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Core Processor Vendor Options

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We have as our core processor Alltel-Horizon. We are looking into alternatives. Jack Henry comes to mind - can you provide me with a list of about 4 more?

There are numerous core processors and, in my opinion, a proper approach to system selection starts by defining the bank’s requirements (what do we need?), then understanding the marketplace (what’s available?). If you are on ALLTEL Horizon, you run on an IBM AS/400 (I-series) hardware platform. Other AS/400-based core processors include but are not limited to: Jack Henry CIF 20/20, Jack Henry Silverlake, Kirchman Bankway, Aurum Morningside, and Cardinal 400 to name a few. However, we would never suggest basing your decision solely on the hardware platform. The AS/400 is a widely-installed, stable platform, but the application software should drive the decision, not the hardware. The hardware platform should be just one factor of many in the decision. Interfaces, ancillary systems, in-house expertise, outsource or in-house?, network infrastructure….all should be considered in your requirements definition, and most importantly, choose a vendor who is financially stable and who will support the bank’s overall business goals. For more information, refer to the first installment of our five-part series on System Selection at

Good luck in your system selection!


  1. System Selection: Strategies for Success
  2. The Anatomy of a System Selection
  3. 20 Questions for Vendor References
  4. 20 Rules of Vendor Negotiations
  5. The Outsourcing versus In-House Debate Settled Once and For All

First published on 9/2/02

First published on 09/02/2002

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