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Filing CTR-Round Up to Next Dollar?

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I received a cash deposit for $15,010.45, and of course, had to file a CTR. I filed it for $15,011, but my BSA officer said it should have only been for $15,010. I thought we were supposed to round up to the next dollar, which is correct? By the way, that was the only cash that this customer brought in for the day.

13. Monetary amounts. Record all U.S. Dollar amounts rounded up to the next whole dollar. The amount $15,265.25 would be recorded as $15,266. A foreign currency amount can only be recorded in Item 26 “Foreign cash in” or Item 28 “Foreign cash out,” again rounded up to the next whole amount. When converting a foreign currency to dollars use an exchange rate for the date of the transaction (page 88)

First published on 09/19/2021

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