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5 Steps to Receive an Origination Fee
What are the 5 steps to receive an origination fee if we are selling our mortgage loans?
Differences b/w Names on License/Title Documents
How should we manage the creation of credit documents that have a disparity in persons names between corporate documents, title documents and personal identification. We are experiencing a large number of differences between names on drivers licenses and title documents. Do we create an AKA affidavit?
Right of Rescission Apply to Refi/Purchase Loan?
Does right of rescission apply to a refinance/purchase Loan?
Extension on 3 Year Balloon-Require New Note?
We have a customer with a 3 Year balloon note on their primary residence (2nd Mortgage) that is coming due. The maturity date is approaching and they will not be able to pay the balance in full. They are asking for a 90 day extension. Can we do an extension/modification on the current 3 Year Balloon note without extra disclosures or do we need to set up a new note?
HPML Purchase from another Institution-Escrow?
Our institution is purchasing an HPML from another institution that originated (06.02.2009) before the new escrow requirements. Are we now required to escrow? Or is the loan "grandfathered" (not requiring escrow after purchase) because it technically originated before April 1, 2010?