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§ 3936. Statute of limitations.

[Section 206 of the Act]

(a) TOLLING OF STATUTES OF LIMITATION DURING MILITARY SERVICE- The period of a servicemember's military service may not be included in computing any period limited by law, regulation, or order for the bringing of any action or proceeding in a court, or in any board, bureau, commission, department, or other agency of a State (or political subdivision of a State) or the United States by or against the servicemember or the servicemember's heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns.

(b) REDEMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY- A period of military service may not be included in computing any period provided by law for the redemption of real property sold or forfeited to enforce an obligation, tax, or assessment.

(c) INAPPLICABILITY TO INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS- This section does not apply to any period of limitation prescribed by or under the internal revenue laws of the United States.

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