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Only Able to Verify 2 of 4 Pieces of ID

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If Bank receives a copy of a DL for a Beneficial Owner that has a different address than supplied on the collection form or the Bank is only provided a passport with no address, would we need to collect other documents to prove address and/or social? I feel like we would be criticized for only be​ing​ able to verify two out of four pieces of identification.

Personally, I agree that 2 out of 4 is too weak. I would ask for an additional document to "verify" the address. I can get someone's name and DOB from if there's a genealogist in their family so I don't see how that's of any value. One of my relatives (extra helpful) posted his SSN on, but you should not count on that.

If someone follows saying 2 out of 4 is enough I'll just shrug and point out in advance you could have consecutive examiners with the same two opinions.

First published on 05/06/2018

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