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Sec. 212.6 General exemption.

(a) Exemption. The Board may, by agency order, exempt an interlock from the prohibitions in §212.3, if the Board finds that the interlock would not result in a monopoly or substantial lessening of competition, and would not present safety and soundness concerns.

(b) Presumptions. In reviewing an application for an exemption under this section, the Board will apply a rebuttable presumption that an interlock will not result in a monopoly or substantial lessening of competition if the depository organization seeking to add a management official:

(1) Primarily serves low- and moderate-income areas;

(2) Is controlled or managed by persons who are members of a minority group, or women;

(3) Is a depository institution that has been chartered for less than two years; or

(4) Is deemed to be in "troubled condition" as defined in 12 CFR 225.71.

(c) Duration. Unless a shorter expiration period is provided in the Board approval, an exemption permitted by paragraph (a) of this section may continue so long as it does not result in a monopoly or substantial lessening of competition, or is unsafe or unsound. If the Board grants an interlock exemption in reliance upon a presumption under paragraph (b) of this section, the interlock may continue for three years, unless otherwise provided by the Board in writing.

[64 FR 51679, Sept. 24, 1999]

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