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Alogent recently created a free spreadsheet that helps bankers calculate the cost of their current loan management workflows.

Modern Payments Infrastructure: 1 Platform, 1 API, All Channels
Is it time for a solution refresh? Legacy processes can’t always keep up. Ask yourself these questions to assess your payments modernization goals and explore the benefits of a single platform for all Day 1 and Day 2 processing.

Click Now!

Red Flag Training Games

We at BOL know that training on the Red Flag rules won't be the highlight of the day for many people. Getting employees interested enough to learn can mean taking the creative and fun route. That is why we're offering these Red Flag games to BOL users.

The Scrambler has ten Red Flag key words jumbled up. The Crossword Puzzle has eleven arcoss and down Red Flag words. There is an answer key for the instructor.

There is also an Excel-based Red Flag Jeopardy game. This should be customized to fit your bank, and it is easy to do.To play the game, the five categories and five questions under each are hyperlinked to make the game flow smoothly.

Here are the three games. We hope you find them fun and helpful. (Right click to save the files to your drive)

First published on 08/01/2007

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