Counterfeit NFTs
Can Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) be counterfeited?
Known as a BSA and deposit compliance specialist, Robin is an in-demand consultant and speaker, and currently serves as a director at Wipfli, LLP.
Robin has a strong background in Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) compliance, leadership, and sales management. In addition to performing BSA examinations and validations of automated surveillance monitoring systems, she provides high level consultations regarding all aspects of the BSA and assists institutions with post examination remediation and enforcement action resolution. Robin is a sought-after speaker for local, state, and national industry events and provides customized BSA and deposit compliance training solutions. Her firsthand experience working in the financial services industry allows Robin to provide meaningful insight and helpful recommendations in the areas of BSA, Title 31, and deposit compliance. Her goal is to exceed expectations with every contact.
Can Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) be counterfeited?
Are there crypto currencies where the value will not fall below a set limit?
What is the functionality of a meme crypto coin?
What is DeFi?
Our automated surveillance monitoring system identified 400 customers as moderate risk. Are we required to monitor the activity?
We have independent ATM owners as customers. Should we classify them as high-risk?
How often do we need to review our high-risk customers?
Can I solely rely on alerts from my automated surveillance monitoring system to conduct my high-risk reviews?
Can we file a continuing SAR before the 90-day review period?
We’ve been filing continuing SARs on a business for money laundering. The business has closed, and the activity no longer continued. Must we notify FinCEN that the activity ceased?