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Notify Customer if Replaced Debit Card is Used?

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A customer's debit card was compromised. We properly notified the customer, canceled the compromised card and a new one was issued. Now, three months later activity has started on the compromised/canceled card. Is this considered identity theft? The customer's name was not used, just the card number. Do we need to notify the customer?

Technically, the card number doesn't belong to the consumer any longer and as long as those attempts to use the card aren't reflected by transactions in the consumer's account, it would not be wrong to refrain from informing the consumer. However, if those transactions appear to have originated in a telephone or web authorization, it's possible your customer provided someone the old card number in error when attempting to complete legitimate transactions. In such a case, a courtesy call to your customer to ask about the transactions would allow your customer to contact the parties creating those transactions to correct the card number. It's a no-risk phone call for the bank and a positive customer relations step.

First published on 3/30/09

First published on 03/30/2009

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