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#296654 - 12/31/04 04:26 PM In no uncertain terms
Paragon Offline
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From with permission - full article.

In no uncertain terms
December 31st, 2004

I'm getting damned tired of being made to feel like I have to defend the United States of America against accusations made by people from other countries who consistently prove themselves to be lacking in any respectability or honor whatsoever, and I think it's about time I expressed a few of my more contentious views concerning the "international community" in general.

When this country and its coalition partners first invaded Iraq some 21 months ago, the international press began a disinformation campaign of practically unparalleled proportions, designed specifically to turn world opinion against our efforts to root out and destroy terrorists and the dictators who support them.

While a few corrupt governments, like those of France and Russia, were immediately cast as moral defenders of "international law" for actively working against us in order to protect their illegal arms and oil deals with Saddam Hussein, the Bush Administration was painted as an imperialistic, Muslim-hating regime, as bad, if not worse, than the very dictatorship it sought to bring down.

A handful of devious, self-serving, and as we are all now aware, criminal elements within the U.N. Security Council were, and still are, portrayed as being representative of the majority of its members, in spite of the obvious fact that they never were. And to this day, America's involvement in Iraq is referred to as a "unilateral" assault, as if the people using that term have never bothered to pick up a dictionary before.

Note: Just for those of you out there who are as ignorant as these swine pretend to be, the word unilateral (as it applies to this situation) basically means to act alone. The United States did not invade Iraq all by itself, and everyone in the world knows it, but that reality hasn't stopped anyone with an anti-American attitude from insisting that it did.

To add insult to injury, most news organizations on earth refuse to even use the word terrorists when identifying our enemies in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and I have to wonder what kind of act a human being has to commit to be considered one by the global media. Apparently a terrorist is someone who does something worse than strapping a bomb to himself and detonating it in a crowd, or sawing off the heads of innocent men and women as they helplessly plead for their lives.

Clearly these so-called reporters, in conjunction with many of the leaders of their respective countries, have chosen to apply words like militants and insurgents to those who commit acts of terrorism in an attempt to humanize these inhuman monsters. The only reason anyone would do that is because they want to convince people that terrorists are really no worse than the rest of us. The more human their depiction of terrorists, the less able people will be to sustain their hatred of them, and, consequently, the harder it will be for them to support the Iraq War or any future American-lead military engagement.

Any good propagandist knows that it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters the most, and if the international press learned anything from Adolph Hitler's reign, it was how to use propaganda. After all, they've been perfecting their techniques in that regard ever since the state of Israel was first established. From day one, most of them, as well as the majority of countries in the world, have taken sides against the Jewish homeland, and in true Nazi-like fashion, have attempted to characterize the terrorist hordes who seek to destroy it as downtrodden freedom fighters.

People with the sort of mentality which would allow them to do such an unconscionable thing wouldn't hesitate to use those same tactics to undermine our war effort, and it has become quite apparent that they're committed to doing just that. Their reasons for wanting us to fail are numerous, but the primary one seems to be that they fear us even more than they fear terrorism.

Their Americaphobia stems from the fact that we are the world's lone superpower, and to make matters worse (at least in their minds) we're capitalists! Most of them embrace either socialism, its big brother communism, or fascism, so it's no wonder they hate most of the things we do. We're never considered to be right in the eyes of most of the planet's inhabitants, but then, most of them are ignorant, brainwashed, and destitute, so what they think is irrelevant to the majority of Americans.

It's also no mystery why the more powerful of the countries which have joined our war coalition just happen to be among the most capitalistic and libertarian in the world. You see, people who are allowed to achieve something throughout the course of their lives, and are able to educate themselves without the government intruding upon them at every turn, generally have the capacity to understand that eradicating mass murderers and tyrants is essentially a good thing.

