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Presidential reply to complaints

I’ve always heard the bank president should reply to complaints. Why is it best for the president to do this?

The nature of the complaint is the first thing that may indicate who should respond, as well as the relationship the person has with the bank. From the customer's perspective, seeing a high-level response to their complaint demonstrates that proper attention was paid to them. The president may have seen nothing except the final reply, but the customer who is now aware the president addressed the problem will feel better for it as well.
A problem with branch hours may be best answered by an operations officer. In a case like this the reply may also state that the president will be made aware of this person’s concern. At the end of the day, letting the customer know the issue was address by someone with authority will go a long way and all the complaints will be logged so that management and the board have the big picture on complaints.
Learn more about Andy Zavoina’s webinar
Complaints – It’s not Yada Yada Yada

First published on 02/24/2019

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