If a foreign customer's W-8 expired and their individual account is not interest bearing; do you still need to place them on backup withholding?
We have a customer on whom we are required to backup withhold per IRS notification. If that customer cashes a US government savings bond with us are we required to backup withhold on the interest he receives in that transaction?
What to do if an attorney is refusing to sign the backup withholding on a signature card on an IOTA account since the TAX ID is that of the Florida Bar Foundation?
Does the following certification need to be included on signature cards for the State of Californai? I certify, in accordance with the IRS W-9 instructions provided by the Credit Union and under penalties of perjury, that the Social Security Number (SSN)/Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) shown is my/the correct identification number and that I am NOT, unless designated below, subject to backup withholding because I have not been notified that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all dividends or interest, or because the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding. I am not subject to backup withholding I am not a United States citizen or resident (complete W-8 form)/ Exempt
Is a safe deposit box owner required to certify their SSN?
If I have a foreign resident who has completed a W-8, should that customer be completing the backup withholding certification box on the signature card? What boxes are marked?
If at account opening a customer tells you that he is subject to backup withholding, should you open the account?, and if you do open the account do you need documentation showing that he is subject to backup withholding?, and do you code the account to backup withhold?
When a W8 expires after the three years, are we required to obtain a new one?
For an RMD distribution do we use the IRA Withdrawal Statement?
Are we required to open an account if a customer discloses that he is subject to backup withholding?