Such people have lived the superior lifestyles afforded them through acceptance of a more American modus vivendi, and are, therefore, able to appreciate just how bad everyone else has it... and why! Once an individual has tasted the fruits of capitalism, personal liberty and justice, that person is unlikely to ever return to the disastrous ways of some other failed ideology.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of human beings have yet to experience any of the positive things I've just mentioned, and the people who run most of their countries have concluded that it's easier to achieve power and privilege through murder, theft, lies, and intimidation than it is to work for it. And, of course, they're right... which is exactly why they, like terrorists, need to be eliminated.

Frankly, the best thing America can do for itself and the planet is spread freedom through force, as oxymoronic as that concept may seem to many people. At this point in history, there are few other options available to it, and my advice to the rest of the world is that if wishes to get along with this country, it had better learn to embrace the American way of life, because I can promise you that America has no intention of becoming like the rest of the world.

Edward L. Daley

Edward L. Daley is the Owner of the Daley Times-Post

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#296655 - 12/31/04 05:04 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Thank you for sharing this with us! Hopefully, the alarm clock will go off at midnight and awaken those non-believers from their slumber.

Also, thank you for standing up for what you believe in instead of hiding behind the "anonymous" name.

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#296656 - 12/31/04 05:05 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Fraudman CFCI Offline
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Fraudman CFCI
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Sorry, did nopt realize I was not logged in! The last post was mine!

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#296657 - 12/31/04 05:05 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Viking Princess Offline
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Viking Princess
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Happy New Year Mr. P! Many warm wishes for the new year ahead and blessings throughout.
"For with God NOTHING shall be impossible."

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#296658 - 12/31/04 06:28 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Amen! Thanks for the post Paragon.

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#296659 - 12/31/04 07:03 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Blade Scrapper Offline
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P, thank you for everything. Happy New Year.
_________________________ guys, I'm going home

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#296660 - 12/31/04 07:53 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Excellent Paragon, you truly represtent everything the American Police State wants you to be. Ever read 1984?

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#296661 - 12/31/04 08:08 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Alien Offline
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Excellent Paragon, you truly represtent everything the American Police State wants you to be. Ever read 1984?

And who are you, Ramsey Clark?
If you have enough, would you know?

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#296662 - 12/31/04 08:18 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Hardly, but haven't we killed enough people for our profit and need of natural resources? I just can't buy into the propaganda America has seeded around the world and into our heads. The propaganda against us is far worse, however. I know there's hope, but strapping everyone in to the "American Way" sounds way too Hitler-like to me. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time we've tried genocide and succeeded.

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#296663 - 12/31/04 08:24 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Alien Offline
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Well if you are concerned about people dying, then you must also have a beef with nature - becuause the Tsunami just killed a lot of people.

I wonder if nature is a registered Republican!!
If you have enough, would you know?

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#296664 - 12/31/04 08:32 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

That's natural selection and has nothing to do with countries at war or disagreeing with one another. Unless, of course, you have a theory that HUMANS caused the trajic event. If so, I'd love to hear your theory.

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#296665 - 12/31/04 08:46 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Fraudman CFCI Offline
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Fraudman CFCI
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Here we are, another anon who does not have the courage to put a name to a posting.

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#296666 - 12/31/04 08:47 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Greg Offline
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haven't we killed enough people for our profit and need of natural resources?


As for needing natural resources . . . if the anti-war people realy think we're doing this for oil they can help end the war by parking their SUV's and buying a bike.

Talk to the guys who've been there - they'll tell you why we're fighting this war. There are millions of people over there who've never had the freedom to determine their own destiny. Even now some are trying to deny them that freedom. Every man or woman who votes over there next month is a marked individual. They know that the terrorists will hunt them down but they love liberty more than life. Not unlike a group of men back in 1776.
If you approach life with pure logic you can avoid almost all of the fun.

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#296667 - 12/31/04 09:11 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Yet, in 1776 the newly form United States sought no outside help in its quest for freedom. We did not rely on 'superpowers' to gain our freedom. We did it on our own. Point is, if a society is ready for a change, the society will take the appropriate steps. When a country helps a society to change, there is usually a bottom line to be filled. And yes, I have quite a few friends and a cousin over seas fighting at this very moment. The stories I hear are terrible for both sides. That is war, and they are all in agreement one one thing: They have a job to do. It may go against everything they believe in and they know it's wrong, but they will fight to the end. They signed up for it. Before anyone jumps in and says "Right, they signed up for it. They MUST believe in it if they signed up." You're right, they did and they knew the risks. It's the reasoning behind the fighting that they are against. Good night everyone. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year.

