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Which Address to Report HMDA? (Non-Owner)

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One non-revolving line of credit - 13 real properties taken as collateral, all SFR's, all purchases - all non-owner occupied. Which address would be used to report under HMDA?

From HMDA: Getting it Right

Property location - multiple properties (home purchase/refinance of home purchase). For a homepurchase loan, an institution reports the property taken as security. If an institution takes more than one property as security, the institution reports the location of the property being purchasedif there is just one. If the loan is to purchase multiple properties and is secured by multiple properties, the institution reports the location of one of the properties or reports the loanusing multiple entries on its HMDA/LAR (with unique identifiers) and allocating the loan amount among the properties.

First published on 5/28/12

First published on 05/28/2012

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