Some key bullet points you should be hitting in your Elder Fraud training include:
- Community involvement by offering your staff as speakers to senior events.
- Understanding that many senior citizens don't think of themselves as being old therefore don't attend senior programs. Advertise your fraud programs as being designed for everyone.
- Make a contact with Adult Protective Services(APS) to know what is required to be proven in your state to prove financial abuse before APS can step in it is different for every state.
- Have your security people discuss frauds like ransom ware, romance scams and other current scams monthly with the local press. Providing the press information on an individual scam may help convince people they are involved in a scam when they enter your offices. The publicity for your institution is cheap advertising.
- Be sure all staff know who to report elder fraud to in your organization. We find many times management believe they know only to find out when we do a review frontline staff don't have a clue.