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Reg E and Savings Accounts

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Does the Reg E opt-in rule apply only to checking accounts? We have many cards that are also attached to savings accounts. Do they need to sign a form for the savings account as well, or does the opt-in not apply because the overdraft privilege is only attached to checking accounts?

The rule applies to any consumer deposit account that can be accessed with an ATM or debit card, is capable of being overdrawn with an ATM or one-time debit card transaction (with or without your authorization), and is subject to an overdraft fee if overdrawn. Because overdraft privilege doesn't extend to a savings account, the Reg E rule means you cannot impose an overdraft fee for an ATM or one-time debit card transaction that, with our without your authorization, overdraws the savings account.

First published on 8/23/10

First published on 08/23/2010

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