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HOEPA Requirements- $50,000 Exemption

Am I reading 1026.32 correctly that if you have a loan of $50,000 or more secured only by a first-lien on a manufactured home, it is exempt from high-cost (a/k/a HOEPA) requirements?

Dan Persfull: If secured by personal property where the loan amount is less than $50,000 the threshold is 8.5% vs 6.5%. Loans secured by personal property where the loan amount is $50,000 or more are subject to the 6.5% threshold.

I see no reference in the guidance where loans secured by personal property with a loan amount of $50,000 or more are exempt.


Kathleen Blanchard: If the loan is not secured by land, is over the Reg Z threshold, and is not secured by personal property to be used as consumer's principal residence, the loan would be exempt from Z overall. Otherwise, all requirements apply.

First published on 02/10/2014

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