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#296668 - 12/31/04 09:25 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Blade Scrapper Offline
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Yet, in 1776 the newly form United States sought no outside help in its quest for freedom. We did not rely on 'superpowers' to gain our freedom. We did it on our own. Point is, if a society is ready for a change, the society will take the appropriate steps. When a country helps a society to change, there is usually a bottom line to be filled. And yes, I have quite a few friends and a cousin over seas fighting at this very moment. The stories I hear are terrible for both sides. That is war, and they are all in agreement one one thing: They have a job to do. It may go against everything they believe in and they know it's wrong, but they will fight to the end. They signed up for it. Before anyone jumps in and says "Right, they signed up for it. They MUST believe in it if they signed up." You're right, they did and they knew the risks. It's the reasoning behind the fighting that they are against. Good night everyone. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year.

First, we did have a little help from France.(Although, as usual, France din't show up until most of the fighting was done). Second, we weren't fighting the same type of tyranny as the people in Iraq are. Third, one fights evil where one can. Fourth, the people are ready for change...that is why the terrorists are fighting so hard... they know that democracy might be a death knell for their grip on the middle east.....they have much to lose if democracy succeeds.
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#296669 - 12/31/04 09:37 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
straw Offline
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Saudi Arabia one of the most repressive regimes in the world. It is listed on the State Department's list of countries that repress religious freedom. Woman cannot vote, drive, etc.

Since we are in Iraq to bring democracy, when are we going to invade Saudi Arabia?

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#296670 - 12/31/04 09:45 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

It all depends on if they decide to go quietly or not. Brings back an old addage: "There's always someone bigger than you." Can you imagine if we keep this up and China decides to flex it's muscle against us? Whew, I hope I'm on the moon when the bombs start flying.

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#296671 - 12/31/04 10:48 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Blade Scrapper Offline
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Again, your point seems to be if we cannot fight every evil equally, we shouldn't even try.
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#296672 - 01/02/05 02:57 AM Re: In no uncertain terms
straw Offline
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No I think we should contitnue to trumpet a self-righteous, hypocritcal tune.

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#296673 - 01/03/05 02:40 AM Re: In no uncertain terms
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...

Saudi Arabia one of the most repressive regimes in the world. It is listed on the State Department's list of countries that repress religious freedom. Woman cannot vote, drive, etc.

Since we are in Iraq to bring democracy, when are we going to invade Saudi Arabia?

When they become a threat to us, I'd imagine.

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#296674 - 01/03/05 03:19 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
straw Offline
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Right, which is why we invaded Iraq in the first place. But nation-building is a game the US, specifically the US military, should not play.

There is no end-game if the Iraqi mission is defined as bringing democracy to Iraq. There is an end game if we re-start government institutions and leave it to the Iraqis.

By defining the mission as bringing democracy, we have set ourselves up for, at least, an open-ended, ill-defined committment, and at worse, for outright failure.

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#296675 - 01/03/05 05:01 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

We'll end up taking over the world and then killing each other off. Probably best this way. Goodness forbid we start inhabiting the Moon or Mars.

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#296676 - 01/03/05 05:15 PM Re: In no uncertain terms
Bengals Fan Offline
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We'll end up taking over the world and then killing each other off. Probably best this way. Goodness forbid we start inhabiting the Moon or Mars.

Perhaps we should just forget about inhabiting the moon and send morons like you who troll here and post completely ignorant propaganda to the moon?

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#296677 - 01/03/05 05:22 PM Re: In no uncertain terms

Ooh, I'd LOVE to go to the moon! On the Moon... get this... they understand sarcasm and jokes. It's a pretty cool place. The Bush Administration hasn't gotten their hands on it yet either.

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