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Does 2nd Owner On Business Account On CTR?

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We have a customer that deposited into two accounts in which she is an owner; a business with another owner ($4,500.00) and a personal account ($5,900.00). The total cash was over $10,000.00. Does the second owner on the business account need to be reported on the CTR?

No. If the business has more than one owner it's either a partnership, a corporation, or an LLC. Respectively, a deposit to an entity's account does not benefit a partner, shareholder or a member.

You never list an individual on a CTR simply because he or she is a signatory on an account.

Intentionally omitted: Discussion of the remote possibility that it's a state where "joint sole proprietorships" are recognized. All that conversation does is confuse the majority when it's actually the minority who should be confused.

First published on 04/14/2014

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