I'd like to know how many banks have an affirmative action plan in place. Thanks for the input!
We are required to have an AAP and do have one.
single choice (13 Total Votes:)
Yes - 9 (69%)
No - 4 (31%)
Voting on this poll ends: 09/13/06 02:30 PM
We are not required to have an AAP but have one anyway.
single choice (5 Total Votes:)
Yes - 0 (0%)
No - 5 (100%)
Voting on this poll ends: 09/13/06 02:30 PM
We are working on one now.
single choice (5 Total Votes:)
Yes - 0 (0%)
No - 5 (100%)
Voting on this poll ends: 09/13/06 02:30 PM
What's affirmative action? OR We don't have one.
single choice (6 Total Votes:)
Yes - 4 (67%)
No - 2 (33%)
Voting on this poll ends: 09/13/06 02:30 PM