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Joint applicant added later

Wife applies for an auto loan by herself and is approved. Subsequent to signing the loan agreement, the husband wants to be added to the loan as a co-borrower in order to get on the title of the vehicle. No new application is taken and the creditworthiness of the husband is not verified. Is there a joint intent issue here?

This is a perfect example of the “contemporaneously applying” exemption. In this case, the husband did not apply contemporaneously with the wife and therefore joint intent does not apply. I would be sure to document that the husband was added at a later time. Note that the husband would not have to be on the loan to be on the title; he could have simply signed the security agreement.
Learn more about Andy Zavoina’s webinar
Joint Intent, Dot the “I” and Cross the “t”

First published on 09/30/2018

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