Floors on Credit Cards & Protected Balances

Posted By: ItsJustMe

Floors on Credit Cards & Protected Balances - 06/08/21 07:17 PM

I tried searching for an answer here but couldn't quite get what I was looking for. We still have one credit card product where the rate has a floor. When we increase the rate/margin, we send a notice 45 days in advance as required. What I can't get my fingers on is, once we apply the increased APR are the prior balances protected? 1026.55(c) doesn't talk about this type of situation. Feedback is greatly appreciated!!
Posted By: ItsJustMe

Re: Floors on Credit Cards & Protected Balances - 06/08/21 08:14 PM

Posted By: rainman

Re: Floors on Credit Cards & Protected Balances - 06/09/21 01:52 AM

Yes they are protected. The variable rate exception only applies if the index is not under the creditor's control. Official Staff Comment 2.ii. to Section 1026.55(b)(2) indicates that if there is a floor rate, the index is treated as being under the creditor's control. Thus the variable rate exception is not applicable. The advance notice exception (1026.55(b)(3)) requires that you protect the existing balances.
Posted By: ItsJustMe

Re: Floors on Credit Cards & Protected Balances - 06/09/21 12:49 PM

rainman, thank you so much! And thank you for the citation....completely missed that.... I'll take a look.