become more comfortable with the idea that making non-QM loans doesn't have to be the scary thing they think it is.

That is my take on it as well.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/17/13 01:00 PM


6 of 6 Sr officers are from the CFPB

Who will independently regulate them?

(See Madoff.)
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/18/13 02:11 PM

I get your point, Ed. But let's face it -- Madoff was a darling of the SEC, one of the most notorious "good ole' boy" networks in the regulatory "game." The Bureau, on the other hand, hasn't had time to devolve into a good ole' boy club.
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/18/13 03:34 PM

"At Fenway Summer, our work is guided by the principle that products designed to actually serve consumers will be profitable, sustainable and earn customers' long-term trust.”

A quote from Raj Date. Very admirable...

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/pe...s#ixzz2ZPZvbdaI
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Posted By: straw

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/18/13 04:17 PM

Well I for one am glad that there will be financial services company that will earn customer's trust. The rest of us are just in a for a quick buck after all.

I look forward to him showing all of us how to do this right.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/18/13 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: John Burnett
I get your point, Ed. But let's face it -- Madoff was a darling of the SEC, one of the most notorious "good ole' boy" networks in the regulatory "game." The Bureau, on the other hand, hasn't had time to devolve into a good ole' boy club.


The CFPB staff includes more than one hundred Harvard alumni.
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/18/13 07:27 PM

Oh, my, gotta watch out for The Crimson.

After all, they include Theodore Kaczynski.
Posted By: MB Guy

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 07/22/13 03:31 PM

I agree with Pale; just because you can do it, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Posted By: Sinatra Fan

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 12:16 PM

Snippet from today's ABA Newsbytes:

Senior House Republicans expressed concern Wednesday about the departures of several top Consumer Financial Protection Bureau officials, who may “have left the CFPB in order to profit from rules they helped create.”

Substitute "Congress" for "the CFPB" in that sentence, and it would be just as applicable. Sheesh; can anything good come out of the Beltway?
Posted By: manimal

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 01:46 PM

I think I want to move to Canada.
Posted By: Reads Regs

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 01:53 PM

Here's a link to the letter sent by Congress to Director Cordray about this issue.

Posted By: Truffle Royale

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 04:26 PM

Personally, I thought leaving CFPB 'to spend more time with family' and, less than three months later, opening Fenway was a flashing red light over Date's head. Seems those of us questioning this were on the same track as the Congressional Oversite committee that is now investigating the integrity of the CFPB and the conduct of some of the most senior former officials.
Posted By: edAudit

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 04:46 PM

It is noted that this thread is not in the private section. Perhaps members of congress read BOL. smirk
Posted By: Pale Rider

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/02/13 05:04 PM

Posted By: rlcarey

Re: Raj Date starts new mortgage company for non-QMs - 08/07/13 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: EdAudit
It is noted that this thread is not in the private section. Perhaps members of congress read BOL. smirk

Naw - they don't read anything. That is witnessed in the bills that they pass. Why read when you already know it all???