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Statistics, Facts & Such

There were 195,400 CMIR (Customs Form 4790) forms filed in 1991, representing $58 billion either entering or leaving the United States.

Low-level criminals who actually do the structured transactions for organized crime are known as "smurfs". "Smurfing" was made a criminal offense by the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986.

Willful non-reporting of money laundering can result in a fine of up to $100,000 per violation.

Most bankers use Cross pens as their personal pen-and give them away as "prizes". The first Cross pen was made in 1846. Sixty percent (60%) to 70% of Cross pen and pencil sets sold today are purchased as gifts.

There are 5.7 million businesses with employees in the United States-21% more than in 1980.

Only 7,000 U.S. companies have a payroll of more than 500.

In 1990 the IRS reported 4.4 million corporations, 1.8 million partnerships, and 14.2 million sole proprietorships.

In the 1980's population in the U.S. grew 10%. The number of businesses during the same period rose 54%.

If just one banker used his or her own ceramic mug each day for coffee, as many as 500 throwaway cups a year would be eliminated.

If your office sends five faxes per day, and you used a stick-on fax label instead of a "cover" page, you'd save over six rolls of fax paper a year.

The U.S. Census Bureau says there are 52,000 businesses in this country that export up to a dozen times a year to foreign markets.

There is one chance in 119 that your car will be stolen. 1.8 million cars were stolen in 1990. 50% of all the stolen cars were not locked. One in five had the key in the ignition.

Copyright © 1992 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 3, No. 5, 9/92

First published on 09/01/1992

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