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Sec. 212.4 - Initial action upon receipt of a garnishment order.

(a) Examination of order for Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits. Prior to taking any other action related to a garnishment order issued against a debtor, and no later than two business days following receipt of the order, a financial institution shall examine the order to determine if the United States or a State child support enforcement agency has attached or included a Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits, as set forth in Appendix B to this part.

(b) Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits is attached to or included with the order. If a Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits is attached to or included with the garnishment order, then the financial institution shall follow its otherwise customary procedures for handling the order and shall not follow the procedures in Sec. 212.5 and Sec. 212.6.

(c) No Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits. If a Notice of Right to Garnish Federal Benefits is not attached to or included with the garnishment order, then the financial institution shall follow the procedures in 212.5 and Sec. 212.6.



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