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How to use HELOC to Payoff Unsecured Personal Debt
If a client has built his home with cash and non mortgage personal loans, can he take out a first mortgage HELOC to payoff his unsecured personal debt?
Cooling Off Period after Closing for Home Equity
Is there a cooling off period after closing for a Home Equity loan? I can find info on Home Improvement loans, but not equity.
Problem w/Auto Transfer Instead of Monthly Payment
I made a term loan (24 monthly payments of a certain dollar amount). The customer asked if he could auto transfer from his ckg acct the amount of $100.00 every two weeks instead of the monthly payment that was on the note. I said yes and then got wrote up on it and had to cancel the auto transfer. Why was I in the wrong? Could I have done the auto transfer, say, a month after the fact?
Determining Average Prime Offer
How do I determine the Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR) when determining whether a loan is a Higher Priced Mortgage Loan (HPML)?
IRA Certificate of Deposit as Collateral on a Loan
Is a Banking Institution allowed to use an IRA certificate of deposit as collateral on a loan?