Denial Codes Missing

Posted By: NU Rhules

Denial Codes Missing - 12/26/19 09:21 PM

The two digit codes that precede the Credit Report reasons (typically four).... are these codes required by Regulation to be disclosed? Ours produced by Laserpro have always done so, but the last one kicked out with no codes...just the reason. Now I'm being asked about it. Can't find anything on it anywhere. Before I go to Laserpro and ask "what gives?", I thought I would check with you folks.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Denial Codes Missing - 12/26/19 09:44 PM

We use Laserpro. But we don't import the codes into the denial notices. Staff types the factors in manually. We do not require the codes to be entered....just the factors. Examiners have never cited this as incorrect.
Posted By: swiggles

Re: Denial Codes Missing - 12/26/19 09:47 PM

I looked at the notices produced by our mortgage software.....where the factors and score information IS downloaded through the system to populate the fields in the AAN. The software DOES include the codes.