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FCRA Signature Required?

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We are transitioning to a new loan software program and have noticed the Negative Information Disclosure document provided at closing is not providing a signature line for the borrower to sign. Our current loan software has the signature line that isn't removable so we have always assumed it was required. I cannot find any information in the regulation that a signature is required. 1) Is a signature required and 2) If it is not required to obtain signature, is it required that we retain a copy of it with the closing package to show examiners it was provided at closing? It just seems odd from what we have always seen and would like to know if we should request a signature line be added.

A signature is not required as you are only required to deliver it. Secondary markets might require otherwise. You have a wide variety of delivery options, and it does not have to be delivered at closing. It can just be included on your past due notices, for example.

First published on 03/10/2024

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