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Counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism designations

November 19, 2024

OFAC has posted a Recent Actions Notice announcing 15 counter narcotics and counter terrorism designations, and two unrelated administrative list updates.

>b>The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

AKARI, Musa Daud Muhammad, Turkey; DOB 1971; citizen Palestinian; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 28191492 (Palestinian) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

ARIAS PONCE, Erandiny Jazmin, Mexico; DOB 29 Sep 1990; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Female; C.U.R.P. AIPE900929MNTRNR09 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTANEDA MEZA, Giovanni (Latin: CASTAÑEDA MEZA, Giovanni) (a.k.a. "BONQUES BROTHERS"; a.k.a. "BONQUES, Vanni"), Mexico; DOB 08 Aug 1987; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CAMG870808HNTSZV07 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTANEDA MEZA, Ivan Atzayacatl (Latin: CASTAÑEDA MEZA, Ivan Atzayacatl) (a.k.a. "BONQUES BROTHERS"; a.k.a. "BONQUES, Axa"), Mexico; DOB 12 Sep 1984; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CAMI840912HNTSZV09 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTANEDA MEZA, Juan Carlos (Latin: CASTAÑEDA MEZA, Juan Carlos) (a.k.a. "BONQUES BROTHERS"; a.k.a. "CALOCHO"), Mexico; DOB 01 Sep 1977; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CAMJ770901HNTSZN05 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTELLANOS MEZA, Roberto (a.k.a. "BONQUES BROTHERS"; a.k.a. "BONQUES, Beto"), Mexico; DOB 06 Jun 1975; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CAMR750606HNTSZB00 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTILLO LOPEZ, Jose Adrian (a.k.a. MEDINA PEREZ, Juan Manual; a.k.a. SALAZAR SALDIVAR, Adrian; a.k.a. "CHEO"; a.k.a. "FRIAS, Adrian"; a.k.a. "GONZALES, Adrian"), Mexico; DOB 21 Dec 1975; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CALA751221HNTSPD07 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTILLO PEINADO, Araceli (a.k.a. "LA DONA" (Latin: "LA DOÑA")), Mexico; DOB 04 Aug 1982; POB Chihuahua, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Female; C.U.R.P. CAPA820804MCHSNR11 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

CASTRO ALVAREZ, Jose Sinue, Mexico; DOB 12 Sep 1976; POB Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. CAAS760912HSLSLN03 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

GHANIMAT, Abd Al-Rahman Ismail Abd Al-Rahman (a.k.a. "GHANIMAT, Abd al Rahman"; a.k.a. "RANIMAT, Abd al Rahman"), Turkey; West Bank; Gaza; DOB 1972; citizen Palestinian; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 975757147 (Palestinian) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

HAMAD, Ghazi (Arabic: غازي حمد) (a.k.a. HAMAD, Ghazi Ahmad; a.k.a. "'UMAR, Abu"), Saudi Arabia; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Azerbaijan; Qatar; DOB 1964; POB Gaza Strip; nationality Palestinian; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; Passport A0028383 (Palestinian); alt. Passport A0027535 (Palestinian) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

MARI, Salama Aziz Muhammad (a.k.a. MARA'I, Salame Aziz Muhammad), Turkey; DOB 03 Sep 1972; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 984251678 (Palestinian) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

NAIM, Basem (Arabic: باسم نعيم) (a.k.a. NAEM, Basem; a.k.a. NAIM, Bassem), Gaza; DOB 24 Jan 1963; POB Beit Hanoun, Gaza Strip; nationality Palestinian; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; Passport A0016271 (Palestinian) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

NAVARRO QUEZADA, Luis Alonso (a.k.a. ESTRADA ARIAS, Josue Francisco; a.k.a. "MOJARRAS"; a.k.a. "QUEZADA, Luis"), Mexico; DOB 18 Apr 1986; POB Nayarit, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. NAQL860418HNTVZS05 (Mexico) (individual) [ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059].

NAZZAL, Mohammad (a.k.a. NAZZAL, Muhammad; a.k.a. RAHMAN, Muhammad Essam Rizk Abdul), Damascus, Syria; Amman, Jordan; Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan; Doha, Qatar; DOB 1963; POB Amman, Jordan; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 9631022654 (Jordan) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HAMAS).

Unrelated Administrative List Updates:

AL-ZEIN, Mazen Hassan (Arabic: مازن حسان الزين) (a.k.a. EL ZEIN, Mazen Hassan; a.k.a. "AL-ZAYN, Mazin"; a.k.a. "EL ZEIN, Mazen"), Burj Daman Tower, Apartment 3406, Dubai International Financial Center, Dubai 99573, United Arab Emirates; Al Mustaqbal Street, Iris Bay Building, Apt. No. 2304, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 51 Route des Vallees, Bis 3, Annemasse 74100, France; 46 Rue des Fontaines, Anthy Sur Leman 74200, France; DOB 21 Jun 1974; POB Beirut, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions Pursuant to the Hizballah Financial Sanctions Regulations; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 784197494718279 (Lebanon); Identification Number 178295160001 (United Kingdom) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: MOUKALLED, Hassan Ahmed).
AL-ZEIN, Mazen Hassan (Arabic: مازن حسان الزين) (a.k.a. EL ZEIN, Mazen Hassan; a.k.a. "AL-ZAYN, Mazin"; a.k.a. "EL ZEIN, Mazen"), Burj Daman Tower, Apartment 3406, Dubai International Financial Center, Dubai 99573, United Arab Emirates; Al Mustaqbal Street, Iris Bay Building, Apt. No. 2304, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; DOB 21 Jun 1974; POB Beirut, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions Pursuant to the Hizballah Financial Sanctions Regulations; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; National ID No. 784197494718279 (Lebanon); Identification Number 178295160001 (United Kingdom) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: MOUKALLED, Hassan Ahmed).

TASNEEM TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, Unit 04-05, 16th Floor, the Broadway, No. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; Organization Established Date 07 Oct 2013; Company Number 1976604 (Hong Kong) [SDGT] (Linked To: GUANGZHOU TASNEEM TRADING COMPANY LIMITED).
TASNEEM TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, Hong Kong, China; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; Organization Established Date 07 Oct 2013; Company Number 1976604 (Hong Kong) [SDGT] (Linked To: GUANGZHOU TASNEEM TRADING COMPANY LIMITED).

First published on 11/19/2024

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