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How Savvy Examiners Find Things Out

We can all recognize the hothead examiner who charges around voicing concerns and mumbling something about a "three rating" that could result. But sometimes the quiet ones find more and can therefore be the ones you should watch more closely.

For example, some examiners specialize in the quiet questioning technique. This is the technique mastered by successful psychiatrists who have learned when and why people talk. Simply sit quietly, ask a question or two, take notes, and say as little as possible. The person being questioned will talk to fill up the conversational void.

When an examiner is asking a loan officer to explain things in a loan file, this technique can lead to some very interesting findings. We suggest you try it - before your examiner does. It could help you to assess training needs and to find problem staff that you will need to work with.

Copyright © 1999 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 4, No. 12, 11/99

First published on 11/01/1999

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