Origins of mobile deposits
When was the first mobile deposit service in the U.S. started?
John began his banking career in high school when he started as a teller at a $15 million bank that didn't have account numbers for its checking accounts (he says they actually filed by signature!) He moved to Cape Cod Bank and Trust Company in 1971 and assumed the position of Compliance Officer in 1976. He also served as corporate secretary and secretary of CCBT's Board of Directors, and as clerk of the bank's holding company.
He was a member of the Massachusetts Bankers Association Legal and Regulatory Compliance Committee, and of the American Bankers Association Compliance Executive Committee and NCS/NGCS Advisory Board. He is a regular presenter and participant in BOL Conferences events.
You may contact John via email at
When was the first mobile deposit service in the U.S. started?
My back accepted a mobile-deposited check that was returned by the paying bank as “previously paid.” Our depositor has apparently left town – his account with us is closed. The paying bank told us the check had been mobile deposited at a local credit union two days before it was deposited with us. Do we have any claim against that credit union to recover our loss?
As to the NACHA Rulebook- What are the time frames on returning an unauthorized ACH debit?
When a customer has a forged check drawn on their account and wants full credit for it, but does not want to complete or sign a Statement of Forgery, must we provide credit if the customer gave us notice within the 30-day deposit agreement timeframe?
Can we store digital copies of medical payments processed through a lockbox to meet record retention requirements for HIPPA or do original physical documents need to be kept? We are using the 10 yr retention schedule currently; assume that is correct?
Customer A and Customer B (a married couple) open two single-owner CDs with cash. Customer A's CD is opened with a CTR-reportable amount of cash. Customer B's CD is opened with $5,000 cash. Would Customer B, Customer B's CD, and the cash used to open Customer B's CD be included in the CTR?
Are signatures required on the Beneficial Ownership Certification Form? We don't get those forms back from a lot of customers. The person opening the account will supply the information of the actual owners, but often fail to return the signed form.
When will the Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management document become effective?
Can we shift responsibility for safety and soundness to a third-party service provider in our contract with them?
We have a non-banking client who received several checks from his deceased grandmother (our client) which total over $10K. He is traveling from KS to Fla to cash these checks. Our problem is that he doesn't have a Social Security Number. Can or should we cash the checks and create a CTR, or refuse him? He does have a DL. He lives off the grid....we will file a SAR for sure.